/creative robots/

share what you create
>anything else
How long are you into your trade?
Is it a hobby or job?
What do other's say about your work?
Anything you did today?
please dont let this one die. I cant take the racebaiting and other bullshit threads here anymore

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Other urls found in this thread:


i do digital art

>How long are you into your trade?
15 years
>Is it a hobby or job?
hobby, but when i was younger i wanted to make my own cartoon. i dropped that soon enough when i realized that id rather get a career in something else
>What do other's say about your work?
nothing honestly. even with 15 years under my belt my art is so painfully average that it gets ignored, while the really good/bad stuff is noticed by others
>Anything you did today?
nope, not in a while actually. i do a lot of sketching these days and looking at art tutorials, but not a lot of actual digital art

this is the most recent thing i completed which is 3 months ago. interested to see everybody else and what they like to create

Attached: shop_till_you_drop_by_oddy_see-dc421d5.png (634x573, 291K)

I'm starting to get back into guitar, and I'm just starting to learn how to sing. I asked for some tips on teaching myself so I uploaded an example here: drive.google.com/open?id=1CS7tNKnmBa4f3PqdOeAcWD07QkNWgyc7

Here's the tab for any other guitar players out there who might be interested: drive.google.com/open?id=1XUpERMckNBkt6oWXP8KhD92uX78DR4vT

It's kinda of rough since I uploaded it to ask for help. Now that I think about it is just on Guitar: drive.google.com/open?id=15PtzKoAgCmSxVIxoHx0FsLyFPpEpZh7J

I thought it had distortion, and it sounds much better when it does, but it would take too long to re-record the song for this thread.

Oh...I forgot to answer the questions

>How long are you into your trade>
I first played guitar with my Mom's old Acoustic (I still have it) when I was in 8th grade then got my own Electric my freshman year of High School. I'm 33 now but I've hardly been playing throughout that time. I've gone through 3 or 4 phases where I'll practice a lot and get a lot better, and I guess I'm started my 5th now.

>Is it a hobby or a job
Hobby. I think if it became a job it would suck all the life out of it. I also think the same about lessons. I'm completely self-taught with the help of the internet.

>What do others say about your work
Since I know I'm bad I don't like to play for other people, and because of that I always know they're lying when they're being polite. But they're normies so it goes.

Here's 5 Little Speckled Frogs with distortion. It's supposed to be played much faster but I recorded it hoping to learn how to solo so it's excruciatingly slow: drive.google.com/open?id=1G8LV-hYrL9iVRnDzn7-aby028J5HPhrm

And the tab: drive.google.com/open?id=1mYdYue-_SPmktS-YDfXCvY-k8gysw2Aoh62-AXU5l6A


>tfw want to be an ascetic druid experimental stoner doom musician
>actually just grow bedsores on my ass at the office

how do you guys keep yourself motivated to create, I used to write fanfics and play music and actually try to create order in the chaos for other people to enjoy, but now I seem to be """"content""" with just going along with the flow, just waiting for it to take me.

>how do you guys keep yourself motivated to create
I tend to float stuff out there and get feedback from people, and that feedback loop helps me improve. The number one thing that people told me is that I should actually buy a guitar instead of just trying to get my point across with an air guitar and screaming "WIDDLY WIDDLY" and boy has that advice ever upped my game



I play the saxophone


>How long are you into your trade?
10 years
>Is it a hobby or job?
Hobby, you can prob tell from the fuck-up.
>What do other's say about your work?
Everyone is always like "wow that's neat" but nobody really comments on my ability. I find that I'm still very bad despite having practiced all this time.
>Anything you did today?
I haven't played in weeks and won't have time till next week either. The clip is from before my hiatus when I did a duet.

An idea I thought of for writing is try to plan out set pieces throughout your novel to knock your reader's hair back. Like with movies they have the big reveals of certain information, or high intensity car chases, try to plan it out like that...but you'll have to go with the flow to a degree or it will appear contrived. And instead of just taking your readers on a journey of events make it a journey of ideas. In Dialectics there's The Thesis, Anti-Thesis and Synthesis and you can do the same thing in your writing. Also anytime there's a conflict (include the aforementioned conflict of ideas) your reader will immediately start to wonder what will happen next and when your protagonist comes out on top your readers will vicariously come out on top too.

I do digital art
>how long
about 2 years now
>hobby or job?
i wanna make it a job, but as for now its a hobby while i work on other projects
>what do others say about your work?
"oh my god user, what the fuck?!"
"thats actually pretty good"
usually a combo of those two, depends on the person
>anything you did today?
>pic related

Attached: my-stuff.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)


i really dont wanna see this thread die

I'd post something because I usually do a lot of creative stuff, but unfortunately I've lost a lot of motivation recently and I haven't done much of anything because of it. Regardless, I'll post a reply as to avoid letting the thread die.

I make miniature figures and rules for tabletop games, but I don't actually have anyone to play with.

Beats u minute per


I sing and play acoustic guitar
Started learning guitar 10 months ago
It's a hobby and I love it
Others say nothing because I rarely show it to anybody, when I do they say it's cool
Today I learned to play Mad World, and sang it while contemplating my life decisions

Attached: 1501409973216.jpg (344x344, 50K)


still working on this, been a work of progress of 6 hours and been workin on it for a few days now
any criticisms?

Attached: Uwy8J.jpg (3200x2000, 468K)

I like it, but the end feels sort of like it was unfinished. Maybe some sort of fade out could help?

its still a work in progress, im not close to being quite done yet lol

posting the same junk again
started writing these kind of "beats" 6 years ago.

definitely a hobby, this stuff is way too weird for most people

i don't really show my work to a lot of people unless the y ask, but they usually say it's "interesting" or "cool" probably to be polite.

done nothing really today, just been chillin.

here's some stuff i did with a friend a while ago
check out 13:31


here's stuff i do on my own


Attached: 00.jpg (300x225, 18K)

not much action here eh? Sad!

i drew frog for you guys

Attached: lil sad frog.jpg (750x492, 60K)

Im sorry but I wont share anything today since I dont have loaded somewhere permanent (even as draft). I compose some music for fun, and found out last Friday thanks to my a bar which hosts an open night every Monday so I may be will perform there for my own leisure and exposure. Unfortunately I wanted to go there and check today but I didnt have the mood to go out, but next week I will be free to check out.

It's always the same on Jow Forums, mostly because some anons are afraid, where others are annoyed by the "creative ones". Everyone who posted something on here expects long criticism, which won't be happening (sadly)

>everyone who posted something on here expects long criticism
nope, just entertaining ourselves and some fellow anons while the ship goes down

Hope everyone's having a good memorial day


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>space rock, psychedelic rock, folk, acoustic, ambient, radio recordings

The newest album is based off of sci fi concepts that I like

>How long are you into your trade?
I guess I've played guitar since eight grade, but didn't start recording anything til 2014 I think

>Is it a hobby or a job
Definitely a hobby, I've only made a dollar from music

>What do other's say about your work?
I don't know, I guess some people like it, some don't. My friends like some of it.

>Anything you did today?
Not music, but I'm painting a friend's Han Solo nerf to look like a movie/cosplay prop

Attached: freehorse.jpg (500x500, 112K)

i started learning to draw in manga style few years ago, but had to drop cause went to uni and now i ended up drawing mostly some stupid houses/buildings
wanted to go back to the idea of doing a short comic but after your post im starting to think that it will be wasted time and effort
thanks user, but your piece is actually pretty nice i bet you could get some small work like illustration for children books or smth like that

Attached: shinoa.jpg (960x530, 106K)

I like your style. Thanks for posting the tabs too.

It's not always like that. At the very least, you could make some work you can be proud of and even get a small following.

Also, assuming that's your picture, you've got some skill. You could improve in certain areas, but it is good quality.

>was drawing randomly in a request thread, just quick shitty stuff
>someone asked me if I do commissions
>actually paid me
>it's halfway done
>drew a bunch of stuff for myself while I was at it
I've been drawing on and off since I was a kid. For a while (about 2-3 years) I was practicing 6 hours a day, real /ic/ tier grinding. Don't have time for that shit anymore, I just draw for fun now. But it feels good that someone thought I was good enough to pay money for it.

> writing
> How long are you into your trade?
Since 16 maybe, so about 12 years. But my writing became ok only about three years ago.
Is it a hobby or job?
A hobby
> What do other's say about your work?
Depends. I have couple of friends and strangers who think it's good.
Anything you did today?
I finished second chapter of my book.

Name any number from 1 to 5, and then name any number from 1 to 110. I will post the drawing you chose.

I record videos and make shitty digital music for them


I just like feeling like I'm making something

I'm thinking about trying my hand at painting. I've never drawn or done any art outside of middle school art class but I feel like it'd be a good output for all of my freetime I have now that I'm neet. Does anyone have experience with this? What supplies do I need? Is it hard? is it unattainable?

Attached: A32D54DA-BB7D-43D4-A58E-955BD392C7FD.jpg (750x589, 115K)

I also paint too, I'm pretty terrible at it compared to guitar, but it's definitely not hard to get supplies. You can get watercolor paint and paper and brushes for under 10 bucks at walmart, so it's worth at least trying

i make music

>How long are you into your trade?
have been making music casually forever but have been doing it more seriously for about 3 years.

>Is it a hobby or job?
hobby right now but i'm studying music technology so it might become a job.

>What do other's say about your work?
i don't share it much because i'm self conscious but those that i send it to seem to like it.

>Anything you did today?
started working on a new song.

i would link something but someone would probs track me down

I draw sometimes.

>How long are you into your trade?
I started when I was 11, I think.
I go long periods without drawing that are around 5-6 months with the longest being 2 years.
>Is it a hobby or job?
>What do other's say about your work?
I don't get many comments or followers. Another artist admired my lines before, which felt nice.
>Anything you did today?
No. I drew this Marina a couple days ago.

Attached: MMpink.png (597x668, 191K)


who else makes industrial music here?

I'm trying to make a architecture portfolio. my first assignment for myself is a 20 studio residential housing building
also gonna write an album
gonna move out of parent's house in 60 days

I draw bad furry porn for people online, though it'll either stop or get worse because I got a job now. I really wanna draw for money.

Attached: Miss Zizi.jpg (2800x1800, 895K)

>mother fuckin Marina Lightyears
I was just playing this game yesterday, amazing taste man. The drawing is great too.

I like to draw Dungeons and Dragons player characters. I'm very amateur when it comes to digital art, but it's fun. Pic related, my current party: a water genasi death domain cleric and a goblin abjuration wizard.

Attached: murrough and yurla.png (1688x2004, 726K)

This is Daniel Johnson on acid. Kinda disappointed that star fighter pilots didn't descend into complete chaos at the end, it would've been awesome to hear.

DumbStep is pretty good user (I listened at 13:31), I might listen to it in the car or something, sounds like good driving music.

I remember bioterrorism from another thread, I thought it was good. I don't make this type of music, all my music is somewhat ironic, this is probably the closes I have to industrial. soundcloud.com/thefactthatsomanybooks/the-letter-h-1


Not bad (much better than mine at least). I don't get whats up with her foot though, those supposed to be hooves?

You got a furaffinity / inkbunny?

hey are you uh, Necro?

>How long are you into your trade?
Doodled a lot in high school/college classes.
Started drawing girls around 3 weeks ago.
Made deviantart, furaffinity, tumblr, etc about 1 week ago.
Got a drawing tablet 2 weeks ago.

>Is it a hobby or job?

>What do other's say about your work?
Kill yourself.
Yiff in hell, furfag.

>Anything you did today?
Colored in / shaded in some furry picture I have been working on, I kind of just want to finish it. Don't really like it / enjoy working on it.

Pic related.

Attached: blaze-bj-ink.jpg (3300x2550, 535K)

>I remember bioterrorism from another thread, I thought it was good.
thanks a lot senpai.
yeah I post in these threads from time to time. There are some very good vocal melodies and arrangements buried deep within the mix. It reminds me a little bit of a band called Tollund Men.

>user tries to improvise over top

I gave one of my old incomplete drafts a read last week and was surprised at how the passage of time had dulled my displeasure with it. Gave me the push I needed to jump back into fiction writing after years of letting the self-critic keep me away.

I figure becoming a novelist is just about the best-case scenario for a turbo-neet recluse such as myself anyhow.