Tfw ill never participate in a gangbang

>tfw ill never participate in a gangbang

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I don't understand how people can enjoy a gangbang
You're sharing a woman with other dudes, it sounds cucked as fuck

Big difference between fapping to the thought of something and actually acting it out in real life.

>you will never be gangbanged

im a girl btw

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jokes aside, i imagine getting gangbanged is the ultimate attention whore fantasy

>you will never gangrape something leagues over you, like an eldritch fem-God or a giant supercomputer

OP wants to be a part of a gangbang. Sounds cucked. Your response?

It's only cucked if you're the dicklet who can't get off.

I guess. I'm still a virgin, so I'll stick to my gangbang porn.

How big are your tiddies?

You're fucking her so quickly your own cock is being lubricated by the cum of other dudes.
How the fuck is that not gay?

the only real concern is diseases and general ickiness
if you're too squeamish about the sexual politics of some cum touching your weewee you're probably gay for real

Thank god. I dont want be near naked slippery dudes with erect dicks.

Do all girls have fantasies of being gangbanged? Been with my boyfriend of 4 years, I want to spend the rest of my life with him but sometimes when I'm really horny all I can think about is being gangbanged (I wanted him to be there too.. watching, getting involved.)

I know it's a "fantasy" but man it sucks not to be able to just roleplay with him and dirty talk about it.

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Introduce the idea of being spitroasted with a suction cup dildo / having a plug or a toy in your butt and etc.

>ywn be the big dicked guy that fucks her last

why even live

>you will never stick your cock into a girl's pussy right after a bunch of dudes get done cumming inside her
>you will never DP a girl, her on top of you pressed up against you as he fucks her ass
>you will never look down at a qt trying to fit you and someone else in her mouth at the same time

Reverse gangbang count?

No user, that is a waste. Women can have multiple orgasms and you can only have one. One hot chick rides you and makes you cum, then after that you are post-orgasm not horny and the extra women are a waste. While one woman can have as many orgasms as she wants, so it is our duty to stuff all her holes with rock hard dick until the constant orgasmic pleasure makes her unable to do anything else but service cock.

This. And once she's all full up, everyone waiting their turn can play with her breasts and nibble on her ears and kiss her thighs.

>Do all girls have fantasies of being gangbanged?
No, you girls are just sick in the head. I seriously do not understand other girls having this fetish.

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You don't actually do it that way though, you go down the line fucking them for a bit at a time or vise verse. Hen party logistics, you have to think on your feet.

I dont really understand why these differences exist
I mean If men are supposed to impregnate as many women as possible then wouldnt it be logical for them to have multiple orgasms?

This makes me want a gif of a guy giving one stroke each to a circle of chicks as he spins
>One for you, and for you, and for you

its just half looking at some anime tiddys and half jacking off with sweaty ugly men, pass..

No; it's kind of like a skunk or a snake because we have to eject the semen. Most animals with something like that are actually more hesitant to use it than active because it needs to be replenished. Same thing with guys; if we could keep orgasming but nothing usefully came out, it would defeat the purpose

You can do it that way, most common is a line or a cluster. I managed both but prefer a line.

Actually men have an evolved trait where the more women he has available, the quicker he can be ready to go again after orgasm and his body will even go into overdrive to produce a ton of sperm. And the really interesting thing is, the more women he has available the more his body responds, it's something the brain can denote and kick the body (dick&balls) into high gear. His refraction period get shorter, he can cum more and quicker.

>tl;dr one guy can fuck and cum in 20 different women in a fraction of the time that one guy can fuck and cum in the same woman 20 times

If it isn't your girl why do you feel cucked? Because others may satisfy her better?

*pussy is dreanched*

i want to be gangbanged and i am a boy...

I want to be flashbanged and i am a terrorist...

>Do all girls have fantasies of being gangbanged?
Not really but I wanted to be forcefully bred without my consent in front of my loved ones.
It's just a kink when I'm horny but outside of that I find it disgusting so don't judge me too harshly.