Does anyone else hate people born in the 80s? Even those born in 1988/1989 are a bunch of crotchety old geezers with sticks up their butt who always talk about the old days and snap at me every time I talk. I was born September 1995 and think most anyone born before 1993 or so acts like a grumpy old bastard.
Does anyone else hate people born in the 80s...
Gabriel Watson
Noah Ward
i was born in 1979
William Williams
Aw come on we're not all like that.
Jeremiah Johnson
>bunch of crotchety old geezers with sticks up their butt who always talk about the old days and snap at me every time I talk
Where are you encountering these people?
Parker Parker
Mainly /v/ and other technology-related forums.
Owen Wilson
Perhaps, just maybe, by chance, you just don't know shit about vidya.
Carter Kelly
not really i just hate everyone
Kayden Adams
When were you born, 80s user?
Xavier Smith
im a 90s kid bruv
i still hate 90s kids though
Dylan Jones
It's because you're a collective bunch of literal retards with somehow even less awareness or intelligence than the previous generation X druggie asshole.