Black Guy here

Black Guy here. I don't see why we're getting all this hate just because of a few faggots in Detroit and Europe. Alot of us normal ones are very well-adjusted, smart, and kind. it's just a small minority that drags us down with them. And I personally don't care about interracial relationships. As long as you're an ok person most of us will accept you

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Other urls found in this thread:

Whats the image from. He looks M A D M A X

You're caught in the crossfire of this online shitstorm. Nobody IRL thinks anything people say on Jow Forums (at least they don't act on it).

That may be true for you, but the statistics don't lie. On average you are more prone to violent crime, make up the majority of the prison population of crime you done and not some conspiracy by the "huwhite" man and on average you are just less intelligent.

I'd love you to prove me wrong with real world data.

You don't think it be like it is, but it do.

Attached: ColdHardTruth.jpg (619x682, 160K)

He's part of a group of botswanan metalheads

Have you considered that many African kids ate less intelligent mainly because of the fact that some of them don't have schools in their country?

Have you also considered the fact that many upbringings of african americans in states with gang violence could also affect the prison population? Or the american education system in those areas? Or the biased police attitude towards blacks? Or the war on drugs separating families just because the father smoked a little bit of pot?

Also, your pic is bullshit. Humans don't have much phenotypic variation. This is one of the reasons why we have no subspecies, not to mention that those differences in iq, are purely because of human interaction (colonialism, corruption)

Yes and no.
Pattern recognition (which is basically what intelligence is) exists independent of education. Doesn't mean that a culture of learning isn't beneficial to the increase of developement in populations, but that's more because a culture of learning shifts the population's ideal and makes people who embody the ideal more likely to reproduce (a great example of this are the Ashkenazi jews).

You bring up a lot of valid concerns regarding the upbringing of African Americans; some of those don't go too well together, but it still comes down to what I described above: black culture sadly has little to do with a culture of learning.

Limiting the difference in IQ purely to nurture isn't realistic; I can't think of a single trait which isn't in part nature AND nurture.

>African kids ate less intelligent mainly because of the fact that some of them don't have schools in their country?
Intelligence and knowledge are separate. Knowledge is simply being able to recal data. All races are about equal in storing information. Intelligence is being able to acquire information, make sense of that knowledge, and then apply it. Problem solving. This is an inherent thing, and cannot be increased or decreased by any significant degree besides ensuring proper nutrition early in life.
>Have you also considered the fact that many upbringings of african americans in states with gang violence could also affect the prison population?
Yeah, I imagine if you live in a really shitty place ahitty behaviour would appear normal. Still something has to be done and denying that it is a big problem isn't helping anyone.
>Or the american education system in those areas?
Per student, inner citiy schools usually get more funding than non inner city.
>Or the biased police attitude towards blacks?
Biased attitude developed from repeated patterns of behavior. That is to say, they're boased for a reason.
>Or the war on drugs separating families just because the father smoked a little bit of pot?
Statistically, the father walks oht by his own will far more often, so that has to be adressed way before any muh weed claims.
>not much phenotypic variation
Apart from the obvious surface differences in melanin, ranging from so black they shine blue, to the fins that are white as paper, in terns of structure there is plenty of differences. Blacks have the longest limbs relative to their overall size, and mongoloids have the shortest. Then there's the skull shape, with the orbital openings being different shapes, jaw size and overall skull size.

I get what you're saying. I have met and formed good relationships with plenty of kind black people. I don't care anout interracial couples founded on genuine love and repect either, except for the pandering to fetishes or status seeking by media through politics. Youmare obviously intelligent, yet you are not being intellectually honest reguardimg the data about racial crime statistics. These same stats are derived from genetic dispositions developed through milenia with vastly different evolutionary pressures. I don't give a fuck, subspecies exist. This rapidly changing earth selects beneficial strategies, leaving some races dificient viewed through a macro lense. Whites are being outbred, throuh no accident. Forcing race-blindness is a tactic. Respectfully, as whites have pleny blood on their hands

Then you are an outlier, nigger. Your species fit all the stereotypes, in aggregate.

Koko the gorilla had higher IQ than the average african IQ by 5 points, she had 20 points higher an IQ than sub-saharan african IQ.
Let that sink in. A gorilla that communicated in sign language was for all intents and purposes more intelligent than the average sub-saharan nigger.

Haha that sounds badass. Wearing leather in hot weather and all, listening to cool tunes.

Well, why dont they have schools in Africa? Why dont they have what rest of the world has? Checkmate.

It's just on Jow Forums. Racism doesn't exist in person.

like 70% of the niggers i've had the displeasure of interacting with have been trash. there's some decent blacks but a LOT of nigger trash as well.

So great. Why don't you all go to Africa then and leave us alone?

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African niggas are actually pretty cool.

Why are you so angry?

>just a small minority
No, its the majority. Sorry. I thought it was just a small minority when I lived in a mostly white town and the few black people there were like everybody else. Then I moved to a city with a significant black population and realized why people hate them.

>most of us will accept you
We dont want to be accepted by you. We want to get away from you without being hounded.

Men are also more prone to violent crime compared to women. Just kill all men lol
Also genetic studies have shown that you can't consider races to be separate species because blacks, whites, asians, etc are very very close to being genetically identical.

You're a fucking idiot if you think you're qualified to tell us what intelligence is and what knowledge is. Neither of these things can be measured accurately, and your definitions are out of your ass.

> Why are you so angry?
Because you come to live in my society and then change the way it works to benefit from it on the expense of whites like me.

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you're getting hate because (((certain people))) are trying to play all the races against each other by presenting the worst aspects of each race to each other in order to divide and conquor

why do you think we see so many racebait threads on here
I can guarentee that 99% of the BBC threads arent even created by blacks

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Honestly no amount of information from any person would convince you that black people (lets say of west African extraction to be more specific) have lower median intelligence than other ethnic groups. Lets just be honest.

Yeah, all the child soldiers, rape, mutilation via machete and gunpowder snorting, shit sounds like a paradise

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That doesn't make sense. Black people aren't changing the way anything works, especially not the one in your image. They either get their shit together and get out of poverty or continue acting like degenerate monkeys.

Lately a lot of blacks have been choosing the former option, which is good to see.

> Men are also more prone to violent crime compared to women.
Societies cannot exist without men, but can without blacks.
> out of your ass.
You mean you of the history of white people and what they considered to be beneficial.
> Also genetic studies have shown that you can't consider races to be separate species because blacks, whites, asians, etc are very very close to being genetically identical
Yes, (((studies)))

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Dear black guy,

Most whites have nothing against you either. This is Jow Forums.

I mean that the guys from Africa I've talked to and spent time with are very cool people. They're very smart (2 of them are PhD's in aerospace physics) and funny too. They are aware of how fucked up africa is but there are good and bad areas.

>my literal pseudo science is right
>your peer reviewed papers and journals are jewish schemes to genocide the white race


> Black people aren't changing the way anything works
They are changing it
> force quotas
> force police not to prosecute them for crimes
> force their primitive culture
> even try to change the language of the host country
> force white people not to confront them in any way by claiming the ones who do to be racist and ruining their lives
> just commit more crimes and anti-social stuff

This. Most whites aren't retarded and racist like the ones on Jow Forums. Most whites are actually intelligent and socially adjusted. If I only learned about whites from this website and had no white friends, I would hate you people haha

> >your peer reviewed papers and journals are jewish schemes to genocide the white race
Ok, where is the peer reviewed paper proving(not just suggesting) that there is no significant difference between the behaviour of people of different races linked to genetics.

Even after decades of pro-black and pro muslim propaganda there was a pol showing 50% of people in the UK believe that certain ethnicities are more likely to be criminals.

> They're very smart (2 of them are PhD's in aerospace physics)
Exception proves the rule.

None of your points are based in reality. Quotas only exist in the most cucked companies (google for example) but nowhere else. 99% of the workforce is either biased towards whites or unbiased. Police officers can shoot blacks and receive paid leave for the rest of their life, the opposite of what you were suggesting. There are no consequences for killing a black person in America at least. "Primitive culture" sounds autistic as fuck, go outside. Blacks aren't changing the language of any country as far as I know. If they are, I oppose it. White people can confront black people whenever. They can even call the police on black people having a bbq. Any population will commit more crime if they are poor and continually kept in shitty areas regardless of race.

This is a lie. Black Americans dont take out their trash like other races do. They cape for their degenerates like its nobodys business. Sure, they buy a nice condo in the whiter neighborhood and send their kids to the whiter schools, but the politically active ones still do everything they can to ruin it (with the best intentions of course) or redirect more resources towards the degenerates. Where do you live?

The UK is a relatively xenophobic place, compared to the rest of the western world.

You could have just admitted you have a paternalistic relationship with black ppl from the get go and we would have known better than to try to have a serious convo with you. Keep guzzling that purple kool aid user.

I don't care about the fact that some African countries are war torn shitholes because it's autistic to base your entire view of a group of people off of generalizations. This would work if we were cavemen, but we aren't.

I live right outside of Detroit in an upper middle class township composed of mostly blacks. I used to live in detroit but most of the well to do blacks have been leaving.

Only 50% of people in the UK are capable of basic pattern recognition? Sad!

Not an argument. Have fun yelling at literal retards on some random fringe of the internet.
Faggot lmao

Attached: haha get fucked retard.jpg (400x386, 47K)

I grew up in Detroit metro. What neighborhood?

>people still argue in race bait threads
Post qt Bois instead

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I think the crime thing is a red herring.

The real issue is that a sizeable number of African Americans are basically nazi-tier ethnonationalists, and even the ones who arent demand a gibs regime that would destroy the country

Statistically a lot of us (black people) arent. And the 10-15 individuals you know dont speak for the majority

At some point, you just need to learn to let go. Don't take everything you read online so personally. Most people want to just go about their daily lives with minimal hassle, so it's not like you're going to encounter Jow Forums tier discussions right in your face unless you go looking fo it. Past that if you're worrying about how people see you because of statistics, don't. You can't control what people think, you're not going to interact with 99% of them anyways, and if you do have prolonged contact with any of them, you obviously show you know what self control is, and they still expect you to beat and mug them, you're never going to change their minds, so it's probably better to break it off before things get awkward.

>There are no consequences for killing a black person in America at least. >"Primitive culture" sounds autistic as fuck, go outside.
>muh arguments
You set the tone, and it is not one of nuanced arguments.

>half of the UK operates on the most tribalistic, basic level possible

This is probably true for Northern Ireland but you can't even cite your shitty pol. Most brits are chill and normal, not racist and autistic.

> Police officers can shoot blacks and receive paid leave for the rest of their life
But cannot confront a loitering negro in cafe, makes you think that said blacks actually forced police to shoot them.
> There are no consequences for killing a black person in America at least.
Except planet of apes style riots.
> . They can even call the police on black people having a bbq.
Having a bbq in an illegal place. And then have their lives ruined.
> Any population will commit more crime if they are poor and continually kept in shitty areas regardless of race.
I know that it is a lie, you know it as well. But consider this, noone forces you to live in our shitty places, leave to Africa.
> Quotas only exist in the most cucked companies
Not true, they exist in all government offices and in most companies so that they don't risk lawsuits.
> "Primitive culture" sounds autistic
As you say, go rap about fukin dat ass and drugs.
> Blacks aren't changing the language of any country as far as I know.
What is ebonics.

I don't hate black people. I only hate niggers.

I'm stating common happenings, you're just saying "no". Everyone in America with half a brain knows that a police officer can kill a black person and not go to prison. It's very easy to evade justice.

> it's autistic to base your entire view of a group of people off of generalizations.
Why? Generalisation is an effective way to make statistically net-positive decisions.

You sound like a non american underaged faggot. Go outside and catch up on the actual laws of your country before telling such blatant lies.

Yes, for robots and wild animals. Where I live (a first world country with education) humans have learned how to function as a modern society where decisions are made using logic and reasoning, instead of sweeping generalizations and fight/flight reactions

>You're a fucking idiot if you think you're qualified to tell us what intelligence is and what knowledge is.
Neither of these things can be measured accurately, and your definitions are out of your ass.
My statements are based on the consensus of psychologists that specialize in intelligence and personality. Both my definitions and the measurements, which actually can be measured.

> decisions are made using logic and reasoning
If you avoid nigger-infested places you are less likely to be a victim of crime. It is both generalisation and an application of logic and reasoning, so these 2 don't contradict each other.

Youre repeating pieces of a larger narrative without even giving the full context of each piece. All of it is selected then framed to accommodate this myth of antiblack miasma. Police officers can *murder* (key word, not all killings are unlawful) PEOPLE OF ANY ETHNICITY and not go to prison. Police brutality doesnt even make the news UNLESS the victim is black. Sure, white people can confront black people...then get stalked and harassed by mobs and journos, fired, evicted, and otherwise crucified for doing so. In the case of the bbq, the police didnt even take her call seriously and show up until some other white lady started following her around. All of your examples fall flat when put into context, but you dont care because you need this narrative to be true.

You don't even need to go that far to compare intelligence, even if this is true as well. Blacks are more aggressive and there is no reason to include them in any society, they will pull it down anyway.

You got BTFO'ed

Using trends to predict the outcome of a randomized situation is completely reasonable, which is why I cannot fault people for assuming Im like the majority and why its unreasonable to ask others to do so.

Your assumption that a lot of black people are fine is incorrect