Industrialized the country and brought back to standard after the failure of the empire

>industrialized the country and brought back to standard after the failure of the empire
>Successfully fought off the Germans and all their various allies despite using only half their army because the rest was over in the East, ad then conquered half of Germany
>Made Japan surrender
>put the first man made satellite in space
>put first first living being in space
>put the first man in space
>second greatest army, air force, and navy in the world
>turned China into the the third (now second) most powerful and influential country in the world.
>quality of life for the average person drastically went up from the previous peasant era
>actually had less famines than before, you're just more likely to get droughts when you're fuckhuge
>Josef "Chad" Stalin did not give a fuck and would purge your Trotskyist ass wherever you may be, be it Spain, Mexico, England or anywhere else.
>made the US so assblasted, they fucked up their demographics and virtues and turned everyone into corporate slaves to virtue signal
>so bad ass, Nordic God of Fitness and Masculinity Dolph Lundgren was chosen to Represent the Soviet Dragon Ivan Drago in Rocky III.
>lives on to this day in secret
Give me one (1) good reason why the USSR isn't the greatest Union to have ever existed.

Attached: commie flag.jpg (600x300, 14K)

>1 good reason
It fell. And it did so almsot all on its own accord.

Not reading all that greentext fag

It is, but muh national socialist people hate on it because their 1000 year Reich failed and their cuck leader Hitler killed himself when he couldn't withstand the might of the Soviet union

All of Europe is in debt to the Soviet union for liberating it from the fascist dogs

I second this, no one fucking liked it. as soon as they had the opportunity with the advent of Gorbachev's reforms, everyone in it and the people of the Warsaw Pact nations immediatly protested it and communism and promptly fucked off, no union that was brought down by it's own people can truly claim to be great.

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All the countries that split off owe their existence to the USSR. Otherwise they would have been annexed and genocided by the Nazis. The USSR then released them after ensuring their safety.

Wow you actually sound like a propaganda administrator for the USSR.
No one in Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, etc cheered on their soviet "saviors" and for good fucking reason. They were horrible leaders whose ineffective management led to genocides. Some on accident and some like the holodomor.

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>No one in Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, etc cheered on their heroic and just soviet saviors
Because they are a bunch of ungrateful cunts and probably retarded as well. Also btw that never happened and is only western propaganda.

>made Japan surrender
No it didn't. By the way? Why are you here and not Jow Forums?

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Helicopter rides are too merciful for communist scum

>No it didn't.
but they did. The Moment the USSR declared war on the Empire of Japan they immediately sued for peace with the US, because they were scared of the Soviet Dragon.

They only surrendered because of Capitalist nuclear weapons. Greedy communists tried to invade Japan while they were weakened like the opportunist greedy fucks they were.

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lmao you actually had me going there for a second but once you call the holodomor "western propaganda" i know you're not a real commie. A real commie would have just said that the soviet union under Stalin was "not real gommunism xd". Better luck next time friend.

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Nah, the japs would have held on, but they were scared of getting buttfucked by the USSR like the Germans got.
>retard doesn't even know what I'm talking about
As expected
Anything besides Stalinism or the official policy of the USSR is garbage. "real" commies get purged, just like in Spain, in Mexico, and everyewhere else they got their trotskyist ass purged/.

You are stupid and naive. How do You think communims worked?

It killed 6 million of its own citizens

t. pussy fag that's too beta to work and die for the good of the people and the motherland
dissenters aren't citizens.

6? Hlodomor alone killed 3-7 millions of Ukrainians during 23-33'. Soviet union killed a lot more of its own citizens, a lot more than Hitler managed to murder

no one's buying what you're selling friend go back to /leftypol/

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didn't happen. But if it had, it would have been justified. Again, dissenters aren't citizens.
>trosty land
they get purged too.

In communism anyone who works harder than the rest to get something on his own gets robbed by the party and state's citizens. Until death of Stalin Soviet Union relied mostly on pillaging its own country of anything it had and selling it to west for mechanical equipment. They wanted to modernize their country yet they left it in ruin. Only thing that saved the soviets was the coldest winter of the century. If allies were in Berlin first USSR would collapse by 58'. Now get back to Your books you fuckin stupid piece of worthless neet shit

Hlodomor did happen, thats what dystopian system such as communism creates. Thievery, crime and disgusting poverty.

>Give me one (1) good reason why the USSR isn't the greatest Union to have ever existed.
why did you add 'SR' ?

twenty second post best post

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>in the Soviet Union, everyone does their part
Yes, glad we understand.
Any thievery, crime and poverty comes from the same people that resisted the Party policy. Purging them would have cleared that up
>massive debt to the state, and the people
>run by the bankers
>quality of life has steadily been declining, all because they adopted whatever was the opposite of what the USSR adopted, regardless of whether is was smart or not
>their president had to ask pretty please can you stop being so mean and take down this wall?
>they then flooded the country with their consumerist and degenerate filth

Here are some Russian peasants selling human meat during the famine that Lenin caused.
Communists have directly killed more people than Nazis. To consider yourself a communist should be seen as worse than considering yourself a nazi.

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>here are some peasants living an objectively better life than they would have had before the Soviet Union
Yes, thank you.
>the allies killed millions of Germans, Italians and Japs, yet nobody cares because they were combatants
The USSR did the same thing. Random insurgents who hated the people. Nothing wrong with killing them

You are a larping wannabe edgy dicklet faggot who real modern Russians would hate and you would get your cunt kicked in by them if you said any of this to them in real life.

you sound angry my man, why not calm down a bit? I know your capitalists masters work you like a dog but it does no good to take out your anger here.

>having to sell their dead children for food
>"living an objectively better life"

>the allies killed millions of their enemies in war
>this is the equivalent of murdering tens of millions of your own citizens in cold blood
commie logic, everyone

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I dunno, I Iike food

There are no censorship here so you can just call them Jews, pal.

The top 1% is only disproportionately jewish, it's not exclusively jewish.

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previous to the Union they were serfs, tied to the land, and were at the mercy of the nobles who could do anything to them and get away with it. So yes, under the Union they were better off.
Also, the ones killed were about as Citizens as the Southern Confederates were citizens, they were dissenters, counter revolutionaries, other such filth.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no policy that can stop droughts. Can't pass any bill that will make the clouds come and rain. Even despite this, food production actually increased under the Union. Communal farms are better than serfdoms.
They run the USA. Every US president before LBJ would hate what the US has become, unrestricted profiteering and debt slavery was never what this country was founded for, it was honestly seen as an enemy very early on in US history.

>ask why there is no food
>get sent to forced labor camp for 20 years

They get themselves some blue eyes and light hair, then change their name to something more native sounding. As far north as Norway, and as far South as Spain and everything in between always bewared the "crypto-jews", jews that pretended to be something else. The jew is a natural nomad, he has no roots, and no loyalty.

>people still responding to this b8

>ask dumb questions instead of work
>wonder why you get a remedial class
>still no one (1) good reason

>previous to the Union they were serfs, tied to the land, and were at the mercy of the nobles who could do anything to them and get away with it.
They were also well-fed
I think being able to eat food and survive trumps any kind of "oppression" rhetoric you commies try to push

>they were dissenters, counter revolutionaries, other such filth
aka "anyone who points out the bullshit in my bullshit ideology"
I honestly don't know why we're allowed to bash nazis but not you commie fucks. You're all anti-freedom and your ideologies run directly counter to democracy.

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>When kikes have fallen so hard they've taken to recruiting tards on r9k.
Okay Schlomo, everyone on Earth with a working brain cell knows that this is bullshit. Go shill somewhere else, even the robots on r9k aren't even falling for this crap.

Communism is a failed ideology because it doesn't work with economy. There's a reason why all communists are relatively the same, treated their people like garbage and didn't manage to feed them. It's an ideology that has been tried to death and has been proven to never work, just let it rest already you fuck.

>They were also well-fed
They were not.
>defending feudalism and literal ownership of people
>stir up trouble for really petty shit
>wonder why you get sent to a re education camp
>western capitalist LARPers
I bet that literal homosexual is a trotskyist too
You are either from
>the united bitches of Israel
>the EuroSrael union
>some third world country
And yet you talk a little jews. Stalin killed jews.

>food production actually increased
under the Union
>why didn't they just make droughts ilegal?
Pick up a book my man.

>They were not.
Yes, they were. Compared communist rule, being fed table scraps can be considered "well-fed."
>having your food taken away from you
>"petty shit"

>The United bitches of Isreal
First off.. that's what you came up with, Jesus. Yes, I am from the United Shills of Isreal. What about it? Just because my country is cucked by Isreal doesn't mean I am. Furthermore, your commie lovin' ass doesn't even realize that Stalin was a lapdog of Russian-Jewish leaders i.e. Lenin, and Marx that actually STARTED what Stalin ultimately finished. To get to the point (because I doubt your retard-ass is still processing all this information) is that Stalin is a product of Jewish influence. So, fuck your kosher ass. Fuck your Marxism. Go drink bleach and die.

He's not even trying to make points anymore. He's like the little kid that shuts his ears and goes "I'm right!" over and over

>>food production actually increased
>under the Union
I'm a communist too, but let's be honest; food production was actually the one thing that the Russian empire was doing properly. Production was rising steadily and was major source of export and income.

>I admit I live in a jewish corporatocracy and that every facet of my life is controles by jews, but I am totally free
whatever let's you sleep at night my dude.

shit flag
literally that's all it takes to be a shit country, get a cooler flag like the DDR and we can talk bitch boy

>I'm a trotskyist
Pls report to the nearest re education center
>the Empire literally had serfs that were tied to the land and were noble property
Correct, the Union freed them. Try providing a good argument first.

tl;dr fuck off commutard

>Red, the color of Heroes
>a simply symbol of the people
I'm sorry it's not ADHD or flamboyantly gay enough for you, but go play Dance Dance Revolution if you want.

I don't give a fuck! I hate all these fucking communist lover and Jew enablers. Weather this dipshit believes in what he/she is saying for not, I don't fucking care because it's so unforgivably retarded to have to listen to this stupid shit. Every single time history has shown that his/hers beloved system has failed. People like this should be used to make an example out of! This guy is a total fucking idiot that needs to learn.

>not even trying anymore

You still sound angry. Calm down a bit, and then try thinking.

I'm not even a trotskyist. In fact, I swear I hate Trotsky.

Serfdom had long been abolished by the time that the Bolsheviks took over. I'm not defending the system, though. I know that peasants were often still exploited even if they weren't serfs anymore. All I'm saying is that it's a lie to claim that the Russian empire wasn't producing food. It was backward compared to Europe in everything, but it still produced food properly.

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Who said I was totally free? All I said was that doesn't mean I am. I don't have to believe the lies and propaganda. How incredibly hilarious is it that YOU think I'm the fool, when you totally believe in this communist bullshit. Please, unscrew your bleach and drink it. Kill yourself loser.

I'll put a bullet in your head and blow your diseased brains out if you try commufucktardism in my country you little shit. I hate you and I hate your ideology.

>I'm not a trotskyist
Yeah, sure thing man.
>SEETHING and still nothing.
Lmao. Which one of your relatives got purged?

Also, lol at you being content with being a jew slave yet acting like such a tryahrd.

For example "purge the kulaks" sounds gay but "cleanse our nation of communist filth" sounds badass

No I'm serious I'll blow your head off if you even attempt it. No I'm not interested at all in debating you I just want to kill you. There is no worth in debating a braindead commushitstain. C'mon start your little faggot revolution so the military can mop the floor with you and I'll have license to explode your tiny brains all over the floor along with all your comrades.

>more angry tryharding
No, seriously, who got purged? Your mother? Father? Both?

C'mon dipshit why do you keep talking about your faggot revolution and your sissy purges etc.? Talk talk talk just do it man so we can do an ACTUAL purge and wipe you morons out. I'd like to show you a real purge. Every communist is a weak manlet and I'd just love to be given the legal right to break your neck on the curbside. Already hard enough to resist as it is. If you had a nutsack you'd get your revolution started right now and stop typing.

>all this impotent rage
wew. And yet you can't do anything at all. How does that make you feel? not even reading your seething post btw.

Your only argument is "umad." God you're pathetic.
Listen I'm tired of hearing you whine and talk about your revolution. Are you gonna do it or not? C'mon sissy I'm waiting so I can cut you and listen to you squeal.

I used to know a commie, he was about 5'3" and pure skinnyfat. A weak pathetic worm. God how I wanted to just snap his little neck. I imagine him when you type. You talk like him. You're all maggots.

Lenin wanted Trotsky to take over the Union after his death, not Stalin. Stalin was a narcissist and incapable of being a good leader. He ruined the USSR, and Khrushchev's removal doomed it.

>post nothing but incoherent rage
>act surprised when you stop getting actual arguments
>I knew this guy, but was just filled with impotent rage and ended up doing fuck all
You don't need to tell me, I already know you're all talk. kek
>Made the USSR the USSR
>ruined it

You're lucky you only have to deal with Antifa.

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National Bolshevism is for edgy fags, just ask Douglas Pearce. Trotsky > Stalin

>Give me one (1) good reason why the USSR isn't the greatest Union to have ever existed.
Because this is.

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ITT: Historically illiterate idiots try to argue about a political ideology using anecdotal experiences and memes

And yes OP, you're as retarded as everyone else in this thread.

The second S

That's not Vietnam.
>War with France
>War with USA
>War with China
>War with Pol Pot's USA backed regime
Man those farmers sure know how to use AK47s

Lol I can't do anything unless you start your revolution you stupid fuck. It's not worth going to jail. That's why I'm saying go ahead and start it up.
Ooh scawy! Oh wait what do you do? Jack shit just fantasize. C'mon man try a coup so we can gun you down. Tired of your talk.

Being an unironic commie should be an execution to be honest. Bring back McCarthyism and hang 'em.

>I can't do anything
Except be assblasted. Lmao

Funny you mention coup, the military is more liberal than most colleges nowadays. It's due to all of the diversity. You tend to put aside racial biases when you're deep in the shit and your ass gets saved by a nigger on the trigger. And with the way the VA is fucking over vets (most of them turn to street drugs 'cause they can't even afford proper heathcare), a widespread military support of a democratic socialist system isn't far off. You would know that if you actually knew anyone that served for a decent amount of time that wasn't a knuckledragger.

>>industrialized the country and brought back to standard after the failure of the empire
This is a lie, the civil war and all the stuff that followed pushed back Russian industrialization, the only reason it appeared to move more slowly in Tsarist times is because the ruling elite didn't want to suddenly force a predominately rural and agricultural society in to becoming an industrial and urban one. They were also not interested in results at a massive cost of human life, they were too humanitarian to even think of industrializing a nation in such a short time period.
>>Successfully fought off the Germans and all their various allies despite using only half their army because the rest was over in the East, ad then conquered half of Germany
This is false the USSR and Japan were not at war until 1945 only after Germany was defeated, neither Japan or the USSR were keen on fighting on another front and so ignored one another to fight Germany/USA. The majority of their armed forced were moved west, famously using large numbers of Siberian/oriental peoples in their forces.
>>Made Japan surrender
The American bombing campaign, naval domination and nuclear bombs did this, the USSR declared war in a pre-arranged agreement but they were mostly interested in claiming islands lost in the Ruso-Japanese War.
>>quality of life for the average person drastically went up from the previous peasant era
This is incorrect, things actually got worse for most people in the USSR, the quality of life for the USSR states in central and near eastern Europe dropped and the lives of millions were ended due to famine and purges. People lived in fear for generations because of secret police and cold war paranoia.
>>actually had less famines than before, you're just more likely to get droughts when you're fuckhuge
Less famines but the ones they did have killed many more people, ironically the incompetent Tsars were better at feeding people because they were heavily agricultural.

Because commies get memed out of pol I recon. Nazis and Commies are mortal enemies even though they are both black boot militarist genociders. In the end though, comminism was more powerfull if not for it's sheer disregard for even it's own citizen's lives.

WW2 was a cancer.

>Because commies get memed out of pol I recon.
Wrong. Pic related. also lurk moar

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Lmao le funnay! Still waiting on that revolution dickhead.
Everything you just said is pure bullshit. The military is not "liberal" in any way and we've always been fine with nigs. They've been in the military since 1860 you incurable fucking dumbass. Get a clue what you're talking about.

>Bill O'Reilly knows what he's talking about
Hilarious since you actual far leftists have screeched that literally everything else he's said has been wrong.

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>The military has always been fine with nigs, since 1860
Huh, funny that the military accepted black men into their ranks before universities have. There's no way that they could be more liberal than universities. Especially not a higher ranks. Weird how Sanders fills a lot of venues with jilted exmilitary.

>still assblasted
you already said you are incapable of doing anything, you are literally some random guy crying and banging his head on his keyboard from rage.
>we've always been fine with niggers
the absolute state of amerimutts. Remember what I said about America backpedalling on everything it stood for just to virtue signal?

I think they'd at least give him that he knows his left from right.

I'm pretty sure he isn't even american, with what little he knows about the culture here he would have had to literally never leave his parent's house.

Yoi do though. Start a commie thread and you get shouted and spammed. Should be bannable desu. Its the only reason other fringe political groups have no representation in pol.

man, you're a newfag. why don't you try fark or r/eddit instead? you don't seem to belong here. there's always 8ch as well if you like imageboards.

>Oh I know...b-buzzwords.
Predictable. Any other fringe political ideology gets shouted down with garbage infographic spam, it's pretty shit.

Accepting blacks to fight with you isn't "liberal" stupid fuck.
>jilted exmilitary
Oh so not the actual military? Glad we cleared that up. You clearly know everything about it.
>Remember what I said about America backpedalling on everything it stood for just to virtue signal?
Oh? So give me an example becuse like I said nigs have been in the military for 150 years so we literally haven't backpedaled on anything. Dumb. Fuck.

Uh huh sure. Communist faggots shilling their braindead ideology on Jow Forums are clearly deeply close to the military and know all about the opinions of servicemen. Military men are all 5'3" noodle armed "intellectuals" whining about dumb shit and talking about revolting against the government who is employing them, you're right man!

You're all absolute diarrhea brains. As expected from communists. That shit rots your brain into sludge.

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No one likes communists bud you literally get shouted and sage'd out of everywhere, and you have since this website's inception. We have never liked you and we never will.

>Military men are all 5'3" noodle armed "intellectuals" whining about dumb shit nobody cares about tl;dr
you're projecting pretty hard there, bud. i've been on this board before it went down the first time. this site was better without underageb& tartlets like yourself

you know we can see the amount of posters in the thread, right?

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Just blow in from r*ddit and figure that out?

I'm 26 and in the service dumbfuck. And everyone I know would take pleasure in ripping a commie's guts out given the chance. You're the ultimate traitors. Everything you say is rotten puke.

This autistic fucker always shills here. I used to think you fucks were irrelevant, but now I legitimately hate communists.

>lying on the internet
sure, your dad work for nintendo too?

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what the fuck i hate communists now. go hillary im with her am i right?

Go back to /v/ fucking soiboy.

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>market socialism
>western collaboration

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