Only faggot underage losers care. I use whatever the fuck I feel to convey laughter and it doesn't matter. If you are so hyper focused on texting or making an impression over text you already look like a fag.
Ayden Robinson
If you're that much of a faggot that you care, just use lmao since that's all any normie uses.
David Davis
how does lol sound like a man child retard
Adam Murphy
heh haha lol lmao kek lel :D XD :DDD
Blake Hall
Maybe you'll know when you're out of school
>If you are so hyper focused on texting or making an impression over text you already look like a fag.
No I probably look like I'm mature because that's the image I go for.
Julian Martin
Huehuehuehue + emoji
Henry Barnes
>wanna look mature >wanna send Ahahahahaha The fuck.