What "over the counter" boner pill works? I'm with a new girl but I can't get it hard with her eventho she's much hotter then my ex. When I fooled around with my ex I had no issues.
What "over the counter" boner pill works...
Joseph Davis
Anthony Cox
Cialis works best
Hudson Gray
Liquid Cialis. Squirt it under the tongue and you'll be gtg
Wyatt Peterson
I wanted something natural. Preferably not a prescription substance
Tyler Thomas
Either order liquid cialis and viagra from a research chemical website or buy some pills from Indian pharmacy
Jack Thomas
A pill will solve the symptom, not the problem : )
Kevin Jones
Anyone got good precum recipes?
Logan Hughes
James Myers
Pygeum will make you leak like a fountain
Owen Edwards
Its not like Viagra and stuff like that dude. Its actually pretty harmless, just increases blood flow which not only is useful in gym but also easier to get and maintain boners