Stick your tongue in and give that chocolate a swirl white boy

>Stick your tongue in and give that chocolate a swirl white boy.

Attached: 1527436679088.jpg (719x1280, 53K)


mmmmm i would love those little crumby bits from her ass that are of unspecified origin

it'd feel like i'm fucking an alien, mmmm.

I could only get so erect

it really feels like interspecies sex, oh fuck, so hot.

literally looks like chocolate. wow!

looks like shit, literally.

So many dimples on her ass. I want kiss everyone of them.

Looks not human, not attracted desu.

>Super pale myself
>Got a coal-black gf while volunteer working in DRC

Something really appealing to the skin to skin contrast. The relationship wasn't worth it but sitll pretty hot.

Why is your shit so dark? Mine is only that dark when i eat nothing but oreos.

it's darker than shit, tbqh.

>nigger calling itself chocolate
Disgusting to be honest

>the "mah skin contrast" is why I like it
You're just a unique type of deranged racist.

It's not "why I like it" it's just an extra appeal.

>You're just a unique type of deranged racist.

What's your point?

Attached: oswald smile.png (325x516, 162K)

Shut the fuck up you godawful SJW. God I fucking hate you retards. "HURR DURR FUCK WYPIPO N'SHIEEEET" go back to >>>/tumblr/ or faggot. I'm sick and tired of you people shitting up the west constantly.
I'm a pajeet.

Look any of us would be lucky to get a gf
But if by some miracle I get a black gf why can't I enjoy it?

dat contrast between the soles of her foot and her dark chocolate skin is mesmerizing

I'd bust so hard in this obsidian goddess

>No u the real waciss
Fuck off to r/The_Donald