/Christmas General/ CG#1

Dawn of christmas edition

what you want this year?

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user...it's May

They start putting christmas shit out earlier every year, might as well start now.

It is over six months till Christmas. I want a new microphone.

>tfw christmas is the only time of year im happy
>tfw its just because i remember the magic wonder and mystery of holidays as a child

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>/Christmas General

it's May mate

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same thing I ask for every year.......love

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>tfw its just because i remember the magic wonder and mystery of holidays as a child

I can relate.


OP might just have the most Christmas spirit of anyone on earth. Bless you.


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tell me about the christmas



suddenly reminded I have to go all the way through summer and fall to make it back to comfy winter where the normies all go back inside.

I donno, I'll just say peace on earth like the christians do

Thanks for reminding me of all the normalfags I scammed last christmas on Jow Forums and /soc/

I really like the Christmas season
The carols are kino and the decorations are great
Maybe one day I will have someone to spend it with

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Can the day of retribution be our christmas? Why we can have our own little christmas right here.

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Story? I'm interested

I would pretend to give away gifts in secret santa threads and then a bunch of dumb normalfags would send me things

Did you get anything nice