What is the ideaI female body type?

What is the ideaI female body type?

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You just posted it. Now post more at chubbies

I want an athletic gf

>dem wide fertile hips
>dem voluptous breasts
Built to breed desu

Attached: ideal body type.jpg (540x490, 73K)

I like chubby girls unironically. Lazy looking, but non-obese women

A girl that loves me and wants to be with me honestly. That's the best female body type.

who is this,

Skinny + big tits

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You posted it already OP, good thread.

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Attached: ideal body type 2.jpg (702x1080, 240K)

this is just about ideal

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Well rounded. Not fat, not skinny. Well proportioned.

4'8" and like 80lbs. pale and in her 20's. no boobs, small well shaped butt.

perfection. got any more?

This is the ideal female body.
You might not like it but this what peak performance looks like.

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this t o be quite honest chaps

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Pear. big round arse, thick thighs, a little belly with proportional but not overendowed breasts, C/D cup or there abouts. That is the best female body type.

There are no words to describe how much I want this

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daily reminder that she's 16 years old and if you like this girl you are a disgusting pedophile

daily reminder that you are 13 and if anyone listens to you they are retarded

you are autistic for not recognizing sarcasm

you are a sperg that doesnt see the bait

Braphog + Milktruk

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I'm straight now, thanks man

I know her body is so delicious

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Problem solved.


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how can a girl achieve this? asking for science

Genetics, wait 50 years and we can engineer it

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for tits, eat a lot and hope you have good genetics. You can also try inducing lactation, some women see major growth from that. Can't find the pic but there was some romanian camwhore who nursed her son for 4 years and she went from like a low C to F territory.

for brapper, eat a lot and do tons of squats and leg presses, you have to build muscle to shape your ass otherwise the mass will just be flabby. A good ass is a mixture of muscle and fat.

Luck, happenstance and hormones

thanks user you are very helpful

would you post hobbies, and date a robot? asking for me

sorry not a femanon i just want to transform my mediocre gf

delicious brown and wide hips. i'm not interested in 3D

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Women with tits that size but a body that is 50lbs lighter.

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getting them pregnant helps

how many times? originally

perfect belly too

That's a lot of airbrushing.

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Yea she's ugly. It's just the slim body with huge titties that is nice.

Like Crackys. Wish all women could look like her, but maybe not, since that would take away how special she is. Cracky is so special.

Attached: enchantingly beautiful.jpg (640x481, 52K)

Good luck with that. Even thinking about not being a fat ass in her vicinity will cause all hell to break loose. Women are fucking crazy. They will always find an excuse for stuffing their faces.

but i want her to gain weight user...

Well fetishists are the only ones that enjoy fatties. Not going to judge.

dont like fat girls either but tbf chubby girls usually have big tits & bj lips + are really desperate & submissive

I like them thick and plump, but not so much as to be considered fat.

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i don't want her to gain so she becomes a shapeless blob i want her to gain so she can become thick and curvy

i want to drink milk out of her tits

what's an ideai? Is this a fictional race with a different body type?

You posted it OP, the only oneitis I've had in 8 years has this body type. A giant, amazonian, slightly chubby blonde that seems to be everyone's work mommy. I'm reaching the point where I just need to ask her out.

I'm trying to build up the courage to do it. I don't want to come across as some creepy stalker, since I'm not. Failure means losing one of my preferred watering holes.

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Based brown-poster

tall, fit enough to overpower me, and decent tits/ass
also great

This. But no big tits is alright too.

anything better than myself
im not picky