How do we fix western women?

How do we fix western women?

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allow sexual harassment and slut shaming. societal pressures will cause them to be more reserved.

Fix yourself first user

We allow public shaming as the other user said, women cant fix themselves so men have to step in yet again like they always do. Women are stuck in their childs mind and men evolve to adulthood mentally. We need to make men the superpower in society and relationships, thats how we fix them. For the greater good of humanity and the women themselves.

Literally why should I be mad about this?

give them all wardrobes entirely composed of dresses like that

Pajeets aren't "western".

would you want your mother or sister to dress like this at public events?

That kind of dress would not be flattering to a flabby woman in her 60s, but why the fuck should I care what my sister wears?

>but why the fuck should I care what my sister wears?

do you want packs of dudes flipping up that flimsy piece of fabric and ravaging all her holes while you stand there and fucking watch?

I beleive you snip their eggs

>the Incel rage poster

Don't waste your words on one of these "tolerants".

Look at her dumb face, noe imagine no makeup. You know she knows she fucked up. Nuke us ples

>implying he doesnt want it to happen so he can watch

There's actually covering under the dress that you can see in other photos, so it's not like she's walking around with her vag hanging out.
I don't know how you factor gang rape into it. It's not like women who dress modestly don't get raped?

Yes? It is a fetish of mine to be cucked by my slutty sister

go outside looking as ugly, creepy, and your usual self as possible and lustfully video record every woman you see with your smartphone. if they say something, dont even respond just keep recording

>How do we fix western women?
What's wrong that needs fixing apart from the fact that they don't like dating autistic losers?

at least this guy is honest about it, fucking hell

>I don't know how you factor gang rape into it.

Men see her sparse attire as an invitation to her fertile body

>Its not like shes walking around with her vag hanging out.
user, get you head out of her ass please

Since when was this the social norm in the west? Celebrities and rich people like to show off, wow that's new.
Regular people don't dress like that. You'd know if you went outside.


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Believe it or not, men in civilized countries can actually look at women without sperging into a rabid lust frenzy. Shocking, I know, Achmed.

l literally go outside everyday so kys reatrdsplaining virgin

She isn't, if you lifted the dress you'd see she's still covered.

>let me explain something obvious to you that was a joke to begin with to show how normal and not autistic I am


Liberal brain damage.



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You'll need one of these bad bois and enough ammo

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I'm not the one getting angry over a pair of legs.

Yeah, you are whore. That's why you're here. That's why we're all here. Now shlick

Damn, you are actually unwell.

Replace them with men. Femboys and shemales are always up for anal and don't menstruate. If you don't like the penis you can lock it up in a chastity cage. Its really no comparison.

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Even if they wear shit like this?

i dont see anything wrong with that
thats sexy as fuck
you're just a pussy faggot

Replace them with Asian women.

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Correct. This may surprise you but she went that whole event without being raped. Men in civilized countries can look at a woman, acknowledge her as sexually attractive, and NOT try to dick her on the spot.