Tired of being a NEET

>tired of being a NEET
>go to job fair
>actually do well, visit most of the booths
>score an interview
>write it down in my binder like a boss
>interview today, look at binder I wrote it down on
>"Interview wednesday at 1"
>literally didn't write down where the interview was
>told my parents, they're expecting me to go


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try getting another job interview

Do you know what the company was? Look up the address for their main office or local location, maybe you'll get lucky kek

I have a vague idea, some kind of nursing area where they care for people that can't do it themselves I think. Like a dietary aid type position. I've been looking through the packet I got from the fair but can't figure out which booth it was, because there were like 6 places like this and I stopped at each one

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Just pick one and go in and give them a firm handshake. Even if you choose the wrong one maybe they'll cut you some slack for showing initiative.

Just call the company where you applied and explain it. They'll tell you where to go

It's okay user one time I actually went to an interview and didn't know what the position was
Another time I went really far out just so he could say that he was looking for different people

Just go to another job fair and write down what it is and where it is
Also at the interview just bee urself

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>Just pick one and go
Kek, I kind of like this idea as a last resort

>Just call the company
That's the problem user. I'm not even sure which company it is. There we're so many that they're just a blur.

Maybe I should just call each place pretending I have an interview, and try to confirm?

kek something similar happened to me as well
>get call
>blah blah we'd like to invite you to an interview tomorrow at 11am
>yeah sure i'll be there
>after the call ended I realize that I have no idea which company this was and since I sent out so many applications it's basically inpossible to find out on my own
>too anxious to call them back
and that's how i messed up the only chance I had

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>Maybe I should just call each place pretending I have an interview, and try to confirm?
That seems like it would work. Don't try to explain yourself though, just ask for a confirmation and if they can't confirm just say "Thank you for your time" and hang up or whatever.