How the fuck do you guys even afford the NEET lifestyle?
How the fuck do you guys even afford the NEET lifestyle?
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It's all about the passive income stream, mate.
Are you interested to go NEET?
Not at all; it's not even an option for me. I'm just curious desu.
That's one way, but there are at least 3 types of NEETs:
The mommy neet just lives off of parents. Generally young and broke
The government neet is on some type of social assistance.
And, the independent neet does passive income strategies.
mmm, the ragie of the wagie. so delectable
I don't
I mean I've been working for 15 months now after uni and have like 30k saved, so theoretically I could NEET for a long time but I'm afraid I won't find a job like this after a lay off
cuck life
Get a manual labor job and break your back beyond repair. Get workers' comp, disability insurance, max out unemployment benefits to get a good start in getting your own place so you don't leach off of parents.
How easy was it to find a job after graduation? That's what I'm worried about the most.
first application I sent - I got the job
but I'm not from Murica and also have a skill which the company was looking for
>Watch anime
That's how you spot the incel alt right neckbeard
the incel alt right neckbeard? what's that?
Literally no one is mad in this thread tho. We're just talking about how you can afford the NEET life
look at the wagie in OP's pic and tell me he isn't mad
Not one in a fucking thousand NEETs use their free time to read Nietzsche and Aristotle and learn to paint and create.
If they had the personal initiative to do any of that...they wouldn't be fucking NEETs. The man who has anything resembling energy and initiative rolls over all other moderns like a fucking tank brigade. If you were the kind of guy who would actually use free time productively, you won't have any free time because you're Teddy Fucking Roosevelt.
>Not one in a fucking thousand NEETs use their free time to read Nietzsche and Aristotle and learn to paint and create.
stopped reading right there. i "create" all the time and i'm a hikkikimori
>break your back beyond repair
I really don't want to do that.
>Not one in a fucking thousand NEETs use their free time to read Nietzsche and Aristotle and learn to paint and create.
Do you not understand that NEETs make up the intellectual elite of this website?
Beyond the view of wagekeks like yourself, NEETs are fighting each other for dominion in battles of titatinic proportions. You are simply a pawn in their game. Tik Tok little wagie, march onwards, loyal wageserf.
>Do you not understand that NEETs make up the intellectual elite of this website?
stunning rebuttal. you sure showed him
>stunning rebuttal
wow you've done it again. your parents must be proud
That implies that there was anything to argue against.
The user just made a ridiculous assertion, provided nothing to back it up, and you expect people to respond to it with scholarly argumentation?
>he thinks he's worthy of a rebuttal
>ridiculous assertion
in your opinion
>in your opinion
My grandmother pays for my survival
The truth seems absurd to little wagekeks like yourself. Good thing too, or you wouldn't make such willing pawns.
Cha cha, little wagie.
>YuYu meme
stunning rebuttal, you really showed me that time
then prove its not ridiculous with some substantiation retard, "in your opinion" is the stupidest fucking defense i've heard. You can dismiss pretty much any argument with that
>"in your opinion" is the stupidest fucking defense i've heard
it's essentially the same argument you're using
I'm not going to engage in an argument with you.
Live with parents and have some passive income from a business, so I'm technically not NEET but I still feel like it
>u-uhh... i'm just not gonna argue ok??
You know I just had this pop into my head but why does pepe lounge around in a blanket so much? Does he live in a cold place or does he keep his house cold so he can always be comfy with a blanket?
presumably the latter
I agree with this to a point. But, having something your passionate about that gets you out of bed in the morning is nice
>No self respecting man should work 40 hours a week
There are some jobs (not all jobs) that are objectively better than being a neet. I grind with the hopes of getting one of those jobs
>why would i want to date a 3d
Also real relationships are way better than porn.
Damn what a comfy little frog.
>your passionate
The job I work has 40 hours as the max but we nearly never get to work that much. I also get off work at a good time. It gives me something to do and I enjoy it. I understand the NEET life can be nice though but it is not the one for me.
If you're a true intellectual, you'll go to grad school and put in the work to prove it to others. PhD programs are usually free and give you a stipend
You probably just read a wikipedia article. A wage cuck has probably thought of your most profound thought
Iook at this brainlet
>If you're a true intellectual, you'll go to grad school
Meant to respond to you with this.
If you're a true intellectual, you'll go to grad school and put in the work to prove it
>to prove it to others.
It does not matter what others think of me, only that they do as I want them to.
>Not one in a fucking thousand NEETs use their free time to read Nietzsche and Aristotle and learn to paint and create.
This. It's funny how the people who define themselves through their supposed contrast with the 'unsophisticated' normie masses often tend to be just as ignorant, shallow and straight up boring as their counterparts.
>keep giving money to the jews
Look at this retard lmao
I don't, gonna have to get a job real soon. I'm studying passive income strategies though so I can return someday.
As far as I'm concerned, this is how you advance the field of philosophy 2018. You don't want to be a quack like this
People like this think they're genius's for understanding problems that were solved 300 years ago -- because they disregard academia
If you want to advance your field you need grad school
Science isn't an individual endeavor, but there are requirements to join the team
>Do you not understand that NEETs make up the intellectual elite of this website?
I'm original.
nobody was talking about science you idiot
Philosophy too.
t. social sciences, so I'm somewhere in between.
>stopped reading right there. i "create" all the time and i'm a hikkikimori
Then you're the 1 in 1000.
We already have an ongoing social experiment that proves I'm right: generational welfare recipients in US housing projects.
These are people who have been fed, housed, clothed, and provided with medical care at government expense not only since the day they were born, but in many cases for two or three generations.
Where's the renaissance that should have brought about? Where are all the Aristotle-reading residents of US housing projects? Why aren't Newark and Baltimore the new Athens, the new Kyoto?
The answer is that only 1 in 1000 of them do anything with their literal lifetimes of free time other than eat, sleep, smoke, fuck, beat the shit out of each other, and occasionally waddle down to a government office to grunt at a social worker who fills out forms for them. 1 in 1000 plays a sport enough to be good at it. 1 in 1000 makes a mix tape and becomes a recording artist. 1 in 1000 sprays enough paint to become a renowned graffiti artist.
And as soon as they DO that, they aren't NEETs any more.
The other 999 are so debased by their idleness that they won't even pick up garbage in the hallway outside their apartment door. They'd rather live in filth than expend any effort at anything, ever. To read Aristotle you have to pick up the book, and NEETs don't pick up a god damn thing.
Wtf? When i was a NEET i learned programming (my job now) and got Jow Forums
I didnt read much philosophy, but surely i learned a fuckton about health, nutrition, biology, history... i learned what i thought was useful.
Yeah i have a job now but if i could be paid to live i would NEET it up in a heartbeat. So much time to cook, exercise, get sun (vit D), and learn whatever i want.
Seriously, why do people think (paid) education, employment, or training is the sole purpose of life? Internet is free education
>use free time productively
Please elaborate. Besides making money or exercise, what is even a productive use of time????
The independent self-sufficient neet lifestyle is best. For the other two situations, what you can do with your time is actually pretty limited because you have very little funds to work with.
>We already have an ongoing social experiment that proves I'm right: generational welfare recipients in US housing projects.
Are there controls for race? Or are you simply stating that nigs will always be nigs?
I hope you guys understand how wrong that is, you don't need to be a workaholic consumerist but happiness does require having some power (money) and a job to do, that's why retirees get unhappy and annoying so quickly.
>This website
Yew nead 2 gow bahck
Great post. 10/10
Why do people keep asking this? It's not hard to grasp.
Money from the government.
Leech off parents.
Do odd jobs for random amounts of cash.
I personally get benefits and have been signed off of working for a year then have to take an assessment when the year is up. So I get enough to cover rent, expenses, any extra stuff I wanna buy etc.
>Being a neet
>Can wake up and stay up whenever
>All the time in the world to do almost anything.
>Lives to better oneself
>Higher ambitions than the common man
>Being a wagecuck
>Forced to sleep and wake up at certain hours of the day
>Only has the weekends (if that) and a few hours at the end of a weekday to get ready for the next working day/ rest their muscles
>Lives just for money
>Is only satified with materialistic gain, as opposed to striving for something greater
Why did I fall for the wagecuck meme? I WANNA GO BACK!
Neets are truly the master race
Wagies like me were born to support and worship neets
>NEET becomes blue eyed blond aaryan
always gets me
Live in a civilized first world nation that has badass social welfare. If you get out of high school in my country and don't have a job you can get some very generous neetbux.