Why do brown bois have such small cocks?

Why do brown bois have such small cocks?

Attached: 64c7ad47a9154efefa653172c45ab383.jpg (1000x666, 107K)

Why do you care about the size of other men?

Asian DNA. Hung Spaniards had to come in and give them the infamous Latino burrito. These guys must not have enough Spaniard and nigger blood

this...always some faggot making faggot threads on a non faggot board.

op you want also sage

I think Mexicans are part poo, part Siberian, and part Med

t. shitskin mad his little penis is being revealed
t. closet fag mad cause he's turned on by the op image

Funny how it's only gay if non-whites are being shamed for being small cocked

>Crusty meme.

lol brown bois absolutely seething in this thread

>have 7.75" cock
>decent size but not freakishly big. 85th percentile or something
>gf tells me she likes it best when I only thrust just half way in
>if I go all the way in then all I'm doing is prodding her bladder or smashing her cervix

Just as women tell other women about the ideal body shape range/tit size etc (and blame men for their insecurities), men are the only ones really interested in cock size. Most cocks work for women just fine.

This basically means the one physical attribute where I'm definitively above average is utterly pointless when it comes to making sex.