About six months ago, on the advice of Jow Forums...

About six months ago, on the advice of Jow Forums, I set up a tinder profile and started spamming women with autism messages until someone took the bait. Long story short, she mistook my autism for confidence and I got to fuck her even.

Thing is, she's black, and I know that's usually a hell fucking no but I was a desperate virgin and needs must, you know? Anyway, she's a good girl, makes me dinner and knows her place when among polite company etc.

Well, last night we started talking racism. Actually, she started talking about it and I corrected her. She argued that black people are the most discriminated against race in America and questioned why white people would elect God Emperor Trump. Even though my counter-arguments were flawless, she couldn't accept that young white males are the most discriminated against demographic in the USA and refused to let go of her hatred towards our President.

I'm still fucking fuming. Should I break up with her?

Attached: you've_been_trumped.png (1156x771, 1.08M)

>she couldn't accept that young white males are the most discriminated against demographic in the USA
Would you trade places with a black/indian/mexican guy.

>she couldn't accept that young white males are the most discriminated against demographic in the USA

no its not.

Imagine being so autistic that you would throw out a good relationship because you disagree on politics, something that will never actually affect your life in a meaningful way

I would if Hillary had gotten in. Thankfully Trump's reversing the trend.

>Thankfully Trump's reversing the trend.
Then what's your fucking point.

I think you should go back to Jow Forums, nigger fucker

At what age do I change?

Do I keep my own mind, or do I have to have a nigger brain?

I can't answer the question without these stipulations?

Mutual respect is important in any relationship and she clearly doesn't respect me because she doesn't recognize the privileges she has as a black female nor does she accept the racial prejudice I face every day as a young white male.

>everything bad is caused by discrimination
nice racism of the gaps. No, I would not like to be black, because then I would be much much more likely to get robbed (by black guys). Guess you think that the black criminals are just rayciss and they just love whitey so much and that's why they only fuck with other blacks? Blacks/Mexicans have it rough because they make it rough for each other, not because of some invisible racist conspiracy. Look at Asians, they have it great.

So you're saying Hillary would (have wanted to) make lives for minorities easier?
Does that mean that during Obama's reign it was an equal playing field for all, or were white men ahead?
If so, then what is Trump reversing?
t. not American

Good job. Even if you didn't believe in that shit, it's good to remind women of their proper place in the political scheme; that is, they have none.

Trump prioritizes rich people. By extension that means he's worse for minorities because he improves the situation of rich people at the expense of the poor.

The unemployment rate has decreased during Trump's presidency. Isn't a job better than welfare checks?

Imaging being so autistic that you believe this story actually happened

The decrease is a result of Obama's policies. Trump's policies are now kicking in and the economy will soon start to tank faster than ever before. Trump increased taxes for the middle and lower classes and lowered them for the rich.

I won't fall like others

Attached: 1520204927076.png (307x266, 56K)

The economy is doing great!
Stop reading fake news. #MAGA

Underag* bait . You should feel ashamed why is every second word filtered these days

no user

Keep driving home the point until she submits. Quitters are scum.

If I my looks remained just as good/bad, hell yes. But those groups have tons of people that are ugly as fuck, imo. the average robot is better looking than the average dindu. But the social and institutional benefits would be amazing. Especially if I could switch genders for easy street.

>polite company

Why are you even here?