Why are Asian women considered attractive but Asian men are ugly?

Why are Asian women considered attractive but Asian men are ugly?

Attached: 1527337325007.jpg (900x1200, 160K)

Because they are so feminine

Neotenous traits

cuz most asian men are twinky dweebs, you'd basically have to be a gym nut as a chink to achieve chang-hood, and not even then cuz so many asians are manlets

Its because asians tend to be neotenous. This is desirable in women because societies prize archetypes with high sexual dimorphism

It's just like Russians. Their women are amazing, while the men look like deformed aliens.

i feel like her breath smells like rotten fish

Because asian features are generally considered feminine and childlike which is very unattractive in males but very attractive in females

This or a KPOP idol. They get a lot of qt asian teen pussy.

>which is very unattractive
This is what is considered an attractive man in East Asia.

Attached: korean_male_actors_instagram.jpg (700x500, 242K)

because stereotyped as petite, scrawny, short and small dicks

being petite and small is favorable for a woman, and disadvantageous for a man, in terms of physical attraction

Need a name now

Some those men (1, 2, and 4) are quite attractive. They are lucky to have enough masculine features which win out over the feminine features. Most women are attracted to men with a mixture of masculine and feminine features. An overly-masculine looking man just starts to look like a brute.

This balance is very hard to achieve when you have a naturally feminine build and set of facial features as do the common Asian male.

I personally have found a lot of Asian males attractive, but I do understand why some may find it hard to compete.

True, but when you consider asians on a global scale it gets more complicated. They pale in comparison the the raw masculinity of uber nord chad of tyrone. There are different strokes for different folks. Women are mostly bisexual and so are dudes, so...

I'm 3/4 white, 1/4 Asian and I recently realized how lucky I am to have the facial features I have
strong jaw line, strong brow yet everything is soft

too bad I'm a mentally ill drug addict

Just say they're a feminine race you parrot

I'm an asian girl and I like an asian guy right now desu

if ur dating market is that specific you're still a fucking loser

Me so hoowney. Me luv you laang tyme

these are attractive to young girls, most girls as soon as they reach 20s they start wanting manly men like pic related

You forgot the pic originally

>current year
Nigga, there is nothing I want more than to unload buckets of cum inside the rectum of a K-Pop tier twink

no homo

because azn men are too stupid to go to the gym

because men are attracted to a lack of masculinity, not feminity in general.

women are attracted to exxagerated masculinity in order for natural selection.

asian men tend to be shorter and have weak jaws and round faces.

its just nature at work

they look like the typical boys from boy bands, which are also hugely popular in the west, so I think this might be for a specific demographic as well.

asians are almost extinct for this reason

you guys really, REALLY want me to save one of Maria's photos.

This though, this one takes the cake for "Way too much fucking effort"

(BTW if she looks like that then she is 100% a whore/pornstar)

Asian men make the best girls though