I am glad you cheated because I learned a good lesson that its a bad move to ever trust women.
So you hurt me but I am grateful.
Also laughed to hear you got fired for being a fucking retard.
- R
Blake Cox
>Also laughed to hear you got fired for being a fucking retard. kek
Henry Ward
H This is what happens when I have a manic episode and the depression crash that comes afterwards. I had a mental breakdown and you gave up on me. You said you understood back when I was doing ok. I doubt you actually have anxiety and depression. You don't understand what my mind just went through.
Luke Carter
Nice a Satan triple
Isaac Flores
P or S - In my mental timeline, you're in the crazyhouse now, getting better or a vengeful forest spirit. I let you down at your lowest. I regret everything.
Charles Martinez
Would you share some of your story
Carson Young
Dear Mom,
Fuck you. I fucking hate you. Every moment I've spent with you has been torment. Why'd you leave dad when you loved him? Why'd you get remarried to that asshole when you hated him? Why'd you lie to me about my dad for 11 years? Why'd you only tell me about my dad after he was diagnosed? What made you think any of this was a good idea? Why are you so fucking religious? Maybe one day you'll put your fucking bullshit religion aside for the sake of your kids. Why don't you accept me for who I am? Why am I stuck with you and not one of your sisters? Why am I stuck with a crazy fucking psycho bitch? I don't know why you thought to have another kid after one ended up with a crippling disease. If you knew you had a disease that passed on, why the fuck would you have kids? And why the fuck would you complain when they need meds and treatment after their diagnosis was your fault in the first place? I don't understand how one human being can fuck up someone else's life so bad. I don't know why I still deal with you. I don't know why any of us do.
All the best, Your middle son.
Jordan Jenkins
I burned down my old life and after a few years of being a neet I started trying again. Met a girl that I actually clicked with. She led me on for attention and I found out she was married. I was also in the middle of amanic episode I later found out. It caused us to lose each other for a few months.
We reconnected and I was happy with just being her friend. Then I started getting massively depressed and she helped me with it. Then she got massively depressed and got a divorce.
So I went back to the doctor cause we told each other we would. Got diagnosed as bipolar. She never went to the doctor and her "depression" went away. She said bipolar made sense and explains how I reacted that summer.
I continued to take meds and was having them readjusted and changed every two weeks trying to get something that worked. One triggered a manic episode causing me to ask her out. She rejects me because she thought I was a drug addict because of cigarette burn scars from self harming that she onetime saw. I completely lose my shit from being rejected but we got over it and blamed it on my meds. But she became distant and cold. Less talking less hanging out. And my doctor removes a med by phone 4 weeks before my next appointment due to it not working. I become more depressed and irritable. We argue again and say it's over. Then I had a full mental breakdown and call her out on her lies and bullshit. She then blocked me
Noah Clark
Dear A (not the A from these threads)
I'm sorry for being so pushy and weird. I just like you so much and I didn't really know how to handle those feels and I ended up messing everything up. Maybe we can catch up again soon, I've seen you look at me so I know you're thinking about me.
-J (not the J from these threads)
My A and me just happen to have meme initials.
Hudson Carter
She said she would never give up on me and we would get through this. But she eventually said it was too much to handle and gave up.
Carter Thompson
Dude I am also a J who is with another A. It's crazy how common this is.
Jayden Perry
If Js and As are this common, maybe I should be looking for an A. -Yet another J
Matthew Lee
Same here but my J would never write me a letter.
Nathan Myers
>tfw i will never hear anything like this >tfw ditched at lowest :(
William Peterson
Are you male and A is female? That seems to always be the pattern.
Jeremiah Thompson
Anna, I seen a girl that looked like you but she didn't shake her ass at me like I thought you would. She didn't shake her tits as well either otherwise I think I would of recognized if it was you or not. If you're shy to show it off that's one thing, but I think this would go a bit different if you wanted to. K
David Walker
J not K , weird typo desu wear a thong and a long shirt or something next time so I know it's you
Alexander Phillips
I know. Expect a message in a few days detailing to you exactly how I will be destroying your life here for what you have done to me.
Nicholas Lee
why do you hate me
Luis Brown
J Lately I've been catching myself wondering if you ever think about me. I think about you sometimes. At first I couldn't stop thinking about you at all and it hurt a lot, so I chased every thought of you away, but now things are just randomly popping up in my mind, like when I hear a song from one of the playlists you made me. I still feel a little tickling in my chest when it happens, which is nice. I hope you're doing fine and life's working out for you. I'm sorry for losing my fucking mind and making you go through a shitty and unnecessary drama, I wish you knew that. -S
Robert Powell
nobody hates robo-boobs people like the soft silicon or smooth plastic
Robert Flores
Good luck, I have no life.
And you're too kind for that.
Ian Collins
Really sucks that things didn't work out between us. Life is pretty damn good now. I've got a nice job, I'm moving up in the world, everything is pretty nice. Still, feels empty without you. I wish you still had a place in my life. I find myself disgusted with thinking about being with anyone else.
Austin Adams
Dear gf,
I don't get why the fuck you don't want to have sex. 2+ years in this relationship, living together for more than half of that time and still only gave me handjobs, mostly.
What I don't get is why you let me fuck you anally, but never your pussy. Seriously considering leaving you. My poem addiction is only growing worse... Whatever.
- G
Joshua Hughes
>poem >sadly meant porn
Jose Lopez
You have something to lose. I am kind, but I'm also mean. I just never showed you the latter.
Elijah Lee
You're not my S, but you'll sever any chance of reconnecting to the one you desire, if you attack. I've made this mistake.
Owen Butler
I don't want to reconnect, don't worry. I'd like to never see A again. Some part of me is still attached but I know that A's not good for me.
Jayden Thomas
Initial? oregano d@
Carter Sullivan
dear jack or Jake of whatever your faggoty name is
Up yours, buddy
cool man
Zachary Reed
Whats wrong with her? Femanon trouble? You post these a lot, you go from wanting to hating to wanting, yknow
Colton Hall
Dear friends and family,
I've just had it with all of you and I feel like I'm going nowhere being stuck here with you folks. Adios pendejos.
Christopher Reed
Friends Family normoe
Ethan Flores
Anna (not OP),
You blocked me and it turns out you had a boyfriend. That's what I get for trying. Either way, I hope it works out with him. You seem happyer: hope you still read these -D
Luis Diaz
>poem addiction Ay man, you looking for some rhymes? Haikus, sonnets, odes, I got it all right here for you senpai
Nathaniel Bennett
Daddy, Would you like some sausage? -Gord
Nolan Walker
go to bed molyneux
Joshua Howard
RO U were the coolest and tried your best to please me. I'm sorry that over time I did not find you attractive enough. I would not get back with you if you were the last on earth. I'm not sorry.
TF I'm glad you left me the fuck alone. I was not the reason you're RS fell apart, as you were cheating the whole time anyways with other people.
XV I regret the time and money wasted on your selfish persona. You fooled me and made me feel sorry. you are a piece of shit and I hope the pimples on your face piss out to the rest of your face so that no one will ever want the selfish garbage whore u are.
RM Leave me the fuck alone. You are such a cheap Prostitute. I don't care that you are making millions of dollars, one thing forsure is that I blocked you for good. You have baggage just like every other piece of shit, get off my sack, for good please
Luke Russell
>when you realize half of these threads are talking to the same extreme ethot anna because she was leading on 10+ guys at once from r9k
I miss you. I never felt like anyone cared about me before you. I was wrong
Liam Allen
Dear me,
It's not the fact that you failed. It's the fact that you failed because you didn't try hard enough. Your dreams are dead because you didn't chase them. Enjoy running out the clock.
Eli Wilson
Dear Jade, Look I'm sorry. I know you ignore all my attempts to tell you, in person and online, but I truely am sorry. The year we spent together was the thing I needed most. As soon as I fucked up, my depression started. I've gone so far down the hole there isn't much hope coming back. I can't move on until I know if you hate me or not. I don't care if you do, I just need to know if you do. The time we spent together was the best in my life. Being all alone after you with literally no one to talk to or do anything with has whittled me down to a husk. I've become worthless. Nothing can be done to change that. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. -J
Unless my Anna was a really good liar I don't think she talked to anyone else. Anna might just be a common fembot name
Brody Ward
Yeah, I know. Actually, I've recovered quite a bit, mentally, but I'd be the first to say I'm still pretty crazy about this entire ordeal.
Joseph James
Mandi, I know I've already apologized for my behavior last weekend and I'm not sure what else I can say other than that I'm sorry. I've been thinking about it ever since I woke up the next morning and realized how inappropriate I was being and I really feel awful about the way I was acting. Drunk or not, there's no excuse for my actions that night. It was the first time we've really hung out in a long time and I ruined what was otherwise a good time. What's worse is that I feel like I've seriously damaged our friendship. I don't know what I was thinking. I value your friendship too much to risk it by being a drunken idiot. That was some Tony level shit and that's not me. I don't know when we'll have another chance to hang out like old times or if you would even want to at this point, but I promise to never make that mistake again. You're one of my closest friends, and I don't want to lose that. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to fix this.
Henry Baker
>thong and a long shirt... Who the fuck wears thongs with long shirts out in public?
Henry Gutierrez
Isn't it sad how they reward her behavior? They claim to hate promiscuous women but here we are. They worship her.
Robert Allen
Are you really that fucking pissed at me this time? Dude, it's not like I shit in your Cheerios or something. Please, stop being angry, care again, or something. Shit. Or don't. And we'll just go the rest of our fucking lives not speaking. You know, the only reason it took me so long to fucking speak to you in the first place was I figured you wouldn't want to since it had been so long in the first place. I'm sorry. Holy fuck. Everyone said you'd get over it quick, and I'm apparently the one motherfucker that can just manage to turn you stone cold. It's been... almost 4 months, and I haven't heard from you.
-Disgruntled, sad user
Camden Walker
I'm sorry for even talking to you in the first place. I don't know what else to say, I'll just leave it like this.
- J
Mason Green
why do i get wrote about in all these threads? is this just a meme
dear c, it makes me sad that you removed me. i really enjoyed talking to you that night. i'd appreciate if you would add me back and tell me what happened at least. - anna
The kind of person that has to really deliberately lift up their shirt on purpose to show off their whaletail.
Wyatt Lopez
Oye nigga
No mames te estoy esperando que aceptes mi solocitud de Skype y me desbloques en Snap. Ya ha sido suficiente tiempo para que estes enojada conmigo y me estoy volviendo loco 2nite, dvd. Hablame very soon porque no quiero sequir siendo estrangeros contigo, todos mis otros amigos/amigas de internet son aburidas y locas y no tengo pazienza para ellos, nececito reirme por in rato dvd.
Tu nigga #1
Lucas Jenkins
logan, just ask me out already. a
Christian Miller
I'll be honestly, I sometimes put Anna/A just because it's popular enough to disregard. Also because A for user.
Parker Long
I know. You're probably bored of me by now. I'm predictable. I'm always there. You never need to be insecure that I'll leave. You know I'll be there every day, that I want to be there every day. In essence, it should be a good thing, yeah? To be able to be reliant on someone being so consistent. But absence makes the heart grow fonder, and it seems like being unavailable can often make people want someone more. I could never play that game though. You probably know I love you, even though you don't love me. Maybe you resent me for it all. Maybe.
I love you. I only hope that when you eventually leave, that I'll forget you. At least that way it'll lessen the pain.
Isaac Barnes
You should just put a real initial in the hopes that they may read it
Noah Gray
To whom is this for
Grayson Morris
Dear C:
It's around 4 a.m. here, and I was just listening to "November Rain" and pretending in my head that you like me back. That song is so beautiful, and it reminds me of you. (I think about you a lot. You're my obsession.)
I just had another dream where I was thinking of you last night. It's been like four years since we last saw each other in person, and I hate that fact. I wish I could've seen you on the 27th like we planned. I hope you genuinely wanted to see me too and weren't just lying about having to cancel the rest of your trip to avoid seeing me.
I know you're marrying another girl, but I caught feelings on like April 30th anyway. I'm already hooked on you because you know me so well and used to make me so happy. Now, when I think about you, I often get sad because you hardly ever message me first and are most likely very in love with your girlfriend and don't have romantic feelings for me.
I would love to have a high paying job, not for myself but mainly so you don't have to worry about money anymore (and so I can help other people and animals out, too). I fantasize about being your sugar mama financially. (Maybe if things don't work out between you and other C, then that can happen.) Also, you can be my daddy dom in other ways, if you're into that, of course. (Not full-time, but I want to experiment with it.)
I hope you're feeling better. Please message me soon.
Grayson Parker
well, just make sure to text it to me because i dont even remember my discord login
Camden Barnes
I never want them to read it. It's too embarrassing and would usually just complicate things.
Landon Clark
Corey A., (AF Corey),
i highly doubt you'll read this or that you even come here anymore. but i've been wondering what happened to you since you haven't been on steam in months. hope you're doing okay bro, any confirmation that you're even alive would be appreciated
- M
Robert King
highly unlikely that it's for you, though you can guess the initial and I'll tell you if it's right
Benjamin Evans
I know it's not for me, no one will ever write a letter to me. Initials?
Luke Howard
why initials if you know it's not for you?
it's for D though
Christopher Myers
because you're a pathetic cuck who deserves to die
Lincoln Hernandez
Now now user please play nicely
Liam Howard
I miss somebody too. We can miss our respective people in solidarity. Unfortunately, I'm a fucking asshole so I don't think they'll speak to me again.
Nicholas Diaz
I bet you're a cuck too. I hate you.
Brayden Collins
Dear R I'm sorry, I want to do something, anything to make you forgive me I'd do anything just for your forgiveness. It was never my intention to blow up the way I did but you were my first and I really liked you. I asked why and you didn't want to tell me so what did you expect to happen? I loved you so I obviously wanted to know why and you gave me nothing. You can't put all the blame on me, I'm sorry. Every time you walked by your face radiated with hatred for me I could sense it. You made me insecure about my height and yet I still have feelings for you but you on the other hand despise me. I pitty you, the shit you went through but that doesn't mean I come from a happy glorious life of joy and laughter. It was never about sex so don't pull that card like everyone else does. You were born into a shitty situation but you know what? for the most part you chose to stay there. People love you and you chose not to love them back and then complain that no one loves you. You can't keep blaming others forever E. I'm sorry and I hope you get to live a wonderful life for the rest of your days. And don't ever forget the promise you made me, don't attempt suicide. -J
Of course you'd never really leave Just onto the next set of innocent robots to play with Should I make you a public figure so you can't continue this? You seemed to really dislike being exposed
Its been 3 years since we break up, and I gotta say for the past 3 years I've seen you growing up, moving on and possibly happy with someone new. I just hope you know that you still have a special place inside of my heart. No matter how far we are, no matter how moved on I am, I'll never forget a girl like you. I'm sorry for everything, sorry for all the stupid things that I've done in our relationship, sorry that I ruined our relationship. I'm sorry, I'm very very sorry.
I'll always love you, Y. Stay safe, be happy and most importantly take care of yourself.
R, I'm sick. I'm nervous. I don't feel well. I just want to be held and cuddled and you're the only person I really trust. Please come over. I feel so bad and alone. I miss seeing you. J
Ayden Russell
majority of the people in your year know you cheated on several assignments and are suspecting you of cheating on several exams as well. Why do we all have to work our asses off when you can slide through with cheating? I hope you will get caught. On top of that, you treat everyone as if they deserve less than you, as if they know less than you. Even fucking lecturers! You think you being arabic is something to be proud of. You talk shit about your white friends behind their back. You are not smart, nor talented. You are a loser.
Person in the same year as you
Levi Price
Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens. I will allahu akbar your ass the next time I see you.
Eli Watson
Ahaha. Oh man, what a riot you are. Even if you manage to carry out any sort of plan, the fact that you fell for everything still remains. You will never erase any of the shame and sadness associated with it all. Never. I will make it fester in your mind and choke you slowly to death :3c
Added loads of fembots, nobody named Anna. You're all being juggled you orbiting cucks
Carson Murphy
Dear S, I'm sorry to have hurt you when all you did was try to comfort me, to be so insecure that I took it as pity and tried to do everything in my power to show you I was more than okay when in reality I'm lonelier and further from myself with each passing day. I'm sorry that I've deceived you, left you high and dry out of an attempt for you to know how I've been left by others. I killed a feeling of true love, that others could recognize just by sight and instead replaced it with a sea of emotions that no one could conquer. I'm sorry to be such a problem who thought you could solve me. - R
Nathan Reyes
Dear P You's a creepy bitch so I deleted you. Sending a message "can you feel the depression in the air" then immediately deleting it is some fucking 2 spooky 4 me stuff. If you wanted to talk just do it normally, fuck. Best of luck to you though! -C
Christopher Morales
being so phony that you cant handle the mention of emotion
I could handle it if it was done in an upfront fashion. Not some subtle "see the message pop up in the corner and then check discord to see it deleted". It genuinely creeped me out and I got deeply unsettled by it. If the message had still been there when I checked I would have gladly responded.
Brody Hughes
J While you think about me I'm getting railed by an arab, sucks to be you - R ~
Adam Cooper
Does he always make you dress up like a goat before he rails you, or is it alright if the lights are out?
I hope you saw the email I sent you today. I had to tell you that I liked you, or rather that I noticed you, because I'm too autistic to say it in person. I'm just the weird girl to you I imagine, the one who stood by the door and waited for you only to freak out and apologise a million times when I realised my mind went blank.
I hope you replied to my email before you left for work, or you will at least tomorrow. I'd rather have an answer either way. No you're not interested or yes you'd like us to get to know each other better.
I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, I just know we're both shy and nothing will ever be said without some pushing on my part.
why not post the email here and redact anything sensitive
Zachary Miller
>Hey, >I'm not very good at things like this but I don't know any other way to say it. I'm very shy and tried to say something more than hello and sorry but I didn't really get anything out despite thinking for a while about what to say. I noticed you and I was wondering if I can get to know you better? >(my name)
I think that was basically it. I can't remember everything exactly and the email is on my work computer. I had to look him up on the company intranet to figure out what his name was. I just really want to get to know him.Also the subject of the email was "Please don't have a cow" in reference to his shirt. There was more to it but I can't remember exactly.
Carson Miller
im going to salt myself to death. im too paranoid and obsessive. you know what it is and what it be. it's good you don't visit this dreadful site.
Nolan Wright
What did I forget my initial? W/ love from J
Chase Gutierrez
Dear ,
I'm slowly losing a slice hope after each day. I don't know how long i can be there for you. Just like it happened before, i can't even help myself anymore, so i don't know what to say. It hurts to see you sad sometimes and feel like i'm being insensitive, because i keep repeating the same empty words and don't know what would make you happy other than being there and waiting for time to heal it. I wish i could wipe the tears away and give you an innocent kiss so you could forget this world and feel secure with me.
But i will dedicate every strength i have left to see you smile, because that's the happiest part of my day, and the last one i'd want to see falling apart.
unironically kys cancer spic this is a WEEBOO website
Owen Hill
Dear J,
I like you. But not too much. Over the years I've learned that what I want is irrelevant, and anytime I have feelings they get thrown back in my face because I'm not good enough. So I'm not going to be rejected again. I just won't see you anymore. The group has lost its luster. It didn't matter that I was ever there. Once I purge myself of this primitive, unwelcome desire to be with others I will finally be at peace. Thinking of soul-crushing things to say to myself is more fun than debate anyway.