It's 89 degrees outside

>it's 89 degrees outside

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what the fuck? how are you people even alive? wouldn't water be almost boiling?

26 celcius in ireland, normal summer is like 15

god i fucking hate summer
why does it always have to get so god damn fucking hot
and it's impossible to cool yourself off unless you shill out tons of money for the monthly A/C bill
fuck this gay earth.

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Yeaaaa user it's actually 101 degrees outside right now

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you also have to do laundry more because you end up getting all sweaty and have to change clothes a lot more often

>79 degrees in my apartment

Cold beer while I cry amirite boys

>truck says 103
>phone says 94
>feels good outside
What fucking gives is it hot or not?

fuck this shit. cant open window bc niggers are shouting autism as always and mosquitos trained for guerilla warfare. Cant afford Cooler like the poorfag i am.
Home sweet Home. Amaright boyz ?

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Lemme guess, you live in the midwest?

And I still have no girlfriend.

>ice cream truck hasn't drove by your house yet


>90 degrees Freedom outside
>near 100% humidity
>Grass needed mowing and mom wasn't going to take no for an answer.

I almost died, robots.

hope you got that $1 boy. another day another dollar.

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>no AC because this place is a dump
>have to keep my bedroom door closed so my roommates cats don't have free access to my bedroom
>fan is only circulating warm air
>don't want to buy a window AC unit because I'll be moving somewhere nicer in July
This is hell. I really don't want to shell out money for a window AC unit I'll be using for 50 days, but I'm already pretty miserable after 2 days of sunny and 90F.

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>fan on
>computer fan roaring loud
>can't watch anything because audio is muffled by the fans in the room

No, I'm a neet but I do have to do some chores and yard work to keep it that way.

>fan on highest speed
>it just blows hot air
the most useless fucking invention ever
it only works when it's cool or warm in the room
when it's scorching hot, you might as well not even use it

>not investing into stock market to get money from wagies.
It's like you love them.

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I'm literally broke, mommy has to approve every dime of hers I spend. The chores and yard work are just basics to living at home. If I skip out of them, she will kick me out.

>walk outside
>it's actually pretty cool because of the wind
>go inside
>it's hot despite tons of fans being turned on

The air intake of the fan must come from outside if you want it to be cool. As to how it works, it's simple physics.

When Americans say 89 degrees, they mean 31 or 32.

The faster the air moves, the more quickly your sweat evaporates. So it does cool you down.