>Mention any state online
A few people respond, with Texas Florida, California, and New York some more respond but that is just because those states have a lot of people
>Mention Minnesota
A ton of people respond Oh ya im from Minnesota dontcha know
There are not even that many people from your state why do you always google your state and make it known that you are in fact from Minnesota?
Mention any state online
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck this heat, fuck this rain, I want winter back.
Is this a covert MN thread? I usually troll MN threads into the ground since people there tend to treat me like shit.
Why? Are you from Utah?
Oh ja, it's cause we got some kinda tech hub here and it's always winter so the internet was basically invented by us and loved from its toddler usenet/gopher days up to its final boss form that you all love and don'tcha know today
...i-I really am from Minnesota, someone please respond
I even typed how we talk and everything :(
I almost said :) but that was a typo
I like the rain but hate the heat.
Do people really think Minnesotans talk like that? Is that what people think of Minnesota?
Why are people from Minnesota assholes to me? You really live in Minnesota and are asking me why people are acting like assholes to me? Are you sure you live there? You haven't met one yet?
Hinger dinger durgen I'm from Minnesota too :DDD
Don't you know?
Not that everyone is an asshole. I'm just legitimately surprise. You must not be from the cities.
EGG SALAD. Are ya Lutheran too?
for every poster there's a lot more lurkers
like in dick pic threads, suddenly everyone has a big dick
no, it's just that the small penis owners are not posting theirs
North Carolinian here. Bow down to our superior barbecue and beetus. Let the Cheerwine flow through you! You will all submit to our superior culture, ask not the iowan goldfinch how the southern eagle soars!
Nice try, east coast hillbilly. Come out to flyover country and make ten times as much money as you do now trying to appeal to normies.
>Missouri has way better barbecue and is a short hop on I-35 over a weekend
>t. Ameriniggers
I'm sorry, what shithole do you reign from, sir?
>Blizzard one month ago
>Now it's 90f+
>Humid because of all the rain
>Mosquitos because of all the rain
Why? What's the purpose of this?
I think I'm the only poster from North Dakota
>no hurricanes
>no earthquakes
>not Chicago
>exact horizontal center of country
>best drinking water in the world
Native American curse. You should have listened to the eternal anglo and stayed east of the Appalachians.
Newfoundland. Don't get shot faggot.
Minnesota isn't Memphis!
Tornadoes though
Not this season. Thanks, global warming.
Utah got three on Monday.
No, I'm from Grand Forks desu. Moved oit of state a couple months ago, but otherwise been in ND my whole life.
marginally better than (((south dakota)))
move east ruby slipper nigger
13 posters, 29 replies
utah fag strikes again. did they get molested by a mormon? something wounded that clock up and now it's ticking down
OP here with my first post in the thread because I forgot I made it. People in the Iron Range talk like that and people in Fargo do. I am from Minnesota and have an accent.
Don't worry about Mormons. They're okay, but they can't even take care of their own. They're normals.
alright but if you shave your head and start complaining about the patriarchy while voting democrat im calling your husband to take you back to your harem for fucking things up for people that are not like that
Bismarck here. Town is really growing
oh fuck you too normalgorilla
>being from America
I think you'll find everyone here is from Ohio, OP. We're all Dave from Ohio.
Is this the new juicy meme of the summer of 2018
It implies the poster is a self-conscious pussy and anyone else would care about cringe material since they're too much of a wimp to do anything they think might make other people uncomfortable so they don't get mocked to protect their own ego.
>I don't understand what I'm reading, so here is a picture of another gorillaman.
you are basic
Minot here
Well you kind of got my number there, I was sort of looking for something to b8 or troll with. I am sort of an ape creature and can't really rebut that.
We understand here. This is gorilla-man central, bud.
What do you want???
Is it because you're a whiny faggot
What if I'm half Minnesotan, half North Carolinian?
Does Minneapolis still have that giant spoon with a cherry on it?
I live in Wisconsin but I used a Minnesotan bathroom once.
>tfw no Minnesota waifu
>tfw buggs are starting to show up now that it's summer
I live in Minneapolis. The bugs I ever see are ants, spiders, the occasional roach, and Somalians.
why do we hate Somalians again?
First geners are rude, entitled, take up an enormous amount of the social resources of the state, refuse to learn English, smell, bring their awful religion (most isis recruits from America came out of Minnesota, specifically Somali homes), and worst of all they're the only damn niggers who dare to brave the snow.
Second geners are usually ok.
Because it is a comfy state!
Former Duluthian here.