Laughing Via Text Message

What is the proper way for a man to convey laughter through text messages?

Hahahahaha - Sounds REALLY boring
lol / lmao - Sounds like a nerdy manchild
Laughing emoji - Sounds even more like a child

I think that Ahahahahaha, with an A at the start, is the best way to laugh

This shit has been irritating me for weeks. How do you laugh via text message and not sound either 1. boring or 2. immature?

Attached: 1511429140261.jpg (750x486, 46K)

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hahaha or ahaha

Only faggot underage losers care. I use whatever the fuck I feel to convey laughter and it doesn't matter. If you are so hyper focused on texting or making an impression over text you already look like a fag.

If you're that much of a faggot that you care, just use lmao since that's all any normie uses.

how does lol sound like a man child retard


Maybe you'll know when you're out of school

>If you are so hyper focused on texting or making an impression over text you already look like a fag.

No I probably look like I'm mature because that's the image I go for.

Huehuehuehue + emoji

>wanna look mature
>wanna send Ahahahahaha
The fuck.

patrician choice:
