At what age did you realize your life wasn't going the way it was "supposed" to go?
I think it was when I dropped out of high school at 18.
At what age did you realize your life wasn't going the way it was "supposed" to go?
When i got kicked out last year, and was subsequently homeless for three months
age 13, Been a long downward spiral since then.
best 'friend' embarrassed me in front of class and i became a drifter
How did you get embarrassed
Middle school, I realized that nobody likes me and I was failing academically. When I managed to get a friend, I visited his house and realized for the first time that my parents aren't normal people at all.
16 actually. Suicide attempt, then I went downhill in high school. Used to be a smart kid, barely got past year one.
Ironically enough, after dropping out I started working and I'm almost happy except for being an incel which constantly brings me down.
At the age of 19 probably. But It got worse last year.
The saddest thing is that I became aware that there is literally no one to blame.
I am basically a dead weight at the job market as all I did in university was fucking around, drinking and playing dota. I wanted to blame my country useless educational system, but that would be a lie. My groupmates were in the same position and they studied programming and shit by themselves and got jobs now. My position is a result of my lazyness and apathy. My choice.
I dont have much social life. My only friends are a bunch of nerds as myself that I occasionally go out to drink until we are unconscious. No females, of course. I love them, but honestly, I would like to be in some normie social circle. But I was not intrested, didnt want to spend energy to find new people or try to hook up with some girls. Prefered to fill holes with media and forums. My choice.
And the worse thing of this all is that realisation. That there is nothing wrong with the world, with the people, with market, its all me being a fucking stone liying on the ground. Of course water will not flow under me.
And it shouldnt be that bad, right? I realised the problem, I am a perfectly functional human being, I am 21, still pretty young, all it takes is just to start taking steps in right direction. But why am I still not doing it? Why I keep fucking not doing anything but stress about the fact that I am not doing anything?
Probably because it will take some hard work, something I was avoiding all my life and keep doing it. I feel like a useless piece of meat in the grave that was dug by my choices and lazyness. It sucks.
such is the life of a wagie
at 13 when I realized all the jobs were being shipped to China
When I was 8 years old and the neighbor used to invite me to have lunch because he used to feel pity for how lonely and young I was.
Age 15, ruthlessly abused by friends, because of the abuse had no confidence in anything about myself at all. Seeded deep anger, depression and heavy drug use up to now at age 20. have body dysphmorphia and schizophrenia probably from the abuse and drug use combination. Now I can't make friends because of these mental issues. Giving myself 10 years.
i could have written this exact post, middle school was fucking brutal for me, i don't think i was a bad kid but i was very impulsive and i spent half of my time in IN SCHOOL SUSPENSION
Probably at 11, my father just died and i had no friends, meanwhile everyone around me seemed to be having a great time.
22. My biggest dream was being a player but I found out my penis is thinner than the average. Average is sexual death sentence in this Tinder era, but under average is hope destroying.
>no hopes at 22 years of age
Sweet 16.
Around 25 I realized I wasn't having the kind of career success I wanted.
But it went better than expected in other ways.
Like I got to live in other countries and stuff like that.
I was 8 years old.
15 or 16. It was when I started really trying in High school but still faint to get descent marks
Realized I had no talents, I had wasted my attempt at E-fame, everyone hates me, and women all run away from me
My life is a joke that got stale a long time ago
Mostly in middle school, father died in while i was in 6th grade so I knew my childhood/teenage years wouldn't be very good becuase of that, and in 8th grade I got my I.Q professionally tested and got a low score, so I knew I would never do well in school or have a high paying job becuase of that.
i knew i was fucked around grade 6-7
i could no longer really understand the math homework, no matter how hard i tried i couldnt get it. (Bye Bye any chance of a STEM career)
i was horrible at anything sports related
(Bye trades jobs.)
a funny thing happened coming back from summer vacation in 6th grade, So i gt back from playing with my GI Joes and transformers and shit. All my female classmates are now looking like hookers??? huhhaha kindah funny, but whatever.
They start telling me they would rather commit suicide than kiss me.
7th grade i knew my life was fucked
I never had any direction in life. I was an isolated loser in high school, flunked out of college, flunked out of community college, now I drink myself to sleep every night regretting everything.
13. Had to be homeschooled because I couldn't handle being around other people. Been a hikikomori since.
About 7 years old. I noticed that all of the kids in school were always a lot happier than I was. When I made a bunch of friends and saw how happy their households were, I realized that I didn't have a loving family. My parents were toxic and abusive people. That realization kinda fucked me up. I'm 24 now and I haven't talked to my family since I moved out at 18. Sometimes I feel like things in my life are slowly getting better but then I have days where I feel like I'm doomed. I don't understand any of it.
Even when I was 5 I knew I was different from the other kids, maybe even younger but stuff didn't start getting really bad until I was around 11.
When I started middle school. I didn't know anyone around me, couldn't make any friends and barely spoke.
I don't remember a specific moment where I realized it, I think I always knew I would be a retarded loser. Which I guess is how my life was "supposed" to go.
13, two classmates raped me
One of them kept doing so for years, I never said anything cos I would've rather killed myself than letting anyone know
I don't what age, it more like I just grew to be more cynical and less hopeful. I keep losing people that I care about, seeing my family slowly died, working at a job I hate, seeing everybody just be asshole. life seem to just keep getting worse