i want a fat boyfriend
i want a fat boyfriend
i want a fat boyfriend
how do i get one like pic related?
i want a fat boyfriend
i want a fat boyfriend
i want a fat boyfriend
how do i get one like pic related?
Is 100 kilos enough for you?
Move to American Samoa
I could vibe with a fat bf but the guy in pic related really turns me off for some reason
Just smile at them. That's all.
>dating a black woman
6'4" 350lbs
For free
Please take
He actually looks like me but with a slightly darker complection. My hair and beard are dark brown but skin is a little lighter than his. I'm over 220lbs and 6"1' so I'm a big guy like him. I'm also single and like thicc women.
idk they look intimidating
are you a robot?
Yes I dont have any friends and have never had a gf
Only thing I like is guitar
I'm Euro-fat (i.e. can still move and climb stairs), but white. Is that ok?
please be a girl
I'm about that fat op. I'll chat with you a bit to see if we click
I miss my strong-fat bf. He was like a big cuddly bear
Please I'm free
are you masculine? i hate nerds if they're not manly
OP do (You) look anything like the woman in your picture?
no. im black but the similarities end there
As a skelle-bot I just want a strongfat gf but Reality, on the other hand, has an education in heart problems and related diseases doesn't it roasties?
b my gf plz
who is in the pic? dhfhdndb
i meant me ;lh;jhlkjhlhlkgshldjfg