Oh shit I'm 23 already

Oh shit I'm 23 already

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Tell me about yourself.

>tfw this will be you in a couple months
i dont wanna grow old

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A month from 22. Old classmates are getting children, full time jobs and even fame. Even my younger brother has a job now. I wonder where did I go so wrong.

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haha i'm turning 24 in september
23 was god awful

I remember listening to this at 16 and thinking 24 is such a long way from then. haha

i wanna die

> 23 was god awful

Turned 24 half a year ago and let me tell you it won't get better friend.

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>tfw will be 24 in a few months and i've done absolutely nothing with my life

You are aaaaaaaaaaaasaghhhhhhhh

better than being a fucking college cuck

>24 and still in college
>will spend 3 years at a uni after having spent FOUR AND A HALF YEARS AT COMMUNITY COLLEGE