Closes her patreon

>closes her patreon

Attached: 1526426567777.png (1243x636, 1.27M)

Other urls found in this thread:
[email protected]/katisdad
[email protected]/alewm
[email protected]/liliana.washington.5

who is this? why obsess over someone who is irrelevant

*blocks your path*

Omae wa mou shindeiru

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After watching her video on youtube I lost ALL attraction to her

Who is that supreme qt?

God she's disgusting looking

Attached: 1527084526674.png (449x536, 247K)

*blows head apart*

Attached: love for muffy.jpg (900x675, 151K)

crispyfags eternaIly btfo

Attached: 1527085450797.png (668x852, 810K)

>a girl will never delete her social media for you after thinking you killed yourself

woah she actually looks better now.

that lucky bastard!

rip crispy

Attached: 44454.jpg (708x780, 316K)

Is this replacement Crispy

It's Crispy's substitute, just until Crispy comes back.

Attached: fakecrispy.png (884x1064, 1.59M)

She's cuter than crispo

The pleb Crispy

Attached: 1466526517862.png (1711x2534, 1.68M)

The patrician Muffy

Attached: 1527474955001.png (1273x529, 116K)

look at all this Muffy propaganda

Attached: comfy.jpg (750x1334, 154K)

It's not propaganda, she is just perfection.

mfw ever muffy post in every thread is made by franz

Attached: 1504273595132.jpg (1447x2164, 804K)

If she is so perfect why don't you go make your own thread about her.

Attached: vcf.gif (233x195, 1.98M)

Are the videos of her still on yt?

her hair makes her look like a penis

Literally all entry-level hipster garbage

Another user posted her first and i'm contributing to the discussion. Also they're related enough to post in the same thread.

Attached: 9a23bc2bd4b38a782164e959d39b86033db763e073ca72ffa4e823302068d0d8.jpg (900x1125, 137K)

>that file name
i knew it was franz

Go back to your Agatha Franz this is Crispian turf gringo!

Attached: yesyesyes.jpg (600x800, 59K)

Maybe if her orbiters didn't abandon her.

Muffy is soo qt amirte

Attached: Muffy10.jpg (625x474, 60K)

i think everyone on that board moved on from agatha

faggots im talking about Franz's 8ch board i just forgot the /'s

Attached: iijj.jpg (1024x1024, 127K)

I meant Crispy dumbass. If you haven't noticed only two or three people post her anymore.

Attached: crispy.png (1256x876, 1.86M)

your the one that fucked up not me your the faggot. faggot!

>when even your obese dyke gf is cuter than you

I feel very catfished right now.

true, the interest is fucking low but some faggot keeps making these threads

Attached: oook.jpg (640x640, 85K)

Because I used to like her and I hate her for wasting my time now.

Attached: crispy (2).png (634x833, 750K)

What did she stop you from doing? orbiting some other girl or wasting your time on Jow Forums? cause that's what she is stopping me from doing

Attached: opo.png (1113x1095, 1.25M)

I used to talk to her, ask her questions on her CuriousCat, save her photos, etc. She is a disgusting catfish, I can't wait for her to fuck off the internet after realizing her only worth was her photoshopped pictures.

that creature is repulsive make it go away

She has more personality in her pinky than Crispy has in her entire body.

How about we try and bring crispy down and off the internet for real?
I think there's a way to gather more personal info about her than what we know already

Sounds good to me. What do you have?

Why the fuck would you talk to a girl online, did you think you can fuck her? Look where your at! the pit of losers!
I'm not going to defend Crispy because I just find her attractive and I could see that she is not interesting and I'm open to the fact that she only puts her best online. I don't care to get to know her because I know I don't have a chance and that all my expectations are not going to be fulfilled, but honestly there is no one to blame for you wasting your time except you, you should have just watched from a distance or ignore from the start.
And if you truly hate her, you would stop talking about her and let her popularity die out like her Youtube channel.

Here's to hopefully the last Crispy ever posted on the internet because her Channel is dead I don't think she's going back to Instagram and I'm the last user to find her cute.

Attached: last.png (1109x1055, 1.52M)

Very average chubbyfaced wannabe edgy girl
This pic is completely unrelated to her, im guessing it is a meme now?
This is her old address, assuming it's correct. But she lives in Canada now.

Some user said he had her personal twitter

>completely unrelated
she deleted everything cos of that

Good. Stop posting her ugly ass finally.

i would kill to look like that
instead I'm in my large, broad man flesh prison. you waifufags don't kno true suffer g

I think this was a more personal Facebook, it's not used anymore but maybe you could find something in it. Her real name appears to be Chris Washington:

*Replace this*.com/Nugget.Cake


Curiouscats: (older)

Old Twitter:

YouTube Twitter:


Just search for alterhacker on google or whatever to find stuff.

She also used to go by the name leonibuki

Like this now empty tumblr

Her sister's instagram

And there's this what I assume is a family adress before she went to college and eventually Canada to live with her gf.

Her personal tumblr is now

That's all information we already had.
I was talking about a way to gather more info about her that we don't have right now.

Digging a bit through the followers and following of her twitter account for her youtube account, I think I found out her new twitter account, and also Kat's Twitter.
But most importantly I think I found one of her friend's twitter account.
Crispy and Kat accounts are private, but her friend account is not, maybe someone can contact this dude and see if he's got some useful information.

Yeah that was me, read the post up here

Post twitters user

She always looked like that. Did anyone actually believe her bug anime eyes were real?

dox muffy instead

Because of the pic? So she is retarded?

We knew she was ugly but not THAT ugly.

Attached: 1466274699996.jpg (1372x682, 190K)

Okay, jesus Christ, is that a kid? He looks small or is that the guy who killed himself because she was inactive for a week

Try imagesearching and see where it gets you.



Her friend's

It looks like Kat also has a public profile but last tweet is from more than 6 months ago
It also seems like Crispy has other accounts too, only one is public, but that too is basically unused

Where's the tv?

anyone have info on her?
post those too

Crispy's gf's Facebook

[email protected]/katisdad

Why do these retards like South Park so much

Kat's public

Crispy's public

Crispy's other private

No idea, but her friend's account being public and the fact they like South Park enough to use it as avatars and in their bio is how I found all of this out

Muffy looks like Walmart brand Crispy tbqh

Nah she's way cuter

what do we do with all these twitter @s if they're all private

theres so many of these girls you lads orbit now its hard to keep up
has someone made a wiki/infographic or them all yet

fuck off crusty

there's this chart

Attached: 1526031682204.png (837x804, 1.28M)

Digging through Kat's Facebook I found:

Crispy's Sister

[email protected]/alewm

I think this is Crispy's mother

[email protected]/liliana.washington.5

what arr you even going to do with this info?

all of that is old stuff, as well as crispy's sister and mom instagram accounts

the user who posted their twitters suggested we could try to get info from their friend, i dont have twitter though

She is very originally cute.

What's her mom's instagram
pics from there have already been posted more than once

She won't give out her name or even the state she lives in so good luck with that

This is your latina queen

>The state of /r9immigration/

Rolling for a friend and for myself

Rollerinoing because jesus told me to