>be me
>193cm, 85kg
>grew up on farm in AFRICA and extremely fit because of it, also have the added bonus of an exotic, colonial accent
>run my own digital media company to pay for college, fairly successful
>completely financially independent
>excellent programmer but dont give off the 400lb hacker vibe, you wouldnt know unless I told you

>literally cannot get a text back from any girl, rarely even a snap back from any girl
>more mature than ANYONE my age


pic related is unironically me

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Other urls found in this thread:


Are you the Zambian Rhodesian from Jow Forums?

You cant be THAT mature if you come here to ask for advice

You were born in the wrong year, dude.

Enjoy celibacy.

Because you're ugly and boring and spergy.

You're 6'4. Unless you're ugly you can make a dating account and get any roastie you want. Just mention that you're 6'4 in the bio

yeah actually i am, i was under the impression most people stuck to one board

Sex is not a reward. A gf is not a reward. Women are not things you can attain by acting the right way. You are not owed anything.

I have few friends in the states still - that and I guess I just have an overactive mind that's geared towards business. It was either you guys or one of my SEO clients so, yeah.

are you black? post your face and hide your eyes

also, sorry to break it to you, but many people do not like the african accents

are you black op?
unsuprisingly not original

I imagine you come off extremely condescending when you talk to girls. That's a turn off to anyone.

You're showing redditor feminism garbage vibes

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No I'm one of 40,000 whites in Zambia. We live in a very rural place on a commercial farm but I'm in the US for college.

Also it's not an african accent - it's colonial british. I hate guy scott(zambia had a white prime minister back in 2014) but its the only clip I can find of a zambian:

You could always date a colored. White? And have money? Holy shit, you have your choice of Xhosa, Zulu, Sotho, anything you want. It is like a buffet of thicc black girls that would literally worship your white cock. You gotta get tinder or something, you don't realize what kind of gold mine you actually are in. Why settle for some shitty Afrikaaner slut that already took kaffir dick a thousand times?

He lives In America but he said on pol that native African women in the region are very ugly.

Tbh they look like men with female voices

Call me a roastie all you want, but this is truly the harshest red pill to swallow. Life does not owe you fuck all.

>you are not owed the basic things that make a society functional

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>t. Roastie

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you're probably ugly as fuck despite your status and wealth

Nigga the vast majority of men and women somehow end up having functional relationships. Society is functioning just fine.

>this is what lanklet virgins actually believe
Most incel robots are tall.

Yeah you only owe sex to chad not people with terrible genes I get it. We've heard this a thousand times before. It's why feminism exists in the first place. To make women whores for the top 20% of males

>Tbh they look like men with female voices
op here, this 100%

i'm going to give you a hard pill to swallow then; you're white, tall, fit, and have money but the reason why you're failing is either all inward or it's your face - though i have a feeling it's mostly personality related

look at your OP, all you did was post your accomplishments and skills like life is some sort of min-max resume, you assume you are more mature than anyone your age, you assume you have a good body, you assume you have a good accent, you are stricken with hubris and a poisonous ego and you sound too insecure to look inward and view your problems

thinking you have everything in order or you have done everything right means you have not even breached the surface of self improvement, realize you are not perfect and realize that this cycle of assuming you are, failing to attain a girlfriend or a hookup, and then thinking it's the world's fault or some sort of divine punishment is ruinous and it's only gnawing deeper and deeper at your roots

i am not a good man, you are not a good man, none of us are, find a good and real truth to strive for and actively invoke positive change of character and the development of the self - when you stop basing yourself on your achievements and possessions and realize what builds you is your failures, then girls will come, and then you will realize that you no longer strive for excellence for girls, but yourself

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at 85kg i could likely lose some weight actually

No, you can't be tall and incel unless you're autistic or ugly

well, shit

what can i do to change that?
and I wouldn't say my face is extremely attractive but im certainly not ugly

Do you really think there are women on this site? Come on man. Like I said before, the overwhelming majority of people end up in functional relationships. There is no data whatsoever that backs up this 20% figure I see thrown around over here a lot. On a more anecdotal level: I'm a dude in his 30s and literally everyone I know is either married or has had at least 1 functional relationship over the years. This wasn't true in high school, where relationships were much more exclusive and reserved, but became true as I aged.

You actually ARE owed sex and love by virtue of being born. It's just that no one can force someone to give it to you.

Autistic and ugly men are usually tall.

Incels don't exist you dolt.

Owed by fucking whom? As far as I know there's not even worldwide consensus on whether you're owed to LIVE by virtue of being born. You may theorize all you like and we like to put up "universal human rights", but it's all wishful thinking at best. The universe. owes you. nothing.

Maybe because you are a nigger?

You are trying too hard. Treat women like cats - you ever try to chase a cat? But ignore them and all of a sudden it's "hey," "whatcha doin?" and "can I sit in your lap?"

> The universe. owes you. nothing.
> but dont you dare start shooting roasties
The state of reddit.

Nature you fucking faggot. You're owed as a concept/theory but its not necessarily fact that you'll obtain it. If you exist and capable if feeling love you deaerve it. Stop with that "le life/universe/existence isnt fair" bullshit. Life is fair; PEOPLE are unfair. I'm not fucking campaigning for state-issued gfs. I actually believe in self-improvement and shit before findig a gf. I just hate roasties and faggots.

Sounds like you're an autistic retard who can't conversate properly.
Happens to the best of us

they're also usually quite thin which I'm most certainly not. I wouldn't say im overweight(I can still see significant definition in my arms/abs, but by absolutely no means am I thin.

If this helps I go to a KNOWN party school and the girls here are quite vapid however I don't know how widespread that is here in america.

text me hihi


the million dollar question, "what can i do to change"

nobody can ever be sure in somebody else's place with a certainty my brother, what worked for me is overcoming anger, i used to go into rages that cost me jobs and relationships and often nearly landed me in prison, my greatest change was realizing that my anger is insignificant and nobody in this world deserves my hate, and that in the grander scheme of things anger is merely a moment of stupidity

try meditating for starters, not just sitting and concentrating on mindlessness, but really isolating yourself in nature and having a conversation with yourself, i tend to take long walks into the woods and ask myself these questions once a week;

>what do i regret?
>what do i fear?
>what do i indulge myself in too often?
>what could i do better?
>what angers me?
>have i met my goals?
>have i improved the world around me?
>am i happy?

for you specifically, i would try to enrich not your body or your mind, because you are already athletic, and you are already smart and most likely handsome - enrich your spirit, once a day, lend a hand to somebody in anyway you can; compliment a passing stranger who looks down, assist an elder with heavy groceries at the store, wave to a child

on top of this, once a day, find beauty in nature - this includes people - stop what you are doing just for a moment and take something in, really take it in, pull a flower from the dirt and feel the petals, inspect the features of a stranger and note what you think is attractive about them and what you admire, do this with men and women, take these things in to help grasp the concept of your insignificance and humble yourself, because when you finally understand the connection to the world you are blocking through this notion of being more mature than everybody you will realize even though you are small, you are integral to the world spiritually and you will be larger and wealthier than you ever were before

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I think it's laughable how you cannot face ideas that oppose your own without turning into a tribal idiot. Because I have opinions that are different from yours does not make me entirely different. I've been to this site probably longer than you have and we probably agree on a lot of issues. Closing your mind in this way is a terrible practice that leads to mental atrophy.

As a purely philosophical idea, you can't defend the idea that nature owes you anything. Owed implies that you have a right to the thing, where it is an injustice if you don't receive it. There is no natural injustice to dying a virgin, much like there is no natural injustice to women dying in incel shoot-outs. One is a legal injustice, for sure, but in a state of nature there are no rules and nothing is owed.

Nature gave us feelings for a reason. We're driven to satiate/please those feelings. That's, what I think, our prime directive is. These feelings wouldn't/shouldn't be there if they were something one could simply ignore.

>am i happy?
See that's the thing user. And thank you for such a long, well thought-out post. I genuinely appreciate it.

Here's the problem - I've done all of what I did in the OP, I've tried to be the best person I can possibly be.

I JUST want someone to share it with. how do I do that?

Nature didn't "give" us anything. Nature has no will. What you mean is more like "feelings have an evolutionary advantage", which is 100% true. Also, our evolutionary prime directive is to reproduce, pleasure is an instinctive way to get there. It's very difficult, if not impossible to ignore this. I completely agree with you. I'm also not saying anyone should. But being OWED something implies justice, which is a purely human invention. As far as humans go, we may each decide for ourselves what is owed us. When we form large groups (society) we may collectively decide on what is owed to the individuals. But never forget that it's all man-made. Nature itself is cold and indifferent to what man thinks it's owed.

well, are you happy? separate yourself from your goals, step back and realize we all covet things and we all chase love or money or fame and realize the absurdity of it, remove women entirely from the equation for now, have you met the goals you set for yourself and truly wished for or goals you felt needed to be done? do you feel accomplished or do you still feel longing? you have made money, you have improved your body, but have you given the time to reflect on what could truly be missing? these are not fundamental cornerstones to a healthy spirit, money and physical attractiveness, these are good, but not fundamental

i am the same as you, i also chase love, but in my journey to become a better man i've realized it's not a conquest and it's not another marker to add to the board, you and i and everybody on this board and every woman and man on this world are already connected inextricably in ways we can't fully ever comprehend; are you lonely? you are never truly alone

do you have friends? plenty or few? are they good, long time friends? no man is an island, and the first step to finding the right girl is first having other connections built up, be pleasant with your family, be pleasant with strangers, share with your friends and treat them well, strive to improve your community, plant trees whose shade only children generations from now will know

the first factor you need to look at is location and submersion, are you around women a lot? are they of the standard of character you wish for? online dating apps or clubs isn't a bad start, but the most important thing to remember and realize is that women are - as i've said - connected to all of us, and creating some facade or putting on a show for them doesn't work, treat them as people and be comfortable in their presence, genuinely seek out getting to know them, understand their problems and what they covet and what they chase and recognize how similar they are to you, don't stress it so much

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>where it is an injustice if you don't receive it. There is no natural injustice to dying a virgin.
>doesn't get to pass on his genes
>lives in a society that openly promotes love ad sex, yet can't get any
>that's not unjust
>UNJUST: not based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.
"resistance to unjust laws"
synonyms: unfair, prejudiced, prejudicial, biased, inequitable, discriminatory, partisan, partial, one-sided, jaundiced More

>what is morally right and fair.
Are you claiming this is somehow universally true? What is morally right and fair is up to humans to decide. Americans have currently decided it unjust to cut off the hands of thieves, while in Saudi Arabia it considered just to do so. You seem to have decided that not passing on your genes is unjust. Society seems to disagree. Moral law is a majority rule, human, not natural.

as an addendum and in regards to your hubris, also practice this; before you find and judge fault in somebody, or more particularly a woman, recognize if you have made or are currently in similar fault

we all are dealing with our own battles and we all journey up our own mountain, and what may seem like easy traversing to you may be the hardest part of the climb for another person, or a woman you are interested in

don't be so quick to judge others, and don't be so quick to put yourself above others, you will find happiness when you accept yourself for all of your faults hidden and perceived and you will find good and true love when you do the same for everybody else

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Sad rhodesia is no more, you could have had a qt maybe

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>more mature than ANYONE my age
There you go, you think too much of yourself. That or you talk too much about yourself

>plant trees whose shade only children generations from now will know

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Not the guy you replied to
You believe in something called moral relativism. Some (much of this website in particular) would disagree in favor of moral objectivism. You're making a generalization about how ethics are perceived in our society, as if our laws are necessarily morally correct and the majority decides what constitutes "good" and "bad". In reality, we are forced to obey a certain degree of moral objectivism whether we want to or not. This in itself can be called unethical, since we have no autonomy in the matter. You're trying to rationalize withholding sex from a certain group of people, while ignoring the fact that almost everything in our society is predetermined as "just" or "unjust" without the consent of the majority.

I wish I was this naive lol

Step 1 :
Literally stop actively trying and looking for one. Very few men can pull that off without reeking of desperation or neglecting other important aspects of themselves. Women sense it and it's deterring.

Step 2 :
Now that you're not actively looking for a gf but that you just keep your options open, work on achieving your goals no matter what they are.
Getting fit, finishing college, improving your carreer or cleaning your roombucko are all legitimate things that will make you an improved and more relaxed individual. This should translate in better self-confidence, which is sexy and always good to have, and women will also see you as soothing.
Girls like sensing that you hjave your shit together even though you still have your flaws.

Step 3 :
Cultivate your social life. Anything is good, the only rule you should just losely keep in mind is that you should aim for social activities where girls will be involved. Playing Magic or organizing LANs with your bros are cool things to do but you won't meet new people (and girls) there. Engaging in outdoors sport activities is a good middle ground.

Step 4 :
Don't catch oneitis, at least not until she's the one who's in love first. Keep your option open, talk to several women at once. Acknowledge and embrace rejection. It hurts like fucking hell, but still less than being cheated on after a LTR or less than a lifetime of frustration as an incel. There are lessons in failures, seek for them. Question yourself first after a rejection, and only after that, entertain the possibility of the girl just being a cunt. But do it in that order.
> how to handle rejection
You move one and cut all ties instantly. You don't ask why, you don't try to "reason" the girl into being attracted to you. It never works. You say "your loss", you move on, and you make sure you cut her out of your life. From my experience it drives women insane to see they can be zapped so swiftly and there's a lesson in this for them as well.

Dating isnt a game. Just meet new people and let it happen. A dating profile (that is not Tinder)might help.

>nature is cold and indifferent
>female virgins non-existent in nature
>male virgins abound
Sounds like nature favors one sex over the other

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I have a degree in philosophy, I know what it's called m80. I have never found good, solid evidence for moral objectivism (or really, any kind of hard objectivism) to be the case outside of theology and other religious thought. Also:
>You're trying to rationalize withholding sex
I'm not rationalizing withholding anything. I was simply arguing the idea that "doing the good deeds = the sex" is reductionist and misguided. I may have invoked moral relativism as people started responding, but at the end of the day that's my point. I am however defending the idea that any individual may at any one moment decide to withhold sex from any one other individual. I believe strongly in freedom of choice (let's not get into a free will debate). I don't agree that society withholds sex, as sex is not a commodity society is able to either gift or withhold. Sex is a personal property that is tied only to the freedom of the individual holder.

tell me what you think exactly is naive

>males tend to be stronger and more capable of defending themselves
>females tend to be weaker and more prone to violence and rape
Sure sounds like nature favors one sex over the other.
I too can make up random examples that favor some larger theory. Doesn't make either true.

Hey, dont get snippy with me user. Youre the one claiming that nature doesnt owe anyone anything but do we live in the wilderness where we are judged by natural law? No. We live in a society with structured rules and we are most definitely owed things, most notably life and water at the very least

That user destroyed your point here
But if I wanted to humour you I'd say yes. Life aims at self preservation and reproduction, and therefore females are often better off when you look at animals. In various species they are bigger, they live longer, they may even be stronger while males exist to pass on their genes and sometimes straight up die off.
You're still not owed anything, not sex nor love. You just have a deep, ingrained longing for it, as we all do.

Again, reading comprehension user
We do not live in the wild, we live in moral societies and by signing our social contracts we are expected some privileges. One of those privileges is the right to marry and raise a family. Obviously no one cares about male virgins but go on and google search unmarried woman kills herself at 30 and see how many hits you get

>One of those privileges is the right to marry and raise a family.
I live in the same society, but do not remember being taught this. Meanwhile, I do remember being taught that access to clean water, food and education is a human right. Interesting how that works, no?

in a moral society the only right you can expect is not being killed, enslaved, or given unfair or unequal treatment, you saying "one of those PRIVILEGES is the RIGHT to marry" is literally nonsense from a semantic point - you have the right to love and be loved and you have the right to marry but nobody is culpable to marry you, what is even your point here?

>I was not taught this
Ignorance is no excuse user, you should know better.
When Americans were promised their own houses with white picket fences, did you expect those houses to be homes for single men?

>what exactly is your point here
>or given unfair or unequal treatment
You answered it for me. Women have a massive advantage in not ending up alone versus men. Its unequal, literally

>I was simply arguing the idea that "doing the good deeds = the sex" is reductionist and misguided
Of course it's misguided.
The real problem is men are taught from a very young age that being kind and doing nice things for women will evoke any sort of gratitude or recognition. They are also taught that women will be kind to men, as long as men are kind to women.
This is why men get confused and frustrated when women refuse to express any sort of gratitude or respect in the face of a good deed. As a man, I know that credit should be given where it is due, and that I should never take someone else's help for granted. If a repairman fixes my car, and performs a service I could not have done on my own, I will be grateful. Women cannot comprehend this.

If a man wants sex, it is up to him to get it. Dealing with a woman, being kind to her, treating her with respect, all of this is useless. Doing good deeds will not result in good things happening to you.
Despite what people my age have been told for years, people will not treat you the way they want you to be treated, especially when they can get away with it. There is no such thing as karma.

You think that changing your outlook on life to something more positive will actually change how women perceive you. Sad!

you're mixing up the "american dream" with the concept of civil liberties, nobody is stopping you from seeking out a relationship but you're not afforded any sort of right to receive one without working for it, life fundamentally isn't perfectly equal and fair but it is balanced and sometimes animals are born only to be eaten by their mother and sometimes men or women are born and never manage to get married, it's a selfish and stubborn concept to believe in any way you're somehow supposed to be granted anything but the bare essentials for free, why are you not equally angry that some people have to take the bus to work but some people fly in on a private jet to work? this is the nature of things

>Women cannot comprehend this.
I was following you until that point. Arguing that an entire gender is incapable of a certain basic cognitive function is naive at best and damaging at worst.

>Again, reading comprehension user
You don't yet get to be haughty towards me, user. As I read you I see no evidence of you being able to afford that attitude.
> We do not live in the wild, we live in moral societies and by signing our social contracts we are expected some privileges. One of those privileges is the right to marry and raise a family
Debatable, on the ground that you or I never did sign anything. Still I get your point, JJ Rousseau, but unless you can prove your point with a solid source, your claim that "One of those privileges is the right to marry and raise a family" is void and made-up by your sense of own entitlement.
Again, I'll admit that I'm wrong if provided a reliable source enforcing your point.

> Obviously no one cares about male virgins but go on and google search unmarried woman kills herself at 30 and see how many hits you get
Anecdotal evidence. I know the article you're referencing and I see it as nothing than generic British tabloid trash, good and easy to raise pity from relatively uneducated audiences. I don't know if yoiu're Anglo, I'm assuming you are, but you'd be surprised how much less prevalent those kind of shit newspapers are in different countries. Everyday you can cover a shady minor news item, the point being only to provoke cheap catharsis & voyeurism for the reader.

Yet you're still not owed anything. Society as a social contract, depending the country in which you were born, usually states what its citizens are entitled to. I know of "liberty", "freedom", "the right to pursue happiness" (note that the wording implies it's a pursuit, not a given nor a guaranteed result) or "justice for all" (what a good joke), but I have yet to hear a society that enforces the "right to marry and raise a family".

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you entirely missed my point, changing your outlook solely for female attention is the absurdity many people follow, when you properly develop the self and invoke positive self change people, not just women, all people, will be easier to speak to and accept and this integrally improves your chances of finding love

>in a moral society
low IQ alert

>the only right you can expect is not being killed, enslaved, or given unfair or unequal treatment
One can argue that being denied love and affection constitutes as unfair/unequal treatment. In many cases, those who are alone cannot control the factors which place them in this situation. For example, many lonely men claim that their genetics (height, facial structure, race, etc) repels women from talking to them. They are being denied happiness because of something they cannot control. See how slippery your slope is?

if women have a massive advantage in not ending up alone why is the population increasing exponentially? men and women have been getting together and staying together since the advent of mankind, just because you now feel otherwise doesn't change anything - like i said, nature isn't equal, but it is balanced, some thrive and some perish, when you accept this and stop fighting against a cosmic system and shouting into the void you'll see things aren't as bad as you've been pushed into seeing

Not the entire gender. Just most white women in the west.
In my experiences with women who grew up in societies which did not put females on a pedestal, I have observed very different behavior. For example, the young chinese women who worked in my lab last year were respectful and polite by default, similar to how men are expected to act towards women. If they received help, they would express gratitude. Many western women, however, are hostile and entitled by default, and any help they receive is deserved. As such, they feel no need to be grateful.

>mixing civil liberties with American dream
I am not mixing up anything. Under the 14 amendment, Americans are granted equal protection under the law. Not only are men disenfranchised from the majority of single women, they are handcuffed in their actual pursuit (if they happen to be unlucky enough to be average looking)

>you dont get to be haughty towards me user
Neither do you. Judging by the way you type and how you argue your points, you have an unrestrained ego and consider yourself to be a master of philosophical argument. Im used to meeting people like you on the Internet. Often times youll stick to your guns because the thought of you being incorrect is earth-shattering.

Im going to stick with the other user because the cognitive dissonance resonating from your posts is palpable

I see what your point is now.
Obviously, talking to people will improve one's chances of finding love. But this is assuming that women will show interest in a man's personality over his looks. You can be the greatest speaker in the world and still end up empty handed when it comes to women. It's not that simple, bud.

Alright, if we're going to be anecdotal I can tell you that by far most white western women I encounter and work with act no different from men. There are horrible bitches tho, in the same way there are terrible assholes. I've not experienced this incredible gender disparity you seem to. You know, since we're both being anecdotal.

>why is the population increasing exponentially
People are having babies but divorce rates are sky-rocketing. Monogamous relationships have fallen by the wayside but sex is still as popular as ever

>Just most white women in the west
Imagine one hearing you saying that out loud and how bitter and fucking lame you sound. Obviously the issue is with you and not EVERY woman

OP is a narcissist
>waah im doing all these things why can't i get a girl
Because you're a fucking faggot. Your post screams undesirable in every possible way

why resort to such childish remarks when it is clear i am quoting what i presume is your own words?

you are just bitterly ranting now; being denied love constitutes as unfair treatment? does being forced to love somebody also constitute unfair treatment? the "many lonely men" you are using as an example who claim their genetics are the problem are also most likely in the same boat as you, entirely unaware of the world around them, that is their real issue

how many men have you met in person that are truly irredeemable? and not undesirable in part of their bitterness towards the world? nobody is picking a fight with you, the world isn't picking a fight with you, you are creating conflict by assuming you deserve to go against nature and receive for free what every other animal and person has had to expend effort for

like i said, is being denied a private jet to work unfair? if it makes me sad to ride the bus to work, and fate dictated i wasn't born rich enough to ride a jet to work, don't i deserve a jet? is it unequal that one man is rich and i am poor? see how slippery your slope is?

>Neither do you.
When have I be haughty except when countering your very demeaning "reading comprehension, user" ?
I even clearly stated that I would admit that I'm wrong if you were able to source one of your point that I am refuting, yet you seem to overlook that based on your asusmptions towards me.
So, tell me, how can you claim that "the thought of [me] being incorrect is earth-shattering. " when in my fucking reply I explicitly told you that I'd be ready to acknowledge my mistake if proven wrong ? A show of good will you have yet to display ?
If I were snippy, I'd just reply with a
> Again, reading comprehension user

Also, I write like this because English is not my first language so I take the time to word myself properly.
I still expect your objective counterpoints or I'll treat you as exactly what you're accusing me of being : an entitled bitter person on the internet who thinks too highly of its own intelligence and cannot face the possibility of being even slightly wrong.

Again. Totally open to contradiction if it's objective and rational.
Where is it stated by any society that marrying and having kids is owed, where is it a right ?

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Good post. I never saw it that way. It's so fucking true.

MOTHER nature. Nature is female, and is basically a feminist. Indifferent my ass.

>Just most white women in the west.
If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, chances are you're the asshole.

you are still in this surface level mindset of looks and personality and attaining women, when you find peace through becoming a better man part of it is, as i said, realizing the absurdity of chasing women or chasing money or chasing fame - it's not as simple as "talking to people" or being "the greatest speaker in the world" - it's not about improving yourself and coming up empty handed, truly improving yourself is realizing you were never empty handed, you just took for granted what you had

>universe owes you nothing, you backwards misogynist bigot
>don't hurt me! I deserve life! Women don't deserve to be oppressed!

This pretty much sums everything up.
You seem to have an inflated sense of self.

Jesus I thought the conversation was actually somehow educated up until that post.
Thank you for laying it out.

no respect for tall fags who don't slay pussy. fuck you i would use that height way better

equal protection under the law, yes, and in no part of the constitution or any binding legislation in america is it written that you deserve equal chances in finding love, where are you forming this concept that the state and the people who are governed by that state are one whole, boolean entity? businesses are also allowed to not serve you if they choose to, but they cannot discriminate when hiring you, do you get what i mean?

>my fucking reply
This is where. Its obvious you hold a lot of emotional stock in the belief that nature owes you nothing. Anything counter to this belief and your whole theory on why life is the way it is would cause your mind to turn to mush.

I need a rational person to speak to, youre too invested in your argument to think rationally

>>don't hurt me! I deserve life! Women don't deserve to be oppressed!
What a said false equivalency you bitter virgin, you realize you'll never get laid if you continue with this mindset

>But being OWED something implies justice, which is a purely human invention. As far as humans go, we may each decide for ourselves what is owed us. When we form large groups (society) we may collectively decide on what is owed to the individuals. But never forget that it's all man-made. Nature itself is cold and indifferent to what man thinks it's owed.
If 'deserving' something is relative as you say, you absolute fuckwit, I can say I deserve something as much as I want and it has to be true because I, as a human, said so.

You're countering arguments I never made in the first place. You cannot claim that society is moral just because you happen to agree with the subjective ideals that society upholds.

>does being forced to love somebody also constitute unfair treatment?
I think anything that violates someone's autonomy can be considered as unfair treatment. If you are not given a choice in life, and are deprived of the means to make your life better, I believe you are being treated unfairly. This goes for both genders.

>the "many lonely men" you are using as an example who claim their genetics are the problem are also most likely in the same boat as you, entirely unaware of the world around them, that is their real issue
This is not an argument. You need to provide evidence that my claim is faulty. Otherwise, do not try to make a counter argument. I am using the growing number of lonely men as an example of how the distinction between fair and unfair in our "moral" society is bullshit. Certain people are consistently deprived of happiness throughout their lives, through no fault of their own. Denying this makes you look like an idiot.

>you bitter virgin, you realize you'll never get laid
Opinion disregarded. Goodbye.

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>Look mom, I can win arguments by coming up with inconsistent arguments my opponent never claimed or even necessary agrees with!
Your parents must be proud

>I need a rational person to speak to
I reccomend a therapist you arrogant fuck kek

You said the universe owes you nothing for existing. Therefore, you are not owed freedom from oppression, nor free gibs, nor free abortions or anything of the like.

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It sure would be true. For you. Don't go claiming it as a naturally given right, tho. Because that would be fallacious, and also the thing that was argued against, you intellectually dishonest fucktard.

>is it written that you deserve equal chances in finding love
Youre right, it isnt written anywhere but when sexual harassment laws are unevenly prosecuted against men rather then women, we have a problem in the pursuit of love and finding a mate