This stupid spic fucked a drug dealer instead of me.
What should I do to her? I'm thinking of calling ICE since she carries weed in her purse to work like a shithead.
This stupid spic fucked a drug dealer instead of me.
What should I do to her? I'm thinking of calling ICE since she carries weed in her purse to work like a shithead.
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You seem to dislike her, why are you mad that she fucked someone else? Don't be such a cunt, leave her alone.
Fuck off, she wronged me and I need to get her back. I told her I wanted to kill myself and she told me to do it. It's my goal to get her in jail for all the drugs she does. I want her family to suffer.
This is the deepest level of cucking attainable. Move on with your life you bitter creep.
>Dating any female who smokes weed
Come on man, those whores are the most degenerate pieces of shits ever. I've dated one and it was one of the biggest regrets I've ever had in my life. They are completely useless and they date other degenerate nobodies because it gets them more weed. They don't think very far ahead unless it involves smoking more weed and it's often at the expense to themselves and the people around them.
Nice try spic, fuck off.
You both sound like cocks hope you kill each other
this is like the 12th thread youve made of her. maybe you should kill yourself and quit attention whoring on Jow Forums faggot
How do I sound like a cock?
I think you should kill yourself unironically that sound good for you bud