ITT: Insect Stories

>Be me
>7 years old
>At aunts house
>Getting chocolate milk from the fridge
>Turn around
>A cockroach is on the counter
>Im a little bitch who is afraid of bugs
>I screamed in surprise
>The nigger starts flying
>Towards me
>I scream even louder
>The fucker flew in my mouth
>I could feel the legs and shit on my tongue
>Aunt runs in kitchen
>Throw up on the ground in disgust
>The roach is swimming in vomit
>I couldnt stop crying even after my aunt tried to console me
>Crying whilst drinking chocolate milk on the couch
>Aunt is on the phone telling my dad what happened
>Shes laughing her ass off on the phone

>mfw aunt still teases me about it to this day
>mfw still scared of roaches

Attached: Cockroach.jpg (540x270, 40K)

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you should be proud of yourself, user, at least the cockroach is swimming in vomit, not your urine.

A huge one flew towards me last night and luckily I could run away. My dad was there so I was spared from the task of killing it, even though I can force myself to do it if I really absolutely have to. But I'm so terrified of them I couldn't go near the general proximity of where the cockroach was last seen.

I thought this was going to be incest stories

But anyhow yeah I think my literal hoarder aunt brought them to my house and now the niggers won't leave i hate those shits. A bee flew in my mouth and stung my tongue once

I lived with roaches for about a year and a half and fuck those guys. One of my roommate's friends had the gall to give him the whole "Oh, they're living creatures don't kill them" spiel. He just asked her if she ever lived with roaches. The answer was obviously no.

Not an insect but close enough.
>Be me
>teachers let us kids run around outside during recess
>as a little piece of shit does, I run around a tree in circles slapping it
>suddenly feel fuzz
>Se a sleeping tarantula perk up from the tree bark
>still do not know how a tarantula got into a preschool, they are usually in more open areas with bushes
>scream and run away
>not afraid of tarantulas anymore

you are one brave soul

Attached: 1526267959138s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

I lived with roaches when I was little. I still have a minor phobia of them and anything that look like them. It's not so much that I'm scared of them as it is that I'm disgusted by them and don't want to be anywhere around them or even look at them.

>be me back in secondary school
>walking up a hill after lunch break
>big fuck off caterpillar fell from the trees
>maybe one or two storeys high
>landed right on my shoulder
>the caterpillar exploded from impact and my white shirt turned green
>oh wait there's more
>equally big fuck off wasp landed on my shoulder to feed on the caterpillar
>people around backed away from me
>tried to run and shake it off
>still on my shoulder
>fuck me.jpg
>continued my journey slowly so as to not trigger the giant wasp to sting me
>reached school, no one helped
>after a while, a security guard saw me
>security guard picked up a long branch and finally picked the caterpillar from my shoulder
>wasp flew away finally
>went to toilet to wash my shirt
>didn't help much
>continued the rest of the day with my shirt stained with caterpillar fluid
A very bad day it was... I fucking hate wasps for being the aggressive cunts they are and can sting freely without repercussions.

>Be kid
>Not afraid of insects
>Collect them in jars and torture them for amusement
>Mom and sisters keep screaming in fear and disgust
>Eventually this must have transferred over to me
>Afraid of bugs like a fucking normie now

Fuck those whores.