Why traps?

I'm new to Jow Forums, guess I finally gave in to it. Or should I say gave up on everything.

My question is, why is everyone so obsessed with traps, I don't get it. Serious question. What do you see in it, why does the dick make it special

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Were prison gay

Because nothing is more masculine than making a male your willing bitch
The Greeks and Romans, the founders of modern civilization knew this

First off, lurk more before you post.
Second, realize that the average 4channer has had his brain fried by too much porn and a lack of intimate connections. Vanilla porn no longer works for many of us, so we resort to trap porn.

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Fugged 3 traps

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That's the thing man, I'm not any better. I beat my meat up to 7-8 times a day, never having any problems with it. No love around me whatsoever, watching lots of porn, mostly animated one. Hardcore as shit ones that makes me feel like a maniac sometimes, fucked up stuff. But never saw anything that could attract me to traps.

But thanks for the first advice, gonna take a bit to get used to it

>He saved a posted a trap picture
Now you're infected. Welcome to hell, pink pills are complementary

Prison gay mentality

>Prison gay mentality
We are not in prison

Prison of the mind
We've created a void for us to fester in our lack of intimacy

theres only about 10 gay posters in each time zone that circle jerk on r9k. everyone actually really despises the big gay. also if you new, theres a board called "trash" thats where all of the actual r9k posters are, that is if you go for retro.

Speak for yourself
I've had a gf before and I prefer traps now

I'm not attracted to men romantically but I'm very open minded sexually and follow my dick. Hot things are hot!

Ultimately I just want to have a partner to make feel good, I don't care what parts they are rocking as long as they appeal to me and I have a hole to fill!

People with bad experience with wahmmen and still (desperately) need intimacy resorts to a more realistic (ironically) option, men - but since they are not gae, the ideal man would be one that looks like a female; you then proceed to translate everything of your knowledge of man to said new 'woman'
Now get out normie :^)

There's a trap thread there as well.

The whole "trap" term is popular because of troll shitposting on /b/ in the mid 2000s, then it became an earnest fapping fascination once a lot of people realized they were actually into boys who look like girls. Traps are a Jow Forums thing that like tons of shit from here spread it's way out to the entire internet. It's just leaking over a lot more into Jow Forums lately

a lotta gay people are on this site
but they don't like admitting that they're gay

The fuck are you talking about, /trash/ is like 98% weird fetish threads that don't fit in anywhere else on the site

Because women are pure cancer AIDS and only live to destroy men's lives.
Traps know what its like to be a man and what a man wants.
How many bad stories do you hear about of a dude and his trap going bad?
I can't think of any.
Take the trap pill user.

On Jow Forums we have a few small set of autists that shitpost the same bullshit day after day. There's the racebaiters, the chad posters, the LARPers, etc. One of these groups in /lgbt/ shills that go into other boards and try to brainwash people into being faggots.

It's literally because of anime.

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This image is a work of art. I'd love to meet the insane tranny who made it


bussy of course

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We are not obsessed with traps, there is a small cadre of fucking queers organized in discord that spam this board.

dox one of those people and i'll kill them for you. would only take one to stop them all.
it's very easy to shittalk when you think there won't be any response but i promise you that one of them getting slashed would stop them all in a day.

You might want to take it down a notch or two, spook

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Lol, I recognize that keyboard.

dunno i simply want to be a girl and if some people will be attracted to me due to them having a fetish, w/e i guess, i am not going to throw a hissy fit, not like i want srs anyway