The nazi nigga

>be blackbot
>in class watching some videos in my phone for a laugh
>start watching a Trump video
>the video, was everyone doubting that Trump would win
>one of my friends saw the video
>keep in mind that this is a Art class
>every girl is a feminist and most of the guys are cuck basedboys, faggots and one or two chads
>friend tell to everyone that I was watching a Trump video
>teacher starts ranting about it
>we don't live in the US, this Portugal
>they can't believe because I'm black
>they are confuse
>time to put wood on the fire
>start watching a ww2 webm with a lot of Nazi Swastikas
>everyone is calling me fascist

Should I keep doing this?

This the last week of school, and I'm never going to see the faggots again, should I become a black nazi just for shits and giggles?

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No, just be yourself

Its just to see their reaction

do it, based nigger. might as well play moonman out loudly and give the fags a smug smile if they bother you

Start doing Nazi salutes as well, and also start saying stuff about the Jews.

You have a free pass to do whatever the fuck you want because you're black.

>Should I keep doing this?
>should I ruin my social life for literally no reason at all

yes, you belong here

yes, please. i have a lightskin friend who does it all the time, it's the funniest shit.

If you value having a social life, i would recommend against it since perhaps it may follow you in the future, probably not but you can never be certain. But if you just want keks, then go ahead. Start saying out loud "Damn, I really like ovens"

e ora viva meu caro

Hell yeah dude! You should totally keep it up, I'm black to and I support Trump, except I'm in the US so everyone treats me like I'm responsible for the Trump election.
Don't let their stupid fixed views on what you can and can't be get you down.

Good to see another brotha on the Right-side.

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