At home

>at home
>feeling good, masculine and confident
>leave house
>see all those cute girls at university
>immediately feel crushed
Why is that so? I swear going outside and seeing all these hot girls makes me lose my mind

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ignore them

Yeah mate me too, I feel instantly emasculated when anything even resembling a mature women is in my close vicinity.

Never going to make it.

just practice making eye contact for a split second, then look at something right next to them or above their heads, you incel cuck

It's a lot easier when you have a gf

You're intimidated by them for literally no reason. Just say hello.

>No reason
There is EVERY reason to be intimidated, being denied by a female is a biological argument on how worthless you are.

tfw same way with cute boys

Well if you never try you're denied eternally, get to it faggot.

I can have eye contact with them, sometimes they even smile. Still too retarded to actually approach them

Must be, right now I'm basically walking around seeing all those opportunities I don't take. Nofap helps but makes me want to fuck every girl I see

I know it's so dumb. Women are not more harmful than guys, probably less harmful. I've read everything online, TRP, Jow Forums advice, whatever. I understand it and agree but when I'm actually outside I'm paralyzed.

It's worse when you're good looking and tall - you attract all their looks and it makes you feel like the body snatchers movie

>one person isn't seduced by me
way to catastrophise mate.
It's easy to think you're hot shit when you're by yourself. Confidence manifests in overcoming fears.

What if it happens twice, thrice? Surely you can understand that the possibility of success also comes with the possibility of failure. You won't know for sure that you're a failure if you don't go for it.

Jordan Peterson has some good ideas about this. He talks about when men encounter a woman they don't see the actual woman as a person (she is harmless, probably dumber and insecure than you) but some kind of female ideal, mother nature itself, judging them.

The only advice to improve he gives though is to encounter your fear and talk to women. It's probably the only way out.

The probability of success isn't cumulative but neither is failure, at least not for most people. It's always worth trying and it requires good faith. If you approach it mechanically then you will eventually be disappointed, even if you don't get rejected.

Do NoFap
Fight jewish brainwashing

Confidence = not caring about the outcome because failure wont matter much

*Carl Jung
I wish he stopped claiming this shit as his own, or at least his fans stopped doing so. Even then he completely misses the sociological aspect and the idea of transcending social requirements due to his 'liberalist' nature.

By that definition being high as fuck counts as confidence. It ain't just not caring, it's about knowing what you're truly afraid of doesn't exist. Most people are afraid of fear itself and overreact to stimuli.

I understand it is scary but is it really scarier than the idea you'll never pass on your genes, your line will end with you, that millions of years of evolutionary success ended because you felt scared?

Actually they're both cumulative, success leads to success and failure leads to failure.

You're taking it too seriously, most of them are too caught up in their own bs to really judge you that harshly. Just be a decent human being and it will come in time


Success in asking out doesn't mean you'll automatically be more succesful later on. Confidence may be a thing, but OP's problem is a lack thereof. It's still a crapshoot to some extent if you just approach people randomly with the same tactic, which is what everyone here is suggesting. Being rejected doesn't automatically mean you'll keep being rejected though, not unless you let it get to you, but throwing in the towel doesn't count as cumulative failure, that's just a lack of effort.

>gymqt follows me on IG
>message her
>act like Chad for a month
>she tells me she likes me a lot
>kiss her
>even met her mom
>thought we were comfortable enough with each other so I let my guard down a little and told her about how sometimes I feel insecure/sad but being with her makes me better
>two days later she messages me saying we should just be friends

There's your lesson user. You have to be confident and you can NEVER reveal any weaknesses.

maybe don't put on a persona to meet women and work on making the real 'you' someone to be proud of so you don't have to escape into stereotypes.

I was being the real me, just acting way more confident than I actually am. I'm just saying, the moment you act less confident they'll leave you.

>be 26 post grad student
>19 year old undergrad been mirin' me for weeks
>finally stop pretending to be oblivious and socially retarded
>give her my number and say let's go out this weekend
>minute after I leave the building I get a text back

Jeez, it's like I play defense against myself.

Dont compare different ages nigger, back in the day rape, sex slaves and arranged marriages were okay + a huge part of religion. Stop being a nigger for once, nigger

>finally stop pretending to be oblivious and socially retarded
Please elaborate. How do I do this

I genuinely have trouble believing that considering you said 'act like Chad' and then said that talking about your insecurity made her leave you. I can be as emo or as anxious as I want around my gf but that makes her want to help me more.

Yeah things were easier for guys back in the day, great excuse to not try.

If every woman on the planet denies you, then yeah maybe. There’s a thousand chicks at your uni, there is bound to be a couple of cuties liking you unless you’re a obese tiny pajeet or something

>it's like I play defense against myself
This is honestly probably very accurate for anyone here that isn't in gross shape or terribly deformed in the face

Well, I'm not socially awkward, but I've had the 'fortune' of only attracting much younger girls since moving to Austin. There was a breaking point earlier in the week when I just said "Fine, I'll ask her out." Because she was wearing big hipster frames, and you don't see Venezuelan girls do that.

Massive Red Pill: your fear is because in each instance you relive a faulty association with your mother.
Fix this and everything will magically fall into place.

This. You're a man, she's a woman. Nature literally wants you two to breed and she will be attracted to you as long as you're a real man. Go and talk to a random qt girl on the street and watch her going all red simply because 98% of guys do not approach

Pls elaborate
How do i fix this? I dont even know what it means

Even one of my friends who is 31 told me the other day, "Why the fuck are you still single?" She had a point, I'm charismatic as hell.

You were just talking to a shitty person

make one of them your gf and slide your penis inside her every chance you get.

Her mom figured out you were gay.

It was a good run user.

this is not universal.
most women absolutely adore a man who isn't afraid to make himself vulnerable sometimes

Psychotherapy is your best bet but it's rarely successful because finding the right therapist is difficult.
If you find and emotionally understand the root cause of the problem you will laugh at how easy everything becomes.

Also: whenever you approach a woman your anxiety peaks and you spaghetti spill because of your preconceived notion about how you relate to others. This is what you learned wrong when you were little by relating faultily to your parents.

her lost. she was a faggot

my therapist was a quack who literally just told me to read tolle.
like dude im already in the now. and NOW MY ANXIETY IS AT ITS HIGHEST

Fuck i can relate

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wow right in the feels, do you have a vid of him talking about this?

One rejection doesn't make you a failure. If you fail, evaluate what went wrong and what you can change. Then, try again. Repeat this process until you find success.

And now it's not as easy. Rise to the occasion.

>98% of guys do not approach
Actually, a lot of guys do approach, they're just typically the ones who aren't attractive, ironically. That's why you see ugly fucks dating absurdly hot girls.

If you listen to Jordan Peterson you will never make it

this is my biggest weakness.

How long should I make eye contact?
who should look away first?


How many reps do I have to do? I've been single for 4 years, came back to uni 2 years ago, and am not having any luck. Got fit and began attracting the 1/10s and fatties, but nothing else. Thinking about it, I've put myself out there 17 times in the last 4 years and here's how it's broken down:

> 5 I'm not looking right now
> 4 I'm not interested
> 4 first date then ghosted
> 2 stood up
> 1 ghosted
> 1 one night stand

Clearly I'm doing something wrong here, but I have no idea what.

>meet qt
>act chad
>get some results
>act beta
>she isn't interested any more
she wanted alphafux, not beta
sounds like your gf wants beta.

glad/sad i'm not the only one

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