Are you mad, asian boy? We white men have taken all of your women

Are you mad, asian boy? We white men have taken all of your women.

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>he thinks we are still after 3DPD roasties

good one

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youre such a wierdo, you couldnt get a white bf even if you spread your legs at an Irish bar.

It's Asian women who lust after us white men, not the other way around.

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You can see her utter disdain for the Asian boi.

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>ugly cumskin betas think I want them
I only date asian guys

Even black girls are obtaining white daddies now.

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Nice trips my dude.
My Asian gf's friends are always asking me if I can hook them up with white guys too.
What the fuck is wrong with Asian men that your women are so willing to betray their race for us?

Ah, a question for the ages

Do you have a microvagina and can't take the engorged girth of a real man's member?

She cute; is it racist to use faux ghetto speak when talking to one's black gf?

he was about to kiss the dude

To be pondered by discerning sages.

That's good, but what you're saying is contrary to my lived experiences. I grew up in a 30% Asian area where Asian girls were always lusting desperately after me. I rejected them because I preferred white girls.

But did you ever get any white girls?

Asian guys are just better. White guys are all annoying like you.

You don't have to look very far for the answer since it's pretty much an inculcated fact here already.

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Are you that catty gook who just insults people in every thread?
If so, it's good to see you again, I hope you're doing well.

haaahaahaa Jow Forums bois BTFO!

Wouldn't it be Jow Forums girls BTFO? Seeing as the Jow Forums bois are busy colonising asiatic wombs and soforth.

how disappointed were you when you had your first white guy?

they didnt live up to all the hype? Asian guys were all better in bed, with smaller weenurs?

Yes, I'm doing well with my asian bf.

if you have a black gf i'm pretty sure nothing you can do is racist

Small weiners are better.
>how disappointed were you when you had your first white guy?

I'm not a race traitor, anyone who would consider dating or sleeping with another race should be executed.

Are you both Westernised, or do you live in Asia?
Are you one of those big titted hyper gooks that grew up with a western diet?

shorter, thicker, harder asian weenurs are better ok.

>Are you both Westernised, or do you live in Asia?
Canadian, he was born in Asia
>Are you one of those big titted hyper gooks that grew up with a western diet?
My tits aren't huge, medium size. I have a thin waist but my ass is relatively big. I'd have to blame it on western diets, yeah.

>anyone who would consider dating or sleeping with another race should be executed.
Can't control who you love user. I used to think similar to you until I fell in love with someone I never expected.

>can't control who you love
Maybe if you're weak willed. This is why your race will go extinct.

Yes, a couple. A blonde cheerleader and a gymnast with a godly butt. But like I said, Asian girls were always more vocal and aggressive.

>What the fuck is wrong with Asian men that your women are so willing to betray their race for us?
Navy here, married to a former office worker.
>Herb men
Alot of Jap men would rather hangout with their friends and do fun stuff after their longass work session vs risking getting rejected. Alot of Japanese men have bad experiences with girls and are afraid of repeating them at least thats what she thinks.
>carnivore women
kind of a term made up by an Indian comedian, basically there are some girls who really do not want to be alone and are trying to take on the male role of chasing very shy guys. It very rarely works and they get more and more buttmad about it.
>why wh*te boi
She quit her job and came home which is near where I was stationed as a mechanic. She was still in her business suit for her profile pic and that turned me on so I started talking to her in garbage Japanese and we went out for some food. Turns out I was one of the few guys who would message her first (probably bullshit but im not going to complain) and she really liked being treated like a girl which in her mind me spending some of my drinking money on eggs and rice was being treated "girly".
>d-do japanese men have no hope? Are navy fags going to ruin Japan?
Nah, we got some female officers that make us nervous because you can lose your job if they claim something. Pretty sure the officer in my shop is riding some poor boy half her size raw.

Small dicks are better than big dicks, rather around average size is best. If a girl wants a big dick, she's probably slutty.

so youve had the BWC?

You sound like my ex.
100% viet, but she was the tallest in her family thanks to spending her youth here and had a great big ass.
My regards to your bf, he may be an Asian, but he's a lucky Asian.

I'll be long dead before any of that matters. Race isn't everything.

hes her current bf. she has dated white guys before.

>haha look at me in my cockcage you jelly

>I'm not a race traitor, anyone who would consider dating or sleeping with another race should be executed.
You're more than welcome to try, faggot. Hope you like the taste of hot lead.

How many layers of irony is this post on, my dude?

>she has dated white guys before.
But didn't she say:
>anyone who would consider dating or sleeping with another race should be executed.
Surely someone wouldn't go on r9k and be a hypocrite.

post it baybee

the spirit of r9k is to have a comfy time

if a woman is fetishizing race or some other innate qualities, she's definitely not worth pursuing.

oh please, when was the last time you pursued a woman.

That's pretty stupid. Why aren't innate qualities worthy of being taken into consideration?
Are you possessing of inferior innate qualities and thus hate women who select for men who are better than you?

i said fetishization, not avoiding the consideration of such innate qualities. sure, natural selection works the invisible hand, but i am not referring to women who are pruning men for genetic qualities for their children. i'm talking about women (and men) who just see features innate features of men and women that they want to form a forge a permanent relationship with as vessels for sexual features.

it's been two years. i decided after the breakup to work on self improvement instead.

I want to fuck some more black hoes but I wouldnt date them, just doesnt make sense.

That's a big cage

That's fair, I spoke too harshly and extend to you my apologies.

Racemiximg is degenerate

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That's terribly autistic and she'd probably hate you for doing it.

You've bedded them in the past then?
How does it compare to sleeping with another race?

I've never had a white bf, dumbfuck

You live in a white country and would have it no other way though. Also speaking a white language.

white FWB then?

what you gotta realize is how intellectually dishonest women are to men. i think theyre more honest and open to other women.

theres no way this girl can compare which penis size is best without having tried a variety.

>women cannot determine what size phallic object they prefer based on sex toys


>white men take all asian women

how do asian women exist then?
biggest population in the world is asians...

lmao top kek

i knew you would cop out to sex toys.

As long as you do it in a playful manner to tease her it's fine.