Where do i order the gas to kill myself? seriously i'm done

where do i order the gas to kill myself? seriously i'm done

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What do you think will happen after you die

idc i just don't want to be here

pls don't do it OP, there's plenty of people here that will be here for you.

i'm 27 i've had terrible anxiety and depression for over ten years and it's ruined my life. i barely graduated college and barely keep a job. this life was not meant for me.

It can get better, not saying shit gonna be perfect one day but it might get better, dont kill that chance by killing yourself, weed/change of environent for a couple of months fixed my depression/sadness and a huge crush on a girl ill never have. I think my problems werent as big but ive went thro some shit and it might just get better tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If you want to we can connect and i'll be there for you whenever you want to

do you mean the helium gassing method?
I atleast saw claims of generic helium tanks having been added with % oxygen to prevent suicide use, not sure if legit
but it can lead to braindamage by keeping you alive but not killing you or supplying you with enough oxygen
so you need to do the following if you want to avoid the possibility of that
get an empty welding gas bottle from a primary location (preferably the ones that are 1m or so in height, the typical bottle)
go to a secondary location that sells gas, in person
tell them someone (relative, friend, whoever) sent you to get helium for welding but that they mix their gas theirself, so it needs to be pure and not a mix
purchase a cpap mask that covers your nouth-mouse area and has a proper airseal (probably have to buy online unless you live in/near a city)
purchase approriate tubing from where you can
preferably use cash so they can't trace it back to these poor completely unsuspecting businesses conducting standard transactions
attach tubing, wear mask and gas yourself
this is the paranoid way, you might be able to order pure helium from a welding gas firm if you tell them its for mixing
helium intended for mixing welding gas doesn't have oxygen mixed into it because it would completely fuck up the welds
I don't know the level of flow required so look that up
I also don't know if helium is painless, but it is reported to be so
my personal opinion is that suicide is fundamentally wrong, you shouldn't kill yourself and seek help instead and if you don't, and you kill yourself, you are a non-person meaning nothing of value was lost

Ive been in a non-working condition past the age of 10 due to several long term illnesses that either can't be cured or are unidentified
I can't drive a car, legally get a job (completely uninsurable) or study succesfully
let go of the things normal people consider success in life because its all completely relative

Why is everyone so opposed to drowning? That is so bizarre. If you live by a lake you are fucking dead.

drowning is very painful is the most common reason I hear
altho im not sure why someone cares about feeling pain when they are attempting to kill theirself

Exactly. It's so bizarre.

They use the helium so the body doesnt know its dying, drowning you very much know about it.

>altho im not sure why someone cares about feeling pain when they are attempting to kill theirself

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I don't understand what this was meant to convey

Yeah but its like 15 minutes. Who gives a fuck? Its so guaranteed and so easy that it's completely worth it.

Be a real man and commit suicide by cutting off your head with a chainsaw while you're on fire

Like how? You mean like chain a weight to your leg?

actually impossible unless you lock the gas and have a saw that pulls itself when cutting

Is there another way? The human body pretty much floats naturally.

Attached: drowning.jpg (558x768, 126K)

Its meant to convey your utter retardation at the implied concept that wanting to kill one's self and wanting to experience physical pain are even a little similar.
No surprise you couldn't grasp the meaning of his post

Obviously you'd need to tinker a bit, think of it like building a Rube Goldberg machine.

if you are going to die the pain is completely irrelevant as your consciousness will cease meaning all your experiences will disappear



Your death.

Swimming pool is very doable too.

Isn't argon(another gas commonly used in welding) also inert?