Why don't you just start lifting? It's gonna fix literally all of your problems. besides being a manlet

Why don't you just start lifting? It's gonna fix literally all of your problems. besides being a manlet
Name any problem and I'll tell you how lifting fixes it. It took me a year to go from left pic to right with no chemistry.

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Other urls found in this thread:


just a question, OP
do you go to the gym or just bought some weights?

>with no chemistry
Yeah, sure.

do you eat special meals and supplement and all that horseshit or just watch your protein intake? impressive OP, im inspired to get back into lifting. i did it a lot in rehab for obvious reasons and have been cruising off that ever since, starting to look deflated though

and will running also help? considering i should change my life around

shut up jealous fag, youre still fat even after insulting him

>inb4 im OP

nope, just dont fuck with armchair pussies

yes, dont take the meme, running helps with blood flow and shit and idk it might make your gains less but you get more oxygen to your brain. also do yoga not like pussy female yoga but learn some stretches and always stretch your hands and feet. life will change immediately

how does lifting fix my autism?

Fat face cheeks. What do? I aint even obese

I don't have money for gym. I wonder how lifting helps with that.

I'd rather exercise my mind thanks

>shut up jealous fag, youre still fat even after insulting him
How fucking stupid are you??
Where did I insult him you stupid fucking cunt faggot? I said he looks too good for natural. What a dumb idiot you are. Kill yourself.

Will lifting fix my deformed face and head fucking faggot?
No, so fucking kill yourself

>le more iq than you
Really why is everyone on this board bragging about iq? Whats the point of it if you aint a retard.

I go to the gym
The only thing I take is whey powder when I dont manage to get enough protein on a busy day. I don't pay attention to what I eat tho. Just protein.
Yea I guess running will help. Although I don't do cardio.
If you're skinny or fat, saying something autistic comes off creepy. If you're buffed it comes off cute random and quirky and you can get away with it.
Less sodium, more water

I've been watching what I eat and do loads of walking, yet I can't lose belly fat and I find myself with skeleton arms. I also tried swimming it's helping but not enough. Also a manlet.

No, lifting wont make me tough and wont cure my borderline autism.

skellies have the best base when it comes to starting out lifting. they can bulk for a year straight and still end up relatively lean

No thanks, I don't feel like dedicating one eternity to do something that I hate with a tiny miniscule chance of looking somewhat presentable, only to find out that I still am well behind everyone else.
I've tried lifting couple of times, calorie counting, keto, and didn't see any results, even after 4 months of working out EVERY day, no rest days, combined with keto diet. So even if I did what OP did, I would never ever look even similar to what he looks like, especially not after just 1 year.

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I was going to chastise OP for posting a clearly fake transformation, there's not one year between those photos and you don't gain 30+ pounds of muscle in your first year alone, but seeing the amount of coping from idiots is distracting.


>no rest days
I tu jest problem grubasie
Miesnie musza sie regenerowac

nogains loser

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Lifting cannot save a hairline just saying

He's flexing and could have a post workout pump.

Can lifting give my life meaning ?

I've been trying to do 100 and pushups situps every day. Will that get me gains?

A ty to kurwa kto

I didn't even loose any weight, I put special attention to my tits, to get rid of them, and they didn't even get smaller. If anything, I've lost some water weight so I looked even worse, everyone could notice my wide hips more.
I'm not blaming it on "muh genetics" but I would have to work double as hard to get what other people have, and when I realised that, it made me feel even worse. Can you imagine being such a failure?
One user wrote once, that life is like a race. Normies are already half way through the track, while I'm not even at the starting line yet. Even if I do my best, I'll still be way behind and the only thing I'll ever see will be the backs of people who are in front of me.

>Brainlet doesn't understand that physical exercise is mental exercise.
I wonder how shit posting on r9k helps with that. They are completely unrelated, you can work out at home without buying anything.

I enjoy being slim
the male form with muscle isn't very beautiful

you dont understand at all do you

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do you even know what coping means retard?

It's still a bit much. I'm assuming he took a photo from his teenage years for his beginning photo and he was actually bigger when he started. You would be hard pressed to find a natural that can put on 30 pounds of muscle in a year, even if they started very skinny. He doesn't even count calories, so that's another problem. He wouldn't be able to consistently bulk or cut.

I'm not saying he is huge, practically anyone can attain that naturally within two years. It's just too much for a year's time.

You'll just obliterate your muscles with no healing and no chance to grow. Instead of increasing reps focus on higher difficulty, that's more effective. Eg. doing pushups with your feet on a table.

Cope: to struggle or deal, especially on fairly even terms or with some degree of success

Which one of the post were you? I want to insult you more specifically, but I have nothing to go on other their you projecting your retardness onto me.

other then*
Got caught up with the Robot not allowing my text.

>not will
I remember when I was into lifting and my grades went down and went up after I stopped.

How will it fix my baldness?

Yes, that's what a association is, but it does increase mental performance short term as well.

>I remember when I was into lifting and my grades went down and went up after I stopped.
That's completely retarded. You shouldn't be in school if you can't afford to spend a few hours of free time a week without loss in performance, unless you're some how alleging that lifting made you more stupid, which I can see that still being a problem, but you're going to have to provide evidence to support your case.

More like TRUTH.

No, but it can help you look like you're not a cancer patient and make your balding more socially acceptable.

I've been away from this place too long. I could fill a book with the amount of excuses given. Just admit you don't feel like it. There's no need to list all your trivial problems and then act offended that this specific thing won't solve them completely.

I have a spinal problems so lifting is not going to help. Ill end up in more pain.

Best i can do is eat healthy and walk and i try to swim during summer.

I'll actually give you a serious answer if you tell me which one of the posts you made. You know, instead of mocking you.

Stick to a program. Eat clean.
Doesn't have to cure it. You'll be able to get away with it.
That's true.
It changes your face, and also you'll definitely look better than being ugly and skinny
You need rest days idiot. You can't work out every day. You got a decent frame. Building more muscle means your muscles burn more calories meaning your TDEE becomes higher, meaning you'll lose the chub you got.
It's one year buddy. Started November 2016, worked out till July 2017, stopped because stupid shit and problems, got back into it in January 2018.
Milk, peanuts, scoops my friend.
I actually stopped my balding somehow. Don't know if it was the change in lifestyle, my all around happiness and no stress or what. But it stopped.
Maybe you find your purpose in lifting, who knows
Yea to some degree. If you want to get "toned", but you won't build any real muscle with calisthenics

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How is it short term when I got shittier grades while lifting?
>You shouldn't be in school if you can't afford to spend a few hours of free time a week without loss in performance
Sorry too much time for vidya, it's more important. For exercise I just sprint nowadays and it's more effective and less time consuming than lifting was.
>lifting made you more stupid
It consumes people, I couldn't get my mind off of it, always worried about progression and muh protons and whatnot.
>you're going to have to provide evidence to support your case
Can't prove a negative, proof that it makes you smarter is on (you) desu.

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So, OP, I'm this guy
So you are telling me that if I start attending gym daily, like you did, I will look like you in a year's time? And you are absolutely sure it will happen? Can you tell me that if I do the same exact thing that you did, I will have the 100% exact body as you do, in 1 year?
Because I highly doubt it. Because if that wouldn't be the case, then you, sir, are full of shit. Oh, and btw, will gym fix my small dick? My thinning hair? My fucked up teeth?

To what extent are your spinal issues? Can you not do seated shoulder pesses, chin ups, bicep curls, dips, and dumbell flys?

Dude in OP is on the sauce. His upper body is past the natty limit and his legs remain undertrained. Dude juiced on a brosplit.

"I actually stopped my balding somehow"

Are you getting paid to be this retarder or does it come naturally to you?
"wow guyz, lifting stopped my balding, and my dick grew 3 inch bigger, and i became 2 feet taller guyz, totally, my teeth started to grow back and everything guyz, just lift bro"

>I'm this guy
You cross linked to another person, me, but I'm not OP. Do you mean you're the balding person?
>So you are telling me that if I start attending gym daily, like you did, I will look like you in a year's time?
You will look similar to that within a few years, almost regardless of where you start, unless you're a part of a small minority that doesn't respond to weight training. You could look better in less time if you have some muscle to start out with.
> 100% exact body as you do, in 1 year?
What is this advanced coping? You obviously won't look 100% the same, that's not how genetics work. You will however, look better.
>ill gym fix my small dick? My thinning hair? My fucked up teeth?
No, but it can help you fill like you don't need to fix every single problem you have in order to function.

Name a problem yeah so I can not find the motivation to lift

> It took me a year to go from left pic to right with no chemistry.
I don't believe you. I have been lifting 4 times a week for 60 weeks and look nowhere near.

You don't have to make it sound like a competition. I started working out because a fat friend talked me into it. Then when I saw results I became addicted. Find a split program you like, work out hard, eat properly and sleep properly. Trust you will see results very soon.
I did the same user. I turned my life around 180 degrees when I was 21 and I'm the happiest I've ever been. It's never too late to improve.
As I said. A year and I've been blessed with good genetics and naturally high test, so I got lucky there I admit.
And bulking and cutting is worthless. I did nothing but eat at a calorie surplus and stayed pretty lean and my lifts have been going up consistently.
This guy explained it well There are a lot of exercises that do not burden the spine. But okay leading a healthy lifestyle without lifting is great too

>no chemistry
How did you even grow a pair of arms in the span of 1 year?

I want nothing more than to be strong and big. Everything else in my life has lost all appeal. I see my weak arms and gross physique and just wanna die. I have a bar, weights, a bench, and a rack, everything ready to go. But every time I start I hit a wall of plateau after like 4 months on a normal compound lifts 3x a week routine. I think it's because I'm always starting from a skinnyfat base and can't consistently increase calories without the majority going to fat. I'm currently cutting down to skeletonmode and hoping to build up from there, it's the only thing I can think of that would work. I just wanna be strong ffs

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>It's gonna fix literally all of your problems.

I still don't understand how anyone with a IQ above 80+ could believe that stupid shit. Saged.

OP, I'm currently having trouble with getting an SSD tensorflow implementation to generalize sufficiently well to a satellite database containing several hundred million images. All my attempts at modeling the data distribution and regularization are only giving moderate results. How can lifting fix this for me?

I can't tell if you're kidding. That's not even close to the genetic limit, which is around 22-25 FFMI. He's likely only at 20.5-21.

He only has about 15-20 pounds of muscle on most people. It's the progression that is suspect, but it's technically possible if you take a short skinny high test person that doesn't eat and have them train for a year. It's just unlikely. He has especially good arm genetics on top of it. Usually they won't grow that fast.
Bulking and cutting is a necessity for nearly everyone. Your circumstance was different than most people but you'll see that as your rate of muscle gain starts dropping off and your added calories turn into fat.

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But it is a competition. It is if you want to achieve anything in life, anything more than sitting in a room and playing vidya. And I loose all the time.
Also, even when I tried working out, I hated it. Made me cry couple of times, hated myself during and after work out even more. I can't explain it, but it just makes me so angry than I either cry or start hurting myself. That "mux oxytocin" doesn't seem to work on me. There wasn't a single time when I was actually feeling better about myself after excercsing.
"within few years"
"You obviously won't look 100% the same"

I am not going to lift, then. Imagine this: you want to buy a car. You saw your neighbour getting a new dodge charger, and you want to buy one yourself. So you go to a dealership, you spend the resources (money) and buy a car, and the car aslesman tell you that you have to wait 3 years to get that car. And when it finally arrives, it's a Prius. Wouldn't you feel angry? That after spending the same amount of resources as the prevoius guy, you get someting much worse, and you have to spend more time to get it?

"No, but it can help you fill like you don't need to fix every single problem you have in order to function."

But I do need to fix every single problem in order to fuction. Again, imagine this. There's a car, and it's fucked. Broken. It won't drive, so it's useless. It has a broken engine, gearbox, and no wheels. If you fix just the engine, will the car become useful? Driveable? No, because you fixed just 1 problem, and you need to fix all of them for the car to become unfucked.

Because I have this on my stomach (the red line is just because of sitting down, that goes away) but the random skin pigmentation doesn't go away. So I could get ripped but I wouldn't want to go shirtless on a beach anyway. Also, my dick is small af so I could have a ripped body, the girl would be expecting some kind of God in the bedroom and then I whip out my tiny dick. Fuck that.

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It's very hard to see gains on a skinny fat body unless you lift for longer periods of time. Cut down, keep lifting, and see if you made any progress after a year. If that doesn't work, get your testosterone checked.

What are you lifts at the plateau? What program do you run?

You're clueless, that body isn't equivalent to a new dodge charger. The example doesn't make sense, everyone would have to wait a near similar amount of time, depending on what they were willing to pay(effort). When it finally arrives, it would be slightly different, but you would have known that after a few months.

What you need to do is start cutting down. You don't even have to lift for this. Within a few months, you'll see what you look like underneath all your fat. You'll be a bigger version of this if you lift.
>There's a car, and it's fucked. Broken. It won't drive, so it's useless.
How is having bad teeth and a receding hairline, like 95% of white men will get before they die, somehow equivalent to a broken car? Is your sole purpose to mate? Has no one ever married someone with those qualities and a small dick? It may not be worth the effort, just to get laid, but it's worth the effort to make you feel better. It's a basic human experience that most people avoid because it's hard.

I'm weak af and I don't want to be cucked by wheyfus at the gym.

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I can tell you exactly what I did if you want
I'm doing simple PPL with stronglifts included and I'm eating a lot. I'm flattered you think I'm roiding but I'm not
Balding can be caused by a lot of different things user. Stress being one of them. I have no reason to lie on here im just telling what happened.
Let the fact that you'll be superior to 95% of people be a motivation to you
You have to push your body to it's limit. If you don't up the weight you work out with and work till failure you're doing nothing. It's the last rep you muster all your power for that counts the most, because that's the one that signals your brain that your muscles need to grow.
Close grip bench, heavy spider curls, cable pull curls, triceps extensions etc
Don't do just compounds. SS is a meme. Do stronglifts but include isolation exercises. The plateau usually happens after 4-5 months but it's short lived. At 8 months you'll see a huge difference and after a year an even bigger one.
Pic related is 4 months appart after I've already been working out for 6 months. The difference isn't huge, but my arms and forearms are a bit thicker, core is thicker, legs are thicker, traps and shoulders are bigger. And I'm even flexing like a retard in the first pic. Don't give up, it's gonna be worth it.
Well maybe lifting will help you understand
The answer will come to you in the form of a bright light while you struggle with your final rep on the bench press
It's something that takes time. Your habbits of playing games and jerking off made you used to getting immediate "rewards" so then when you lift and don't see immediate results you get angry. It's a mindset that isn't healthy and you should change it and watching your body slowly develop will do that for you. Sculpt yourself into something you'll like and I can tell you it will feel better than winning in any video game

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Literally no one gives a shit about your slight skin pigmentation problems, they would notice that you're fat before anything else. Lifting doesn't just effect how you look with a shirt off, but how you look in clothes and how your face and neck look. How you physically and mentally feel. How anxious you get.

>lifting weights is the same as exercising the mind
>therefore exercising the mind is lifting weights
>therefor coming up with elaborate shitposts is lifting weights
c ya losers, i'm Jow Forums now

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> You have to push your body to it's limit. If you don't up the weight you work out with and work till failure you're doing nothing. It's the last rep you muster all your power for that counts the most, because that's the one that signals your brain that your muscles need to grow.
Fucking bullshit. I more than doubled my working weight and can bench 2 plates now. Go fuck yourself.

Holy shit what an abomination, why do women do this to themselves?

I want money, not grills. Lifting will only waste what little money I have.

"Is your sole purpose to mate?"

Well, aktcthuallly, it is. Animals' sole purpose is to survive and make babies, so yeah.
Bad teeth, shit hair, tiny pencil dick and that shit body are a major setback when trying to find someone who would love me and feel comfortably around me, and spend the rest of my life with me. That's because I would never be the best one, so she would leave me for a better guy as soon as she would get the chance. That would be the final blow that would probably brake me completely.
And yes, people with small dicks do get married. And then they get divorced. Or the wife always fantasises about being with someone else. I don't want to be someone's reason for unhappiness, especially if that someone would be my wife. She would never lust over me, I would never be the first choice, I would be the typical example of a provider, except I barely survive with the money I get now. And yes, OP's body is a Charger in my eyes. And no matter how much time I would spend at the gym, I would certainly NOT look like OP in a year's time.
Would you take a horse dick up the ass for an hour every day, for 5 years straight, just to have a tiny chance of winning 10 mil $ after all those 5 years? No, because that would be a torture for you and the prize isn't even guaranteed. That's why I'm not going to torture myself, just to have an almost non-existent chance of not looking bad. I wouldn't even look good, it would just be "not looking like a mutated fetus" tier in my case.

i'm too scared to go to the gym. how can lifting fix m fear, when i can't even lift?

>why do women want to get bigger and stronger and more confident

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"Let the fact that you'll be superior to 95% of people be a motivation to you"

I won't ever be superior to anyone, because I shouldn't even be allowed to live, but I'm too much of a faggot to kill myself. And yes, I am use to immediate rewards, because that's the only pleasurable thing that I will ever get. And no, dedicating myself to lifting won't make me look good, but you just don't understand that I just won't torture myself for many years for no results. You can't understand it because you're not me, you don't know the mindset of someone who didn't achieve a single poisitive thing in their life, of someone who failed at literally anything that he tried. I'm not even good at games and I play them every day for 21 years now.

"It's a mindset that isn't healthy and you should change it"

Oh, wow, I never thought about it, I didn't know it's that easy!

"bro just don't be sad bro and you''ll be happy"
"have you tried not being depresed?"

I didn't mean or imply biological purpose. Both teeth and balding can be fixed, along with lack of money. Then you'll be one of the billions of people with a below average dick, but you'll have a decent body on top of it.
>That's because I would never be the best one, so she would leave me for a better guy as soon as she would get the chance.
That's 100% of women. Chads date as high as possible and there's almost always a mega chad waiting around. You shouldn't lift for women, you should lift to feel good in your own skin and experience what is like to overcome physical objects. Everyone is below average in one or many ways, yet most of them go on to have stable relationships.
>And no matter how much time I would spend at the gym, I would certainly NOT look like OP in a year's time.
One year, three years? Does it matter? You're here for around another 60 years. 60 years of inhabiting your weak, fat vessel.
>Would you take a horse dick up the ass for an hour every day, for 5 years straight, just to have a tiny chance of winning 10 mil $ after all those 5 years?
It's not actually that hard once you get used to it. It become progressively easier as time goes on, even if the weights are increasing. I used to hate it but I've come to enjoy it.
>an almost non-existent chance of not looking bad
You're really exaggerating. Normies think anyone with a six pack is a fitness model. Post your current body and I'll tell you if you have decent genetics or not.

white: approximate pose if actually real. would have to break your back in three places to get this lmao
red: incompetent usage of clone tool.
yellow: looks like the burn tool was used excessively here. don't really know why either.
green: incompetent use of liquefy. floor tiles also slightly distorted, a tell-tale sign of liquefy.

also no clue what's going on with her left breast, it's like whoever shooped it wasn't even trying.

t. photoshop is my career

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Bitch, I did post my current body. PIC RELATED, it's me, you cunt.
"One year, three years? Does it matter?"

Oi, how about I hit you in the face, with a baseball bat, every minute from now on? 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 years of that, does it matter? Yes, yes it does. No matter how long will it take, it's still not pleasant, it's still painful, and the loger it lasts, the worse it gets, not better.

" I used to hate it but I've come to enjoy it. "

Oh yeah, just because you like something, that means that every other human being on the planet is the same and everyone will enjoy it, too.

"you should lift to feel good in your own skin"

How often do you do good things for people you hate? Do you give presents to people who you hate? No, you don't. I can't lift for myself, doing something for yourself is pointless. You always do things like that for an external reason, whether it's money, pussy, fame, or curing polio.

Attached: gruby1.jpg (1494x2656, 762K)

Any tips on gaining weight?

forgot to add two things;

the filter used here is used quite often in the biz because it accentuates shadows and makes your face look more attractive and accentuates your breasts making them appear larger as well. (although this doesn't apply for this specific photo, for reasons outlined in my second point)

also, the use of the black tank is not accidental. Combined with the filter, you can't even see the breasts aside from the cleavage and barely-visible silhouette. breasts are likely enhanced with a push-up bra in both photos. in the muscular photo, she blends in with the background and wears a dark top so shadows (or lack therof) cannot betray how small they really are. liquefy is used to improve the profile so they appear bigger at the sides, but you and i know the truth.

>so jelly he still thinks it's shooped

Check out her instagram.

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I have a small peepee and my psychologist says im avoiding getting in a relationship with anyone

(Other poster)
>21 year old incel tries and fails to win the adversity Olympics.

>You can't understand it because you're not me, you don't know the mindset of someone who didn't achieve a single poisitive thing in their life, of someone who failed at literally anything that he tried. I'm not even good at games and I play them every day for 21 years now.
That's the same for nearly everyone on this board, well, before it started getting invaded by more teenagers and faggots over the last five or so years but you get what I mean.

There's tons of very depressed people that use lifting as a treatment. I shouldn't need to tell you that you should try to do things that will lessen your depression, if it's possible.
You're not deformed at all. You're actually have a fair amount of muscle mass, you're just very overweight.
>Oi, how about I hit you in the face, with a baseball bat
False equivalence. Lifting isn't really painful.
>Oh yeah, just because you like something, that means that every other human being on the planet is the same and everyone will enjoy it, too.
Generally, yes. Your brain releases endorphins and you can become addicted to something that you hated. All humans have a similar response, providing they are exposed to something similar long enough.
>How often do you do good things for people you hate?
I'm doing something for someone I hate right now and I'm likely wasting my time giving them advice.
> Do you give presents to people who you hate?
Yes, basically everyone in my family. Handmade as well.
>ou always do things like that for an external reason
No shit, and there's plenty of reasons why you should work on fixing yourself, if only because it will make your suffering less.

i've been lifting for about a year now and i can't get serious gains because i'm in ketosis. unfortunately my skin can't handle carbs so if i went off keto i would gain muscle but my face would get acne again. lifting has toned my body a bit but i'm still underweight. so how do i gain in ketosis?

>Why don't you just start lifting?
because it hurts my joints you faggot

Same code as before. whoever shopped this one was probably different from the other one, because this is exceptionally bad.

>implying i'd ever be jealous of an insecure roast.
not trying to deny that she is fit either, but you need to keep in mind that this is how the whole instagram fitness thot business works. i've done this exact same shit for them. trust me, they all either shoop it themselves or hire someone like me to do it for them. flat asses and small tits don't bring in a lot of ad revenue.

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>still mad

Check out her videos. Are they also shooped?

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Bot of these postswere writteh by me, I'm not 21, I'm 26 bitch, do you think that I started palying games as a 2-week old newborn?
1. I have no muscles, and I'm not very overweight. And that's the worst thing. I'm 186 cm tall, and I weight around 88 kilos. According to BMI calculators, I'm literally 1,5 kilos over my ideal weight. Yet i look like this, which means that I have no muscles whatsoever. That's why it would take mee ages to get to a normal person's levels, let alone OP pic levels.
2. Lifting is painful and very unpleasant to me.
3. I've said it before, working out doesn't make me feel good, not during the process, nor after. And I'm not talking just about lifting, I've tried running and cycling too, and I hated both. I get panic/anger attacks when lifting or even doing pushups, I start to cry and shake, and when I calm down, I have no energyu left in me so I just try and fall asleep, because when I wake up I'm numb again and I prefer it that way.
4. I didn't ask you for any normie-tier advice so if you hate replying to my posts, just stop doing that.
There's plenty of rreasons to fix oneself, but I don't have any of them. I'm not going to do this for myself because it's useless and I hate it, so if anything makes me suffer less, that would be not trying and failing again.

Did you really type all that user ? Pretty sad desu

>start lifting
>gain respectable muscles
>nobody notices because I don't walk around shirtless
>back to being ignored as usual

How do I get in decent shape without having to go to the gym.
I hate being around people so I'd rather not go to the gym.

>besides being a manlet
I'm not so sure, man. Lifting fixed my back and neck and I grew up like 2 inches.

How does it fix my social autism? Dont tell me people will just sudenly start liking you more cuz you have bigger biceps and chest.

>ur jus mad xD

it's pretty easy to do the same shit with vids as well, just requires a different program. its called magic bullet or some shit, i can't remember

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dude, you can't outlift autism

>im just too good for the gym
Yeah Thats why youre on 4chin.

Dude you can see muscles through a shirt unless your wear 2 sizes bigger.
You yourself don't notice but it does get noticed.
Also, sleeveless tops are nice and breezy

>chinlet and other deformities
>fucked up teeth
>acne all over my body
Is lifting really going to fix all this?

Why? Stuff like that gets posted on r9k every day, multiple times. I don't see anything more sad in my post, it's just the truth.

>Why don't you just start lifting?
Ptoblems with spine.
So I just doing kardio

lifting for women is a waste of time

>Has babby joints
>The other person is a faggot
You know, much of joint pain is from muscle weakness in the surrounding area. Lifting also helps with some forms of arthritis and helps to reduce pain as you weaken and age.
>o you think that I started palying games as a 2-week old newborn?
No, but you obviously exaggerate almost everything so I assumed the same. You're still not even a wizard yet.
>1. I have no muscles, and I'm not very overweight. And that's the worst thing. I'm 186 cm tall, and I weight around 88 kilos.
Yes you are very fat, you just don't realize it because extra weight looks better on taller people. Your ideal weight is around 165. The 1.5 kilos 'extra weight' is just what puts you in the normal category. Technically not overweight, still fat. You're around 25% body fat, that's around 30 pounds of fat you could lose down to 10%, and you would lose some muscle along the way.
>. Lifting is painful and very unpleasant to me.
So is nearly everything you do, and life in general. The general pain of your position is worse than if you had to lift while figuring your shit out.
> I've said it before, working out doesn't make me feel good, not during the process, nor after.
It takes at least a year. I used to hate running and other things as well. I didn't get a 'high' from it either. Your panic attacks will go away after some time. It's just you not being able to respond well to stress and your CNS getting fucked with.
> I didn't ask you for any normie-tier advice
It's not.
If you hate yourself, why would you let him torture you for the rest of your days? Hate is either constructive or destructive. All the best power lifters have intense personal issues.

Attached: 6'2 182 pounds.jpg (536x808, 53K)

I'm sorry, what??!?!


Attached: 2ECB5265-867E-460B-A422-7AF04C04D2D7.png (640x360, 550K)

Fuck, that first part was to: