You fuckers are the reason Trump won.
You fuckers are the reason Trump won
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Yeah, we're the reason Orangefuck won and not Russia literally shilling for him and manipulating the election.
>implying I have any motivation to do anything than to passively make things worse and more difficulty for as many others as possible
Holy shit there are people who actually believe this tinfoil conspiracy
Yeah and some of those people are even well known and respected public servants, and somehow the people who believe in this "tinfoil conspiracy" have managed to get a serious investigation launched into it despite it being a "tinfoil conspiracy".
dont make me post the pizzagate pics. democrats
It's a well known fact in eastern euro that Russia is responsible for setting up websites in former eastern bloc countries to spread false information. It's supposed to stir up hate for the European union and the western world so that russkies can control the entirety of eastern euro again. I'm sure they played at least a small role in the US elections too
>russia interfering in the election is a tinfoil conspiracy but pizzagate isnt
holy fuck lmao you're retarded
>Russian meddling is a tinfoil conspiracy but pizzagate is 100% legit (this shitty collage from Jow Forums proves it!)
funny thing that guy who is calling tin foil on that investigation
probably believes pizzagate is real
And on hidden camera videos they admit that they are making it all up and got no evidence.
lmfao yeah I'm sure that's an accurate description of whatever video it is that you're referencing.
Oh dear. Is it summer already?
i knew it
i was rigth
>always vote third party
>first time voted for a republican
he hasn't been that bad desu. Just need to vote out congress because they are still shit.
Is that why Russia Today had so many anti trump articles?
lol I can't even imagine being butthurt 24/7 about trump. Like I always just thought he was hilarious, and I got the shitposter in chief I was looking for. Like do you guys just take the MSM dong so deep you lose all ability to approach reality without them telling you how to approach it? What has changed about your life since trump was elected other than you have yourself up in arms all day about trump? I seriously doubt you've been affected negatively at all. Have you ever had an independent thought in your life?
Nothing burger doesn't ring a bell?
He is terrible compared to what he promised but still probably the best president since JFK
>I voted for Orangefuck because le epic memes 4 the win!!! we did it Jow Forums!!!
>umm and trump hasn't fucked things up to the point where it has seeped into every facet of your daily life yet so um what is wrong exactly???
>I are smart independent free thinker :)
You're such a good debater, user :)
guys don't you know pizzagate is a wild conspiracy theory? I mean look at how damaging this has been to james alefantis, that mean man with his assault rifle 15 came in and only managed to damage the hard drive of a computer there! Can you imagine if he had actually hurt someone over your crazy conspiracy theories! I can't believe how stupid you pizzagaters are, there wasn't even a basement!
ctrl-f basement
>Anti-Trump fag projecting this hard.
u 2 fren
pls tell me how you've been personally affected
Spoiler Alert: She wins
the fuckers in the Kremlin clapped for 2 minutes straight when the results of the elections were announced
I could at least understand why people supported bernie, but I seriously can't figure out how anyone could have thought hillary would have been a good idea. You'd seriously have to be hilariously naive to think she's a good candidate in any way. BCUZ ITS TIME FOR A WIMMIN PRESIDENT, was lmfao all year at all the brainwashed people reciting how they've been told to think by the institutions.
I didnt r9k had the population size of half the US.
>democrat pedophiles should be ignored
Holy shit this is golden, I would love to see the faces of those shitlibs hearing him
>maddy mccann showing up on james alefantis pedo instragram is a conspiracy
Maybe because hillary was unironically threatening war with russia before she was even elected? Oh man how dare other nations look out for their interests. Beyond that its not like the US hasn't been meddling in elections world wide for hundreds of years already either. I don't even think most of the people touting the MUH RUSSIAN COLLUSION even believe it, its just an angle to attack trump from. The only people who really believe this shit are the people sucking from the MSM sieve.
The (((US))) has been meddling in elections alright.
listen buddy, if the information isn't coming straight down the pipe from the zombovision these people will never regard what you say as true, or make some nebulous statements about how its all just circumstantial. The reason they do this is because most people know that the people in power are incredibly corrupt fucks, they just don't want to have to think about it.
Its hilarious to argue with liberals on something that snopes has """"debunked""" they will not even engage the ideas because they honestly believe snopes is worth a shit and doesn't have bias. Neoliberals are not capable of original thought.
>yeah we're gonna divide you
>not making a comment about someone's butt
still waiting on a response on this
>listen buddy, if the information isn't coming straight down the pipe from the zombovision these people will never regard what you say as true
Unironicly this, if people with PhDs, all kinds of credentials, studies and what have you come along, they STILL will immediatly search for any bullshit excuse to dismiss it out of hand.
Nope. I dont live in muttland.
I don't live in muttland either but I spread pro trump memes everywhere, I wish we could exchange Merkel for him.
so like the Jow Forumstards?
These are the same people that were bitching about how the media was biased towards hillary after she lost. That is how out of touch they are, these people think they are resisting the institutions, but they're just useful idiots for them. The most perfect example of this is antifa. I love how the party that not too long ago was behind occupy wall street is now throating the entirety of the corporatist oligarchy's cock for no other reason than that these corporations understand marketing trends and play them like a fiddle with virtue signaling surrounding their products.
Nice comeback grandpa
>thinking Russia doesnt interfere in elections
Its well known that they interfere with elections. It the new battleground. The best way to get rid of a country is to help a person that younglings dont like become president and watch everything go down hill
>younglings don't like trump
most liked republican among young people in forever
>watch everything go downhill
why didn't they support Hillary then?
have you ever actually engaged a Jow Forumstard? The reason I ask is that I've never really seen any good conclusive responses to Jow Forums beliefs that are backed up with some sort of evidence. Its always just some combination of whining, appeal to authority, and appeal to consensus. There are probably about 4 left wing people on this whole site who are actually competent.
how does Maddy McCann end up on Alefantis's pedo instragram?
democrats need to hang
I wouldn't worry about it much longer. Donny Dumbfuck is about to go to the pen for the rest of his faggot life
Am I the only one who remembers Trump claiming the election was rigged against him and the entire lib media going at great lengths explaining how it would be next to impossible for the election to be rigged, but then when Trump won the media did a 180 saying Russia fixed it for him. Hilarious
There's tons of examples of them changing their tune when Trump won. They thought it would never happen in a million years, they fell for their own polls. Another good example is people talking about how the electoral college is a good thing before trump, and then suddenly its the worst thing ever after it did its job and got trump in.
thank god for that too, direct democracy is so fucking retarded its unreal, its really a shame our representative republic has decayed so much from the original plans of the founders.
The election was rigged against him in the sense that illegal beaners voted for killary en masse. I don't know if it's legal for foreigners to vote in burgerland, but if so, you are the most cucked nation on earth, not even Sweden allows this.
Arschloh. Fick dich.
Are you serious?
Appeal to authority = police, god, the majority is right (when it comes to conservative views)
white and black dichotomy = if you don't like this you must be (insert buzzword)
Don't pretend Jow Forums is not like this.
Its not legal at all, but placed like california will allow you to vote as long as you have some sort of ID generally. The most infuriating argument to have with liberals is about voter ID. There is literally no fucking reason that it shouldn't a thing. FUCKING INDIA has them. BUT OH NO, voter ID is racist because it would lower turnout amongst minorities! Its hilarious because they only give a shit because they are mostly a democrat voting monolith. IMO if you're too fucking lazy to go out and get a voter ID, you don't deserve a say. I mean if you're too lazy to get a voter ID, you're definitely too lazy to have actually researched any of the candidates.
There are idiots like that there, and more so more recently, but there are still plenty of competent people there who don't fit that mold. My point also stands that I've never really seen a lefty on Jow Forums that was actually able to outdo them in debate. I've only rarely seen lefties outdo righties on other boards.
Why not try learning the language of the people you are trying to conquer from the inside first?
sorry who is for israel?
who is for the bankers (those people Jow Forums used to hate)?
who is for megacorps and massive taxbreaks while people receive crumbs?
All you guys hated that in the past.
yet don't seem to care now that the potus is a republican.
all of those were important issues on obama term.
What happened?
The majority is far left you fucktard. Also at least half of Jow Forums is not religious either. "white and black dichotomy" is what you simply get from confrontational talking on Jow Forums, we all do this on every board and it's in the nature of anonymous posting that a lot of it turns out like this. Like when I tell you to fucking kill yourself, I probably wouldn't actually mean that when we talked face to face (although I might). You show that you have a very superficial knowledge of what you are talking about.
>there are people here that still unironically support Trump
this Jow Forums meme needs to end.
>Still butthurt over trump
Go back to tumblr no one cares
Are you replying to a different post than the one you linked? Also Jow Forums still hates those things and there are Trump hate threads every day because of this, that doesn't mean he isn't infinitely better than Clinton.
>I don't browse Jow Forums and I have only a surface level understanding of international politics
Trump is WINNING. He has done MORE than he predecessor in 1/4th the time, despite being absolutely targeted by major media outlets. Democrats are on damage control because even they know they're FUCKED. Elon Musk himself wants to audit the media because the LEFT cannot stop lying and pushing toxic narratives. There is NO (NONE) evidence that there was ANY collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. None. There IS evidence however that Obama has moles within the Trump campaign. There IS evidence that debates and rallies were RIGGED in favor of Clinton who still LLST. There IS evidence that the left was PAYING shills to masquerade as Trump supporters and cause hell. But you American leftists don't care about that!
Your former President made your country laughable. He ran your middle-class into the dirt with a failure of a program he called ObamaCare. He PAID terrorists 2 BILLION CASH to NOT Behead MORE of your troops, instead of HANDLE them. Under Obama you sank to new lows.
Your current President is on the verge of making the Berlin Wall 2.0 happen and yoh fuckers still can't stop crying about LOSING. Look at unemployment. Look at welfare use. Look at minority involvement! Look at your Economy. You are alot better off with Trump.
t. britbot
>there are people here that are still unironically bootyblasted about trump
I have to be honest, you aren't much of a 4channer if you don't take schadenfreude in the suffering of all the people with trump derangement syndrome. He literally just shitposts on twitter and makes people who can't help themselves angry all the time. I can't think of any better entertainment for the current year.
>not being an accelerationist
While this post is true, your formatting looks like you are one of those "crazy poltards" so these shitlibs will feel emboldened after reading it. It's similar to the "woah there buddy, you made a spelling mistake so your argument is invalid!" meme.
>it was facebook
>it was the russians
>it wasn't me trying to rig the election
Bernie sanders should have been the democratic nominee
you can't turn them, even if you adopt their axioms and beat them with their own absurd arguments, they will not change their minds. Its basically not worth it to argue with them. I just try to make them angry. If they are so easily angered then they deserve to be uncomfortable in anger all the time. Grow the fuck up people, things aren't even close to bad yet. People to used to being comfortable.
he just shitpost to distract people
and implement policy in a silent way
is bait and switch non-stop.
Anyone with a brain right OR left knows that this is true.
This is just the view of a non-white Brit looking from the outside, in. I consider myself a moderate. But even here people can see how crazy your media has become. I thought the BBC was bad but then I watched MSNBC and holy hell.
never voting demoturd again. theyre child trafficking pedos
hopefully we have the opportunity to hang these people from street-lights in the next 10-15 years
>Jow Forums still hates those things and there are Trump hate threads every day
That is not what i see from this thread.
I only see trump asskissers and tinfoil hats with no u argument
Yeah, you're welcome. Chin up, lad.
It took me years to deprogram the shitlib ideology and I wasn't even an SJW or communist (Amazing Atheist type).
I only even got to accepting that right wing people aren't retards because people I respected and enjoyed watching dropped arguments now and then.
(((our media))) sure is against us, I cannot figure out why they would do that...
what i don't get is why mods moves some of those threads here or to other boards
but never move Jow Forums shitposting back to Jow Forums
There is a time and a place for everything, why would I join shitlibs when they are attacking Trump? Their reasons to criticize him are the exact opposite of why I would criticize him. Leftists love megacorps, bankers and, granted, non-zionist kikes. They might say they are against these things, but if the decision is between some good feefees for helping those poor gays or stopping banksters, they will pick the "oppressed class" every time. Also non-zionist kikes are usually even worse than the zionists, see Soros.
Trump won because as "bad" as he may be, Hillary would have been ten times worse.
again who is implementing policy that benefit israel?
the soros tantrum is not going to change the fact that you guys are hypocrites and not better that the shitlibs you hate
>who is implementing policy that benefit israel?
Every American politician in the last 70 years.
Watch Frame Game Radio, he explains pretty well why you don't have a chance as a politician if you don't serve kikes (he is a jew himself)
should i just be more tolerant of pedophiles?
God, and to think I idolized Colbert once.
2016 was 2 years ago numbnuts.
>I only even got to accepting that right wing people aren't retards because people I respected and enjoyed watching dropped arguments now and then.
This is the fundamental problem with modern liberalism. They constantly are stuck in 100% smug mode because they assume that anyone who has right wing beliefs must be a retard because that's more or less what they've been shown for the last 20 or so years. This is a problem on both sides to be fair, and there are plenty of dumbfuck conservatives. Anyway my point is that people need to reach the point where they can engage and ENTERTAIN other people's ideas. I feel like not many people actually do this, and I think its absolutely necessary to actually have a respectable opinion on anything.
When your beliefs are constantly reinforced by all the institutions around you its easy to assume that you must be right for agreeing with them, and that anyone who disagrees must be "misinformed". This is something that is quite manifest with the whole russia collusion conspiracy. It is more or less liberals thinking "There is absolutely no way any rational person could have opinions that lead them to vote for trump! These poor stupid people were just misled by russian propaganda!" If you look at the "evidence" of russian propaganda put forward by the disignenuous scumfucks in our government, you will see that they are often pro-christian/pro-nationalism/anti-activism (feminism, antifa, etc). In my mind I can only say that if that is russians: GOOD. There is nothing wrong with these ideas and the idea that they could only be instilled in stupid people who have been "misled" is a huge misconception among the left. Once again, mostly because they do not entertain these ideas, they simply assume they are wrong.
Is that why CNN admitted that the Russia thing was all fake and they are just pushing it for ratings since alot of their viewers hate Trump?
This exactly, if you really think about the 2016 election, it was a complete joke. I mean seriously Hillary and Trump for choices? Its absurd. These are really the best people to represent us?
Although, that said, I can't think of a more stereotypical image of america than Donald Trump, and I have been quite enjoying his presidency.
>tfw when ppl unironically believe the president holds all the power in government and Trump is literally Hitler.
>tfw trump isn't hitler
>russians shitposting on facebook is why hillary clinton is unlikable as fuck and basically unelectable compared to a reality tv show star with a fun twitter account
I'd hate to advocate for genocide, but some of the shit these "journalists" write makes it sound appealing.
woo buddy whats the source on that
Why is she standing in a deep fryer?
Is she in a fast food restaurant?
he should have posted the one where she's taped to a desk
then again, you could post most things from jimmy's instagram and you'd be amazed at how odd most of it is.
>muh Russia
Some established people are spouting it so they don't have to admit that they fucked up. Its Russia's fold, not incompetent government, unlikable candidate, shitty program and bad campaign.
no, that would be Jow Forums
Yosuga Nor sora I think