>About to drop out of highschool because I skipped like half of my classes due depression
>Will lose contact to pretty much all of my friends
>Will probably just get a boring job that gets me decent money like banker
>Only 18 years old but my life is pretty much fucked
Is there any hope? I'm afraid I will kill myself. I can't imagine doing a job I hate 5 days a week and not seeing the people from school every day anymore. Please tell me not going to university is as bad as I think. I regret not going to school so much. I was pretty good when I didn't skip half of my classes, I'm about to lose everything I have just because I was lazy and depressed for a few months.
About to drop out of highschool because I skipped like half of my classes due depression
You think you'll be able to score a banking job without even high school? Finish high school at least, my friend.
If you're 18 and drop out you're fucking retarded. Why wasted 10+ years of schooling?
Just fucking finish it and join the military.
You could not drop out.
>he thinks he will only have to work five days a week without finishing highchool
see ya at starbucks nigger
>fall back plan is being a banker
Good luck kiddo
Yeah in I live in Germany, our school system is weird so it's difficult to explain, but I already have the education needed for pretty much all the jobs that don't need you to go to a university.
>Finish high school at least, my friend.
I really want to, but I fucked up so hard earlier this semester that they'll probably kick me out of the school. I just got a letter today that I'll have a conference because of the classes I skipped. My grades aren't the problem, I write pretty decent exams even though I barely visit school.
I got my ''Erweiteter Realschulabschluss'' last year which is pretty good. I can even visit university if I go to another school called ''bbs'' for a year.
A friend of mine earns 2k a month with the same graduation I got a year ago. The german school system has 5 kinds of graduations, the ''Hauptschulabschluss'', ''Realschulabschluss'', ''Erweiteter Realschulabschluss'', ''Fachabi'' and finally the ''Abi''. I got the third last one, which allows me to get the second last one whenever I want and the second last one allows me to go to a university.
>A friend of mine earns 2k a month with the same graduation I got a year ago. The german school system has 5 kinds of graduations, the ''Hauptschulabschluss'', ''Realschulabschluss'', ''Erweiteter Realschulabschluss'', ''Fachabi'' and finally the ''Abi''. I got the third last one, which allows me to get the second last one whenever I want and the second last one allows me to go to a university
miss me with that nazi talk nigga
In Germany you can be a banker with a graduation which is one class below the one I got. I'm actually overqualified.
Listen user, dropping out of high school is a very very bad idea. I know how you feel and you probably just don't care right now and don't see a point in continuing. Trust me when I say that just physically forcing yourself to perform the minimal amount of work to finish high school is worth it. Don't think about why you're doing it, that'll only make you think its not worth it. Promise yourself that you can feel as shitty as you want, but just finish high school.