There's a new Star Wars movie out and I don't even give a shit and I will probably never see it

>there's a new Star Wars movie out and I don't even give a shit and I will probably never see it
I never would have imagined this day would come when I was a little kid.

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Disney Wars sucks donkey dick.

The only SW movies are I-VI. There's also some nice SW vidya like the KOTOR series, Jedi Knight series, Battlefront 2 and Republic Commando.

Including the prequels as SW movies

I haven't seen any of the new ones. Haven't seen any capeshit since the watchmen. Have barely seen any new movies in the last 5 to 10 years, actually.

for me Star Wars vidya >>>>>>> Star Wars movies, even the old ones

Jedi Knight series was top notch. i have to replay academy again. republic command was fun as well. not a big fan of kotors on the other hand

KOTOR 2 was the best piece of media in the entire Star Wars franchise.

>Not a big fan of the kotors
You are living a lie

i just want more clone wars era or maybe old republic

Yeah well I bet you didn't imagine that filthy kikes controlled the world and that they'd purchase Star Wars just to have a more efficient way to spam racemixing and anti-white propaganda in your face now did you, goy

Lets be honest user. You're still going to go see it anyway, because it's star wars. You know it, I know it.

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it went to shit under Disney which is no surprise for me. to be fair the prequels were meh anyway.

Give me one example of anti-white propoganda, nigger.

Revenge of the Sith was probably the best prequel.

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yeah well to be honest what I disliked about the prequels was mostly Jar Jar the stupid fucking long pod racing bullshit and the dry acting in the third movie. Seeing the birth of Vader and the emperor win was fucking nice though.

The highlight of the prequels.

best star wars movie, peroid

What about empire? The battle of hoth and even endor in rotj was dope asf.

Le dashing Latino employs an anti-white slur ("pasty") five minutes into TLJ. Not to mention the bad guys are 95% white men and the entire subtext is "racist Nazi empire against diverse good guys"

The prequels wounded the reputation of the series, and the new trilogy put salt in that wound. Rogue One almost saved the series.

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A permanent +2 Wisdom to that user.

Seriously though, it has a very original story, compared to the usual "Goody two-shoes crusade to destroy the superweapon and/or Sith". Kreia was great, and there was not a fine line to light or dark. It's good shit.

Star Wars died years ago.
just except it and move on.

Republic commando movie wouls be the shit.

Agreed. I also like the NJO and LOTF series. Jacen was a really good character and had an interestic arc. I wish we could have read more about his five year journey learning different Force techniques and philosophy from various Force using groups around the galaxy.


Fuck I hated that shit. I was honestly happy they got rid of the EU after they ruined Jacen.

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I liked Jacen's philosophy from his time with Vergere and the Yuuzhan Vong.

Good for you. Star Wars and all this shit is fucking stupid. Do something with your life.

>Don't like original Star Wars movies (old vidya from before disney era is pretty good though), absolutely hate nu-SW
>Father always loved them and still has nostalgia boner over it
>Every time they release new Star Wars which is now milked every fucking 6 months my father wants to see it
>But he doesn't want to go alone to cinema so he always asks me to come with him
I love my dad but I'm getting tired of Star Wars shit especially since I know going to the cinema means I'm contributing to the problem by funding those kikes at disney that just milk the shit out of SW beacuse normies will go see fucking anything with Star Wars brand beacuse it's """"nerdy"""".

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