Jesus fucking christ, I fell for the cute cashier meme...

Jesus fucking christ, I fell for the cute cashier meme. I haven't been attracted to a woman in years and suddenly tfw no gf hits me with full force.
How do I flirt?

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Don't do it
She'll politely reject you and shit talk you to all of her co-workers
t. Wagie who works with a cute cashier who has people constantly flirt with her

>masturbate, retake your black pills, move on
>fuck off my board failed normalfag

>go to Office Depot
>qt hapa cashier
>here's your Change have a nice day
>t-thanks y-you too

Don't care if I fail anymore, I have to try, but I need lines. What the fuck do I say, I don't want to come off as a creep.
Never learned how to play that game in high school.

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Then from now on you join the cancer that is killing this board.
Have fun in your orbiting threads faggot

it's all about approach. if you really don't care to fail, make it seem like you don't care if you get rejected. just be all casual and be like "hey i see you a lot. guess i shop here often. would you like to hang out sometime? maybe get lunch after work?" you can always throw in a "I know you get hit on all the time" or "i never usually do this but". reading what i wrote won't necessarily be the cheat code you need, but be real casual. act as if it's a guy that's just a friend of yours.

it all really comes down to how you handle it. if you show signs of timidness, she'll read you like a book. just be cool and smooth.

>from now on you join the cancer that is killing this board
Wrong, this board IS the cancer, I'm trying to get out. There's no pride in being a failure.
>just be cool and smooth
I-I-I'll try.

look. you have to be real with yourself. if you are not in a right state of mind or a decent appearance, don't waste your time. you have to understand that there really are leagues and sometimes you just have to admit that you aren't in the one you wish you were in. like i said, if you REALLY don't care about failing then just do it. but understand that sometimes if you really like someone, it's better for them to not deal with you when you know you yourself are not worthy.

i hope it works.

Don't throw in those last two. If you ask them I think you come off as weak or are seeking approval. Just ask for coffee if you are decently attractive. You could ask her for help with something? Fucking normals say "just bee yourself," fuck that shit. Good advice user.

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>Just ask for coffee if you are decently attractive

no offense but I don't think OP is this.

Worth a shot. We will be dead one day and space dust.

In our local shop a cute girl with big tits started working. She seems nice and homely, not mean at all. One day it pisses down with rain and I get soaked walking back from the busstop. I go into the shop, get my stuff, then at the till the cute girl completely full on laughs in my soggy face. I still don't mind because it's the most attention I've gotten in a long while - others might have just ignored my state completely, which I think is worse.
>mfw I'm this meek

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Aye bro,

>I'm fucking her.
>you'll flirt with her
>she'll tell me and point you out so we both laugh
>my advise, look elsewhere.

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>go to the same convenience store daily for years
>sometimes there is this homely quiet qt working
>I'm terrified of her because she seems like perfect wife material and I'm scared of women in general
>I've actually avoided her when there were two cashiers to go to, awkwardly placing my stuff in front of the male cashier as she stood waiting
>she complimented me on my Duke Nukem t-shirt once and we had a quiet mumbly exchange
>go today
>old man checks me out but see her walk up out of the corner of my eye
>look at her and we briefly make eye contact
>say "thanks" to the old man and GTFO

God dammit I hate this so much. I cannot talk to girls and things like this just rub it in my face. I'm not gonna make it boys ;_;

I think I've got an idea
Start making conversation with her, start with "Hey how's the weather" and slowly get into
After a few times maybe ask her out

first off ask if she is single and then ask her what her interests are or if she would ever date you there you go easiest thing to do be blunt

Back when I was a NEET i would dread having to go purchase cat litter because this cashier was so fucking beautiful. Once I overheard ehr talking to a customer about buying her daughter soccer equipment and I lost all interest.

>Once I overheard ehr talking to a customer about buying her daughter soccer equipment and I lost all interest.
I love when this happens. It's like a burden is lifted off my shoulders. No more fantasizing about the qt, wondering what if. Because you know she's taken/don't wanna raise her kid if she's a single mother.

I really hated those interactions when I was a cashier though, I feel like I'm doing them a favor by saying the bare minimum and minding my own business. But at the same time, I kinda want to get to know her, but she's just doing her god damn job.

And then you can never go back once she rejects you. I can't afford to ruin my already shaky reputation at the corner store as "sad shy single guy who buys beer and energy drinks everyday".

Pro-tip here. The tone of your voice is really important. The words you use, not as much.

You have to be confident in what you do, otherwise you will whisper. THAT's a major turnoff.

Second, confidence comes from real, so, if you're attracted to this girl, just tell her that. That's why you get all this "be yourself", because being yourself is done with confidence, always.

You might not and actually pretty sure you don't know who "yourself" is, but realization doesn't come from mind festering ideas but by constantly testing them in the real world.

If you have decided you want to try, then that's the first and most important step, no joke. IF however the reason why you're doing it is just because your dick can no longer handle being dry, do yourself a favor and stick it in a hooker.

Acting like you care about that cashier just to get your dick wet WILL SHOW.

user, If you fail, will you get sad or something? Like, depressed and all, life is useless all Schopenhauer and this shit? If the answer for for these questions are both "yes", do what thew philosopher Seneca once said "Flee at once [from love]"

Don't try user, really, you will regret doing that, they normalfags say you'll regret not trying, but this is a lie normalfags tell everybody, the result is always the same: you fail, but If you're goig to try anyway, at least prepare for the worst

you have 2 options
1) attempt a convo
2) don't try to be straight forward either way that's a dilemma you need option 3
>ask for her number

safest thing to do !

I am a cashier and I met my boyfriend through work, he was a customer. Surprisingly, I do not think cashier girls get hit on much, so be charming. It is always a pleasant surprise when customers are extra friendly. Maybe compliment her work ethic. Introduce yourself and come back and see if she remembers you. Make an impression!

she probably is fucking someone
they all do
more than one partner also

>tfw too shy to hit on the cashier girl
I just don't wanna totally fuck up and then never be able to come back

Why are there so many people expecting the worst?
>"Help I have a crush on this girl how do I get her to like me back?"
>"She's fucking 20 guys and they're all Chads don't even bother"
I mean there's a lot of whores these days
But come one now

Do not worry about that... girls really do not judge that hard if you are shy when asking them out. If she acts like a bitch, it means you dodged a bullet. Fuck her!

If you do not ask her out, you will regret it your whole life. I implore you to go for it.

This is why just bee yourself is genius advice
If you bee urself and someone doesn't like you, fuck em, you don't need those kinds of people anyway

I work with cashiers who get hit on all the time
They are almost always creeped out or annoyed, they dont want to come to work let alone be hit on.
Unless youre somehow hitting it off really good dont even bother trying it.

And last thing I will say before you respond, when I was single, if I knew a customer liked me and wanted to ask me out I would be very disappointed if they didnt.

Maaaan, but I feel like I've totally blown any opportunity I had with this chick I'm
She already knows I'm a huge pussy

I know she probably knows but why the fuck would she even be interested in me after I've proven myself to be unworthy? She doesn't deserve to have to deal with my bullshit.

Pay a hotter chick to pretend to be your girl friend in front of her, then a week later ask her out. Joke about how she must get this a lot and that you just have to ask. Then say "fuck you what's your number" in a light way.