the million dollar question, "what can i do to change"
nobody can ever be sure in somebody else's place with a certainty my brother, what worked for me is overcoming anger, i used to go into rages that cost me jobs and relationships and often nearly landed me in prison, my greatest change was realizing that my anger is insignificant and nobody in this world deserves my hate, and that in the grander scheme of things anger is merely a moment of stupidity
try meditating for starters, not just sitting and concentrating on mindlessness, but really isolating yourself in nature and having a conversation with yourself, i tend to take long walks into the woods and ask myself these questions once a week;
>what do i regret?
>what do i fear?
>what do i indulge myself in too often?
>what could i do better?
>what angers me?
>have i met my goals?
>have i improved the world around me?
>am i happy?
for you specifically, i would try to enrich not your body or your mind, because you are already athletic, and you are already smart and most likely handsome - enrich your spirit, once a day, lend a hand to somebody in anyway you can; compliment a passing stranger who looks down, assist an elder with heavy groceries at the store, wave to a child
on top of this, once a day, find beauty in nature - this includes people - stop what you are doing just for a moment and take something in, really take it in, pull a flower from the dirt and feel the petals, inspect the features of a stranger and note what you think is attractive about them and what you admire, do this with men and women, take these things in to help grasp the concept of your insignificance and humble yourself, because when you finally understand the connection to the world you are blocking through this notion of being more mature than everybody you will realize even though you are small, you are integral to the world spiritually and you will be larger and wealthier than you ever were before
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