>mfw i want to be in an online relationship where typing isnt required and phone calls are the only form of communication
>mfw i won't talk as much, or have anything of worth to say
>mfw i just want to hear user's voice just talk in my ear all night long
Mfw i want to be in an online relationship where typing isnt required and phone calls are the only form of communication
So why not just watch YouTube simulators?
>mfw i won't talk as much, or have anything of worth to say
Then why the fuck would I call you bitch? One sided conversations are insanely boring
Femanons never want to voice chat with me for some reason. Either they're anxious or they somehow think it's a bad idea. I have no problems voice chatting with my male friends.
No offence but how are you going to contribute to the relationship?
Exactly. I'm doomed.
Do you play games? We could talk then. Give discord. ALso where do you live?
That sounds like an awful relationship. Why would you want that user? What's more is why would you think anyone would want to be part of that relationship?
You sound like my ex. God she was a bitch. Me me me my needs my feelings all the time. No empathy or consideration for others. Everyone else had no agency to her everything in life was a mechanism to fill the gaping lack of a personality to her. Shit person all around. I spent years of my life being her personal informal therapist before I wised up to her act.
>b-but she sounds like an ultra Stacey that's not me I'm an incel tfw forever alone
You mask your narcissism with self-loathing but you actually love yourself, you just call it hate because you're a coward
Do you just don't want to talk, or fear that you might not have anything to talk about?
I'll read to you and tell you about my day everyday! This is most likely a bait thread though.
You just want someone to talk to once you're done fucking Chad
>online relationship
>phone only
dear god why
This would be hot if she talked about what he did to her. Even hotter if you got to listen as they fucked.
Can I do this for you?
LMAO fucking sadsack.
Get off your lazy fat ass and do some fucking squats bitch.
I guess i just wouldn't have anything to talk about considering i have no hobbies or interests other than lurking on r9k. I'm a massive loser.
I'm too ugly for Chad.
How old are you?
Fucking answer my question you thot
>tfw I just want a bf to beat up and choke whenever I'm angry or turned on
>tfw I'd hold him close after every beating to reassure him that I love him
>tfw we'd both understand how abusive this is, but do it anyway because we're too fucked up and nobody else would understand what we wanted
>do you play games
no :(
>where do you live
Don't have one, but i could make one if you're still interested.
Well nevermind then. Try to be a bit interesting. Playing games is a good way to connect with a guy
>I guess i just wouldn't have anything to talk about considering i have no hobbies or interests other than lurking on r9k. I'm a massive loser.
Surely you have things that you at least like? You might pay attention to news and politics?
>beat up and choke
Why is always this? I'll never find a girl into biting, scratching and bloodplay.
This but I beat the girl instead.
I met a girl in an online forum, we talked online a bit, text and phone, then met up a handful of times. Ended up losing our virginities to each other. Was nice
greentext it
Are you still with her
Hey, I like that too!
I enjoy this also, but I have a feeling I'd fight back, which means you might have to hit me harder
>tfw no gf to beat unconscious then rape her body until she wakes up again
>I enjoy this also
Interest lost.
I'd like a gf like this but emotional abuse is more important to me.
>can't enjoy both sides
Absolutely pathetic. I should beat you.
Where are you from?
>I should beat you
You're a woman, you can't beat anyone. You're just another sub bitch that likes to act dom to get male attention.
Where do you live? Let me unleash my anger and sexual frustration on you.
Are you a virgin japanese female ?
watch a twitch stream
Are you the girl I haven't chatted with in a week?
Come back if so.
A female japanese thot?
A virgin female?
Or a virgin japanese guy?
Western hemisphere.
Ah, so you're a non-virgin non-japanese male, then.
Sorry, not my kinda thing.
Sounds like you could use someone to drag you around into hobbies honestly
Between that and you being quiet I'll be honest it's kind of the relationship equivilant of an onahole.
The insane girls are always in the US. Fuck my life
>Where are you from?
Bongistan desu.
Ayup guvna, yoo got yer inaent loicence?
Aw. I hope you find what you're looking for.
Ok I am in. I am 19.