This is the future of yt bois

>This is the future of yt bois

how do u feel about this?

Attached: futureofytboys.webm (1280x720, 1.96M)

Can i get a s-source?

just looks like 2 hamambes exited for their EBT card

>tfw the light skin nigress would jawmog 90% of the board

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Sauce par I want to fuck the nigressez

White people are submissive by nature, so doing this would be very good for them! You are giving them an idyllic, happy life.


This is a problem. It doesn't matter what race you are, if you're an ugly robot women won't want fuckall to do with you

I thought we were evil, violent maniac enslavers and tyrants

You're just lashing out because you have yet to dominated. You are all that, and more, but obeying your black mistresses will give you an unparalled sense of happiness and fulfillment.

>tfw literally had a black girl after me for this

She was gunning for a kid for benefits and thought a mixed one would be cuter.

Don't see a downside

This might seem like an odd question, but are you jewish?

Well I felt bad about the idea of having a kid without being involved.

No, I am Asian.

So given that this is Jow Forums, we can assume that you are NOT asian.

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god I fucking wish...

(and that's original)

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Couldn't you have tried like a weekend a month?

Googled didnt help. Whats jawmog?

I'm saying this after the fact, I did actually do it ashamed to say. I try to be there for the kid when I can even though the mom was fine with me not being around.

Oh sounded like you didn't
Good for you for taking responsibility of your own kid

Amazing source. Believe what you will. You stilk can't deny you would be happier as the literal dog of a niggress.

this is a jawmog

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Your posts turn me on. All I really want is a black woman to sit on my face. Black man wouldn't be too bad either

What is "yt" ?

And, more importantly, can I have the source for OP?

Sad because I look like a man and guys think Im going to be a dom but Im actually a huge sub :(

I can lock you in my basement and sexually torture you if you want

feet or gtfo larper

yt is jewtube, grandpa

Black snu snu would be great, but I am not small enough for snu snu. Women need to get bigger

I will beat the living shit out of you if you told me where you live

mog = draw all attention to oneself and make others invisible and inferior.

> this is the future of youtube bois

just wanna rub coconut oil on those footpads

Attached: 824bc53a61ecbc832e44409c5a1a2231--black-beauty-black-women.jpg (726x694, 88K)

im dumb as shit i thought that OP's pick was some youtube prank channel thumbnail
i was the autist all along

im not racist but the women in your pic look like actual apes, what the fuck user

No thx

Problem is I need a husband who will do that

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So cuckolding is "dickmog"?

>Nigger Porn
>Vanilla Porn
Leave normie

Attached: tenor.gif (446x414, 384K)

looks disgusting enough to be real

Yep, thats b/c it is

Fine we'll get married first
Your strange denomination won't matter since you'll never leave my basement you worthless nigger whore

Well, we could raceplay on Skype if you want.

Can you tie me up like Django

Hahaha is not me but bedwench movie rape scenes are so hot

This is what any filthy nigress would love and you know it.

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If this is the future of white boys, sign me the fuck up.

>ywn do this to Ebony on your honeymoon

Hah, that's actually pretty fucking hot

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White men have so low self-esteem who the same people who masturbate for cuckold pics of nigger being the representation of real man and even fucking them, masturbate for the white male being the loser sissy dominated by the woman since is hard for the white male have sexual fantasies being man since are a race of cuckold losers for years in mainstream productions around the racial praise of white women above women of all other races, and white men as udnesired loser social engineering emasculation

White cuckolds enjoy this kind of webm since white men don't represent males and this webm show a ugly, weak, loser white male being dominated for the woman like a white male of no self-esteem seem themselves

Like losers

The same person who enjoy this kind of webm also enjoy cuckold porn with blacks since is based in the lack of self-esteem and cuckold self-racial loser image of white men from media, to porn industry and all american cuckold loser culture around white women racial worshiping and white men as cuckolds losers and trash

Don't matter how much you put white male with white woman against other white men or you create the 50 shades of white male on white woemn, this will not erase years of race bait, cuckold narrative in commerciasl, media, porn, racial demonization, ridicularization, social engineering of cuckolds for years

USA is
sad and disgusting

And they ant to export their cuckold loser culture by internet and media with their disgusting globalist influence

I hate so much have globalist influence of white cuckolds from USA and their disgusting media and porn industry

I'm from america latin, only people from south america and eastern europe are males, whites from USA and european countries who imported american influence, are cuckold losers and disgusting to have globalist influence from USA, everything made by industries of democrats who are owned by them or have their influence or follow their bias and rules

You know that I also jerk off to fantasies of being a plantation owner and fucking my harem of slaves right?

lol, enjoy "white cuckolds" coming to your shithole and stealing your sweet latinas, stinking pedro

Filthy Ebony is now touching herself reading all this.

Of course i would :3 when i was likr 12 i used to always fantasize about living in the deep south in like the 50s and being brought to a barn, hog-tied, and seeded all night long against my will by racist white farmers

I hope she is thinking how much pain and torture I'm gonna put her under after we get married

You slutty nigger
Well you'll get your fantasy
But it's just gonna be me breeding you all night long

I hope you didn't spend too much time writing that.
>Implying cuck culture didn't start in the EU.

sounds like larping, prove it, nigger

btw the animal is mine

Attached: slave wench.jpg (1195x1600, 204K)

>not knowing who Ebony is
You don't deserve the opportunity to punish her

stop this. Stop making us look life some fucke dup ethnic sluts

How is this not normal fembot behavior?

again, feet or gtfo

This shit actually got me hard as fuck. I'd love to whip you with my belt and then tie you up with it.

>you know remember the slave video with Skin Diamond
Although wish it didn't have that shitty end where she kills her owner
Fucking why?
Who does that appeal to?

Switches, like me.
>ywn rape Ebony hard for weeks until she snaps and kills you

>noooooo, i'm in charge here you n-niggers

The jewish producers and triggered male negroes like

why do we still have no source?

>not wanting her to use it to choke you while she rapes you
Although I'm not a switch at all except for good facesitting


That works, too. I'm down for anything, 2bh.

It was already posted you worthless faggots!!!

Perhaps you aren't but I actually am a fucked up ethnic slut


Theoretically, what kind of drinks and refreshments should I keep in my apartment in case I bring a negress over? I heard they like Fruitopia and Hennessy.

Why can't you post just a part of yourself with nice things written on a piece of paper like ? Just show us you're a nigress whore.

bIacker the berry

Attached: 422452c35597fad4db63c02759112765.jpg (843x1552, 362K)

that feel when no African-European gf

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I actually want to but I don't want it to be spread around

Wait are you not Ebony?
She already has done that

gib pic


No that's what you get for being a newfag

Would you be willing to do so on discord?
I promise only I will see any pictures you send
None of these scum deserve it

>no conservative subby negress to abuse

Feels extra bad, man

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Thot's still wearing a choker

It is me i dont want it to be spread around so commonly you can find a pic of me to use for threads like this


Is this too ghetto for you?

Attached: 353_1000.jpg (318x565, 51K)

tfw no Afro Finnish qt

Attached: 1168753_231472760536943_311736770_n.jpg (1080x1080, 102K)

you just don't show your face of course and that's ok, you fucking disobedient nigger

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imagine how cool this would be if those women weren't black.

Once those trousers stop propping her ass up I bet its saggy as fuck.

That's the best part 2bh

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matarnes#8525 if you're willing

Cool, I'll choke her good.

Amen, brother.

One of my biggest fantasies is taking a strong ghetto bitch and turning her into my little pet

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I am a white sub. So this is good news for me. I will get to orgasm, reproduce, and be loved and valued by not one, but two women, while the non-white guys sit in the corner and jerk-off. Fuck, now I feel bad for them. Let them have the passable shemales. That way they won't reproduce. But they won't be alone.

Is that Rihanna and Serena Williams?

I would love that. Think I've seen this qts before but not sure what their names are. Would enjoy getting a facesit or footsmother from them.


Attached: BlackDommy.webm (426x240, 1.32M)

My god... (m-more)

Fuck, why diamond boner?
More please

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