He's right. We can't let these thots divide us

He's right. We can't let these thots divide us.

Attached: file.png (1080x1039, 430K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>king of midgets
>king of adolescents
>king of manlets
>king of men

Attached: 1508630497571.jpg (1433x1410, 878K)

But still they will prefer the taller guy.

Attached: ECB558B7-DBA3-4B8F-956C-49A252EAD82D.jpg (1196x668, 175K)

>me in the crowd

you read too much Jow Forums. other factors dominate.

5'8-5'11 is the best height for:

visible muscle gains
not looking like a useless lanklet
being taller than most women except amazons that are desperate for male attention anyway

>protecting some filthy whore against the rightful anger of the people
How much of a beta can you be?

Attached: 1468250483455.png (534x380, 495K)

Yep. The size queens are generally too retarded to be actually worth going after either way. The women who actually limit their dating pool to things like height generally don't have anything to offer lol.

Attached: 03qj72j3r3f01.jpg (362x301, 19K)

ask the police