If you had sex at least once

... you are no robot. Get the FUCK out.

Attached: CFDD51E8-D2E1-45BE-9A4B-6F804BC25234.jpg (1200x1200, 143K)

I've probably been here longer than you and I've fucked a lot of women.

What if ive had sex with 20+ women but have been lurking since 2k10

I've been here alot longer than you incels I will fuck as many women as I want and still stay here.

>no massive full natural bush

You're a newfag.

Only real OG's between 2003-2008 allowed.

She was a whale though. Does not count

My wizard powers say otherwise. Ive probably gone longer than youve been alive without sex or even a kiss. But I had so much sex before that it fueled my now very potent wizard powers in particular necromancy.

no, thx

i like it here

>tfw no riley gf