Someone adds me on discord

>someone adds me on discord
>decide to be the one to start the conversation
>"Hello there"
>"How are you today user?"
>get ghosted
What am I doing wrong? This happened more than once.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did you actually call him user?

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I mean, that guy was from Jow Forums.

i dont even have conversations with my irl friends via msg platforms. i imagine id get bored or run out of things to say by the second convo with strangers

Post your discord or else.

>what am I doing wrong?
You're expexting discord faggots to be capable of the most basic of human interaction.

Or else what, smartass?

I got it better
>get added
>Tell them hi, what's up, how's it going
>they keep logging on and off for days afterward without answering
>never remove me

Are these bots?

>talk with someone who added me yesterday
>things seem alright, could be worse could be better
>wake up

You guys cry a lot about being lonely but you're the first one to disappear

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had this happen so many times it's not even funny at this point

So I can talk to you dumbass.

Judging by people's reaction I'm not a very interesting fella, but there you go
All qts - feel free to add me.

>add people
>they never message first ever
Why do people do this, I don't mind it all the time but it's annoying being the only one to do so

I've been added by 11 people from Jow Forums in the past few days. I've messaged all of them, 3 of them never even bothered responding once. Another 6 are perpetually offline so I never know if and when it's appropriate to message them.

>someone says they keep getting ghosted or receiving one-word replies to well thought-out responses
>add to discord
>that person only sends me one-word replies, once a day, and ignores 99% of what I respond with
Why the fuck would they do that, go on the internet and tell lies?

4 out of the 6 supposed fembots I added did that to me. The other two revealed they aren't actually fembots but we still talk at least.

It's always appropriate to message. Discord is instant messaging with a history. The whole point is to support offline-messaging. Just say 'hi' and if they don't respond or if it says you've been ghosted, gg. As soon as they login they'd see the whole backlog of missed messages, so they're ignoring you on purpose, guaranteed.

Why do you add fembots? Even if you want a Jow Forums gf, don't you realize how futile it is to add girls, considering literally every motherfucker also adds them?

I added one and she responds almost instantly everytime, told me I just cucked about 10 guys, sorry bros

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it's either a man or she has a bf infa 1488%

>girl adds me
>not even really looking for gf
>talk for a bit
>never messages first
I don't even want an online gf I posted looking for friends so be my friend.

Enjoy her attention for like a week or two after which she realizes you're not as interesting as she thought.

I want to believe that I'm not doomed to be alone in this world. Is that too far fetched? I've yet to talk to anyone in even the same timezone as me, and yet I persevere. But at the very least, perhaps talking to girls will help me, you know, talk to girls. So far though, it really hasn't. No feedback quick ghostings everytime.
Beside, some of them insist that they're talking to no other robots because the other robots all ghost them and they never ghost anyone, though it becomes obvious they've been lying all along pretty quickly. Still I keep believing.

just saying hi to someone isn't a gaurantee they're going to talk to you

desu I just don't even notice DMs, I just straight click the server I'm looking for and then realize days later someone was trying to message me

fem"bots" come in various forms and none of them are good enough practice for talking to

1) the sexually traumatized roastie, also known as "born again" incel. Usually fat enough to have her own minor gravitational pull. Most common location: America/South America. Usually spic either way. Very into anime.
2) the underage. Aged 15-17, they come here because of funny facebook frogs. Usually European. has an underaged boyfriend
3) The orbiter baroness. Some random roastie who has literally never been seen online except for one shittily photoshopped pic which shows her to be a 6/10 on a good day with a ton of make-up. You can find her posting on /soc/ regularly. Expect to be person #534 on her friends list and to get ghosted in two hours. has a boyfriend
4) the autist. Rarest type, usually the sort of person who browses hobby boards like Jow Forums or niche board. has a boyfriend who also browse Jow Forums and is in every way and aspect inferior to you.

post your discords please

Is it appropriate to message someone again if they never responded to your first message?

Even then I keep trying. I don't want to live in a world with no hope. So I choose to have hope.

Depends on timing. If it's 24 hours after your previous message, yes. If it's a month later, not really, but you might as well. If it's 10 minutes, hop off the coke and caffeine combo.

I have time and time again regretted doing this, but opportunities exist solely to be taken, as miserable as their trappings may be.


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If you're going to ghost me, at least tell me WHY before you do it.

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This thread is as good as any - who wants to be my discord gf?

i'm the 11 people guy

I was there first, get in line!

discord is for niggerfaggots

One of the discord IDs here is from a femanon

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And I'm which is Which means we have an imposter here

Never call me an imposter again, that's just some user pulling your leg. I'm the original elevensies, now a comfortable twelve.

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This really made me think. And also I'm still as I was before this thread. Oh well.

>nobody asks for your discord
Thats fine, I'll just drink alone

eat shit and post your discord

I'll drink with you, what's your ID?

Now why would I do that, big guy?

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Which one is it please respond.

I've already drank enough and am going to bed maybe another night user

>has a boyfriend
>he is inferior

I can't even get a gf?? Sound's like #4 is just a retarded Stacy with a Chad bf.

Its mine, please add me.

discord is starting to lose it's charm, 1 year ago i could make throwaways easily using cock li email addresses and now it only takes gmail/hotmail, and if you make more than a couple diff accs on the same PC it asks you to verify by phone. can someone recommend a throwaway messaging service i could switch to? or
it's not throwaway per se but it allows several e-mails to be registered without having to link your phone or other e-mail address.

It's not and most definitely not . What's left?

thanks, but that's an email service not a messaging service, i'm looking for something i can use to chat with people for a while and then delete.

Down to talk for a bit if anyone else is. Hit me up Daiumi#3924

All these ghosts and its not even Halloween

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Are you a cute girl. Pls be cute girl

avoid this nigger
like the plague

I'm a cute girl if you are, user

Sure, please post your ID and I'll add you right away.

>Beside, some of them insist that they're talking to no other robots because the other robots all ghost them and they never ghost anyone, though it becomes obvious they've been lying all along pretty quickly. Still I keep believing.
Every time. Fembots are pure scum.

Only one fembot did that to me and she told me she was going to, what the fuck do you guys say to fembots to get them to ghost you???

I want to try to talk to robots but I'm not joining that botnet

They're just keeping tabs on you. Be good, "user".

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I only get adds from indians and people thinking im a girl for some reason
maybe we play games or something if you add and we get along

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Makise Kurisu#7663

Femanon here, been on Jow Forums since 2006ish. I'm a drawfag, have seen over 200 anime, and I'm a lonely autistic loser who sucks at making friends. It seems like everybody I end up really liking either ghosts me once they get a GF or just disappears from the internet entirely (probably killed themselves when I think about it). Please no orbiters or people wanting to be lewd. Will be an instant delete if you try it.

I love to share my drawings with people and talk about dumb shit. Maybe we can be friends~

At least you didn't have a decent conversation before you got ghosted, those bother a fuckton more.

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>so what kind of stuff are you into?

That's literally how it ends sometimes

are you female? Pls be my gf


I'll talk to you lonely people, I'm lonely too
I like Vidya, Mexican food and rabbits
I'm a male[(male)male] btw

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This guy will bully you if you're a robot and will get all assblasted and cry if you're better than him (you are).

In particular he really hates people with jobs.

Online friendship. Why bother? When you turn off the computer, there is nothing there.

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k so how do I not be an orbiter?

>implying I ever turn off my computer unless I'm sleeping
I'm fucking tethered to this laptop

isnt it because they can't message you until you accept their request?
and so they add, maybe wait 30ish seconds, if you didnt accept, they do something else.
Then when you add, they dont notice yet.

Thats what I thought the situation was at least.

why the lainposters always have to be such gigantic fucking pussies?

I've had bad experiences with discord as well. Trying to get to know people through it is probably a bad idea. I've been ghosted or had to deal with complete assholes. Some discord groups are fun to be in though and I still use it when I want to play something with people.

Anyone keep trying Discord but keep ending up interacting with people you have nothing in common with?

Yeah. Maybe we will have stuff in common though.
Can you post your discord?

Gigantic fucking pussy here. Addme. Message first.

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What do you like, besides Lain? Save us the trouble of having to ghost each other when we don't connect.

Classical art. Literature. Architecture. Philosophy/Theology. Sociology. Soundcloud rappers.

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I once deleted a person for liking that soundcloud shit. This song was their avatar.

I added you, but you aren't accepting. What's wrong with you?

Where else are /fringe/fags like me supposed to go, user? That's some shitty design though.
was doing something. done.

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>using discord after finding out they save all your private conversations and pictures in clear text and anyone from their staff can read your shit

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suicide by cop is a life goal of mine so that's alright

I hope you don't say that on discord, you are probably already on a watchlist if you did.

I'm sure the chat logs correlate very neatly with the Jow Forums logs they no doubt have on me

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You have to pretend like you don't care. If you don't want that to happen. They want to see your spirit die like theirs did!

For anyone interested in discord, here is an invite to a good server: /n8s8TU

otaku/weaboo only otherwise we won't be able to relate to each other...I also play fighting games. native english please ty! n.n
Scheris Adjani#1454

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Here's a good server for religious discourse guys /UhVnwHD
And it's serious.
But it's slow right now since it's quiet hours.

oh ho ho i'm going to join his discord. I love making bullies into my personal bitch.

see ya soon princess

That place is quite comfy.
Needs a Jew though.

bimp bamp bomp

>post my info on /soc/
>a few people actually find me interesting and add me on Discord
>they always message first
>we exchange small talk for a bit
>I don't know what else to say or ask
>we never speak to each other again

I don't know why I bother any more. I'm bad at conversations don't think I'm an interesting person at all.

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>be in 3 servers with the same people
>names are the order I joined them
>only ever talk in 1st and not much
>almost meet up irl a few times
>2nd dies when admin nukes it
>1st disappears dont know why
>ask in 3rd if I was kicked or it was deleted
>get kicked
discord fucking sucks, I'm going to make my own server with shitposts and more shitposts

>use discord for a long time
>somehow gain a bad reputation just by joining a lot of servers
>get banned from all of them

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hey alai. why haven't you killed yourself yet?

kill urself my kek