Free Speech

These are the ones who dictate what is allowed to say, and what is not allowed to say.

Attached: Discord Fem.jpg (2048x1365, 728K)

do they literally work on computers within 2 feet of each other

how the fuck do they put up with it

Is that a tranny in there

Attached: 7735A154-7DD8-4DDD-AD91-6D9B95AA7AA6.jpg (236x235, 21K)

They have a programmer/Incel somewhere that does the computer stuff.

When the chick in the blue flight jacket has a badass pair of doc martens

>the trap on the left

I like her. Looks like she could show a man a good time if you know what I mean ;)

ive never had one of these girls come up to me and tell me what i could and couldnt say op i have no idea what youre on about

Also, even worse, an open dyke on the left and probably ten more secret dykes o that image. God I hate dykes, gas them all.

>only three white women
Makes a lot of sense, to me.

Attached: 1370711576028.jpg (700x714, 136K)

RIGHT I'll take the right

I honestly thought that was a soiboy

Can someone number this so we can roll.

Attached: AC38478B-39CF-4074-953C-D8E6E4D374DF.jpg (234x215, 20K)

In either case they have to go.

explains why they only use super shitty, overused jokes on every update log

Good god white women age like shit.

Attached: fuckability.jpg (2048x1365, 751K)

That pic is bullshit.
I dont see any kikes in that pic.

>EXTREME x for guys
>crossing out MILF in black hat

My original oregano rating.

Attached: 1527572995127.jpg (2048x1365, 764K)

I hope none of you unironicly use discord.

If there were no computers in the background I would have guessed this picture was taken in the early 90s

taking bets on how much useful stuff they actually do. Guarantee all of them sit around doing nothing useful.

I honestly don't even know how Discord would need more than like 3-4 guys tops.

Why you must say why

swear to fuck I know that fat gook in the back wearing the shitty blue thing

Smol world, me too

To be fair I'm sure everyone knows a fat gook like that

pretty decent desu, girl in black jacket in glasses in the front is really cute

Attached: decent.jpg (2048x1365, 748K)

what does the orange line mean?

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I only bring good vibes. Luckily there's a lotta cuties.

Attached: 1527572995127.jpg (2048x1365, 753K)

>what does the orange line mean?

An "eh" or "maybe"