HOW do we solve the white """male""" problem, Jow Forums?
HOW do we solve the white """male""" problem, Jow Forums?
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nice video you made OP very funny!
niggers so violent they couldnt protect their mothers from getting raped by european and now can't even do algebra II tier shit. Shit, it sucks to be nigget, even sandniggers are turning migrant into slaves. Shiiiiiiiiet yo nigga.
Hol up hol up hol up
*takes hormone pills*
so you be sayin
*puts buttplug up the ass*
so what you finna be implyin is
*locks feminine penis in chasitity cage*
we some kind of
*drools at the thought of a big throbbing black cock*
we finna wuz sum kind of sissies and sheeit?
we breed them out
t. racist butthurt wh*te boy
Try going outside of your basement and you'll see who's getting raped, bitchboii. Y'all cumskins think you finna be superior on the internet, but in the real world, things are a bit different. faggots ahahahahahhahhahaha
This gotta be the shitiet b8 i've seen today. Keep on posting transexuals pictures. no homo obv. ahhahahahahahsha, no seriously. Get off your computer and start lifting. Dumb nigger ahahahahhahahashshhaha ahahqhhaha
we both know that this is your natural place in nature that evolution has forseen for you, wh*teboii. don't struggle and just accept it, i'm sure you'll like it ;)
how much do u lift dyel
I think we just caught ourselves a fresh, transsexual homo white boy.
What do we do with him??
t. homofag white boi who's just begging to be sissied
Shit you were the retard that got caught doing a trap voice
Did you ever recover from that?
>ah Chad
>p-please be gentle with me
>i-i took my pink pills today like you said
>w-wait Chad n-not right now
>please chad
>ah aha ah ah
>ah chad~
>ah Chad you're going to make me boipregnant!
Nah, my mother forced me to stop or go full HRT mode. I'm on it for like a few weeks now.
yes, I have recovered. I am doing well and making more videos. Anything you'd like to see?
>Anything you'd like to see?
Your feminine boipenop
More gaystolfo
Tyrone gets fucked by astolfo
ur the person doing these vids? u a trap?
>u a trap?
what do you think, big boy? :3
u modified ur voice or what
Nah, I'm just practicing to get a broader vocal span, HRT helps a teeny tiny bit with making my voice more feminine but the bulk of it is me actively training my voice.
Brain over brawn OP.
Cage the gorillas and gas them.
if we're talkin abt the video you linked u dont sound feminine at all. does this make u sad 2 hear
>he thinks that's me
hory shit imagine being this much of a brainlet bitchboii
To answer your question, I can naturally talk in that voice. It's not that hard bro
i'm the second, feminine voice, not the "black" voice, silly OwO
Why are so many niggers gay, it's really weird.
what second feminine voice. and whos the black guy then
both voices are done by haunter, he has confirmed it many times
the quiet voice talking with tyrone at the very end. and the black guy is my bf ^^
He also helped me with editing the video
We have to admit that we have no power to stop them.
1. they cant be racist and we always are.
2. women want masculine men who treat them like shit.
Once we admit this we can try and find another way. my proposal is to use Feminist to destroy them like they destroyed us. Start tweeting and commenting on every rap song and feminist blog about how toxic masculinity is now a black phenomenon.If the feminists do what they did to gaming then black men will no longer be a thereat.
holy fuck just heard it. man u need psychological help, not trynna diss you or anything but you gotta breathe some fresh air brother. you need to get off your computer and stop jackin it to porn. hope u get help bruda.
>stupid alt right babbling
>was hoping for a good meme
>instead it's a shitty video made by a gay anime poster/trap discord shill
just end it my dude
I actually have been seeing a psychiatrist, that's where i got help for my gender dysphoria in the first place, silly :D
I'm feeling way better about myself now that i started HRT, but thanks for the concern :*
Yes but a black vs feminist war would be so fun .
do you jerk off to your own creations? you gotta save your seed man it'll normalize you. semen is power.
>Yes but a black vs feminist war would be so fun .
I don't jerk off, i wear my chastity cage almost 24/7 and i'm only taking it off if my bf allows it
when u cum ull forget all about this stuff-
I wish you would kill yourself.
Oh i do cum regularly, just through prostate stimulation, you should try it some time ;) Gotta find yourself a well hung bf first, tho UwU
teehee,,, u mad, whiteboii..? ;^)
not gay nothing about what ur doing speaks 2 me man. this is some deep shit. u should contemplate what im writing here and think about it.
>reverse image search
>no results
I-is that actually you?
That image is photoshopped. The original one said something completely different my negro.
You should atleast try it out once before you rag on something, user. Who knows, maybe you'll like it, so don't be so mean >:(
O-of course not, user, that would be against the rules. And I'm a good boy afterall. ;)
Yep I am and I'd strangle you to death if you said that IRL. I wish you'd just do it for me.
Your BF is lucky to have such a good girl to play with uwu
are you into this shit 100% of the time or just off an on? how do you feel abt urself in the offperiods if so.
>dat feel when you are asian
How does it feel ape?
nono, I'm the lucky one. he's so amazing :D i actually met him on here
what do you mean off and on? i'm not switching my gender identity off and on if that's what you mean, silly. I'm a cuteboii dedicated to become a cutegirl, dont know what's unclear about that? :O
do you have periods in your life when you think "what the hell am i doing with my life" "i hate myself im degenerate" is what i meant.
this is a no spook-trap thread, user
Fuck off degenerate.