Women are attracted to genes. They don't care about your attitude, confidence, or interests. They don't care if you volunteer for the homeless in your free time. If you don't have the genes they want it's over for you bro.
Women are attracted to genes. They don't care about your attitude, confidence, or interests...
> women only care about genes
Zyzz was a compulsive looksmaxer/roider/gymcel/makeup/jaw implant.
He was never geneticly blessed
i dont get it. is the guy in that picture supposed to be "unattractive".
Women are attracted to status,you idiot.
I'm a 8/10 and 6'4 tall and my fiance left me for a shorter uglier and older man who is wealthy.
>a mutt with a busted nose and faggot haircut
So it comes down to being ripped to shit. HGH LEGAL WHEN?!
No fucking way
Well obviously you cant exactly say he is ugly there, but certainly nothing women would swoon over like in op. Reminds me of the faggot from Malcom in the Middle here.
Women (aka whores) love money. My model-tier cousin (f) got married to a turbo manlet that made 10k bux a month, which is a fortune in this 3rd world shithole.
Somewhat, yeah. Im not saying he was ugly but surely was not blessed with great genes. Can't have great genes with a body and bones that naturaly skinny.
That was sort of the whole point of zyzz. Overcoming being an extreme ectomorph who was not geneticly blessed for bodybuilding. He didn't have great genes especialy for bodybuilding. He said it himself, do you know nothing about him
Nice pics, pics aren't loading