That 21 year old boomer that still uses a backpack without any hint of shame

>that 21 year old boomer that still uses a backpack without any hint of shame

Not even you guys are this pathetic, right?

Attached: backpack.jpg (675x1200, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>21 year old boomer
Don't use words that you don't know the meaning of.

>this thing feeling that it has the right to speak negatively about literally anyone

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What else am I supposed to carry my stuff in?

reminder that the girl that posted this is a morbidly obese hambeast

>that 30 year old boomer that can't keep up with the latest memes

Hello, welcome to Jow Forums. Here we like to enjoy things called memes.

Whoa he puts objects in a bag and carries them around what a crazy world. Haven't been this shocked since that smarmy faggot picture about "white people" drinking water from a jug. Oh, the horror. Don't these people have anything better to do with their time? No, of course they don't.

what else are you supposed to carry your shit in?
a fannypack?
a suitcase?

Using a non-comedic word incorrectly isn't a meme, it's being stupid.

30 year old boomers will just never get it

I work at a law firm in midtown manhattan. Most people wear a backpack to work and carry their jacket in their hand.

Ugh get with the times people. Don't you know you should be wearing a purse(or as I call it a murse) I keep my bottle of cacao onions right next to my balls. Backpacks are just, ugh, let's not even get into it sweaty.

>that 30 year old boomer who can't understand jokes

Should I get a purse instead??? You can't carry a briefcase on a bike.

Assuming you're over the college age you should be using a briefcase instead you're not a fuckign boy scout

Attached: breifcase.jpg (544x480, 59K)

Carry a folder or binder! Virgins use bags

Carrying a briefcase around in casual attire would look more out of place than a backpack

This guy is obviously older than 21 with a baldspot that noticeable. Lrn2maymay and get nae nae'd fag

Imagine someone spouting this nonsense to you while you laugh at their face and wish them a good day.

suit cases are gay

Lol take the subway from chelsea to midtown and you will see way more lawyers with backpacks then with briefcases. People would lol if you used one. Unless you are a 40+ year old partner it's gonna look like you're from the 90s

you simply don't understand normie coping mechanism. Instead of trying to fit in (like getting in shape) learning to be polite, learning apathy, they will just try to shame everyone else. Notice how little there is in commun with Jow Forums and r9k, we reffer to them as "normals" and chads.

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>thinks everyone still uses briefcases
Hello college dropout

mfw that's the kind of shit my 60yo boomer dad uses. kek

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fine, i'm going tinto manhattan on friday for free krispy kreme donuts
i'll take pictures of all the people i see with briefcases and prove you wrong

Women always have to find reasons to feel validated. Can't be a fat bitch, you're a body positive woman who's brutally honest. And these bitter cunts find reasons to invalidate others like OP

lololol kk I bet they will be wearing oversized pinstripe suits

Reminds me of that image of some hole using a guy minding his own business in a gym as an excuse to make a silly face.

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looks like he's going through a mid life crisis

What do you guys wear in public?

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gay underage op

At this point just wear jeans. Damn

...EL OGRO...

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>implying trolling is new

Usually pajamas and mismatching socks.

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Gets me every time

Post bobs qt

I'm a slavic male

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Second hand oversized cardigans that formlessly drape off my skeletal body. Wool pants with nutella stains and off-brand velcro sneakers.

Someone post the one of the thot in the gym making fun of a guy just standing. Perfectly illustrates why women do this.

What is her appeal? I see her on twitter but she's just a normie who is overweight. How does she have millions of followers?

She's an obese liberal female.

You only use a briefcase if you're wearing a suit. If you don't it's pretty dumb to carry around.

What the fuck did this hambeast mean by this?

Attached: hambeast.png (588x110, 13K)

plain tshirt with boardshorts and flip flops. pretty common fashion in aus, but i did feel like a retard whenever i travelled overseas

if you are above 18 you should know how to store your shit in pocket dimensions.

I always wonder people like this are from. That is so wild and crazy you had to post it online?

Last week I saw a "grown ass man" smash a pidgeon's head in with a stick and tear all it's feathers out and try to eat it.

Welcome to the city weird shit happens

You can't fit all your stuff in a binder. You can fit all your stuff in a backpack.

How are they so sheltered they freak out over someone wearing a backpack?

I don't think anyone is trying to be onision. I don't think anyone would even want to be onision.

Dude is mentally ill as fuck. I remember following that dude, in like 2009-2010. He already had a bunch of drama about him abusing his random weird hippy gfs and shit. He had a forum back then and it was filled with crazy underage girls.

sourceee? the girl who posted it

>That dumb shitty millennial icon in the top left

Why the fuck should I care about this child's opinion?

Jesus i actually just looked at him, he's STILL makin videos and has 2 MILLION subs, but is lucky to get more than 20k views on a video now. That has to be one of the lowest view to sub ratios.

What are those shoes that guy with the real shorts is wearing? I need a pair of those

As always, chad can get away with anything

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>do not fuck with time travellers

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That'll go great with my ill-fitting thrift store suit and trilby.

i work in midtown manhattan as well and the old asian lady in the office next to mine brings a backpack too

some people use the backpacks to carry things and keep things in. Not even sure why this is mock worthy by anyone.

It's like those retards that think going to a movie alone or eating alone is a bad thing. Just dump stupid think from dumb stupid people

slip-on vans maybe

>that 15 year old boomer who tries to act smart, but ends up looking like a fag

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I work in midtown Manhattan, too. A significant portion of commuters including me carry some sort of bag with them. Need to carry lunch and/or gym clothes.

i work in midtown manhattan also. i have actually never seen anyone WITHOUT a backpack.

Lazy hoodie, jeans, and a backpack.
Like, literally nothing wrong with wearing a backpack, they're useful and convenient.

My usual daily gear set. Some variation day by day but mostly this.

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>he wears a cup daily
what form of autism is this?

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Backpack appreciation thread?

This is mine
Call me cringe for having a "tactical" backpack like some kinda CoD faggot, but i wanted something versatile and heavy duty that'll last years
Couldn't be happier

Cannae Legion day pack, for anyone who's interested

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Always got to be prepared for the unexpected kick in the balls. Plus you don't have to pull them down to take a shit in the morning.

And? troll harder go outside.

a laptop sidebag
which has the mature appeal kind of like a briefcase

I feel like you have somehow seen less than 0 vaginas in real life due to this.

Just use a messenger bag, you pleb. It's what most of us use on the way to the office, and I imagine most robots don't have suit-requiring jobs anyway. I use a briefcase but solely because I actually wear a suit on the way in instead of changing there. If I needed to carry anything bigger than a phone and some paper I'd use a messenger bag.

lmao good luck kid the other anons right, your more likely to see people in suits wearing a backpack instead of carrying a fucking briefcase.

what you wear is completely irrelevant. how attractive you are is literally all that matters

the difference between being mocked or praised for what you're wearing is the person wearing it.
girls like in OPs image are just looking for an excuse to mock an ugly man

americans are sickeningly neurotic.
kill yourselves.

This is why school shootings happen. You can't do anything different without people making fun of or trying to humiliate you.

I guess your right, did have to watch see a couple of chick's vags on security camera while they jerked off in their jail cell.

oh the irony of her statements about being an asshole. always fat unloveable cunts that have no fucking awareness of the words coming outta the mouth and the it applies to you also of it. What a fat dumb blob

ha I used to hit his forums up and save tons of girls posting panty pics for him. At one point I had about 300 pics of girls in panties saved. I should figure out where I put that folder cuz none of those pics are up on the site now for view or download.

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Backpacks are useful, you twat.
Doesn't matter what some whore says on her Instasnaps or Twitchats or whatever.

My go to outfit is a white undershirt, dark fitted jeans, and white adidas.

I use a messenger bag or a briefcase, I'm not sure what it's really supposed to be called. I got it at a thrift store for a few dollars.

but now I might start using this

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i don't know what yaoi is, but i'm guessing its degenerate

>i don't know what yaoi is
Get the fuck off my board

Yeah, i haven't seen his site recently but I think it's gone down and been recreated anew a few times. I know i browsed the first one and that one went down at some point.

I remember it was in an age of pretty early stickam and bunch of random people, mainly the crazy underage girls, from the forums would use it too. god damn that was a long time ago.

it's gay sex or as some would put it boy on boy love.
so user is letting everyone around him know when he's out and about in public he loves penis

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I dont even like yaoi I just saw the bag at a thrift store for like 3 bucks and knew I couldnt pass it up

I sincerely hope you're shitposting

baccpacc included
they are just like other packs but less shit

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Nice slavcore.


I dont even have a counter to that logic. I know it says I love penis but I gotta have it even tho im straight...

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Oh yes, it's beautiful user
why dont you find out for yourself, lazy?

I use a leather laptop bag in the summer because my back gets sweaty when using a backpack in the summer. During cooler seasons I always use a backpack. Far superior for carrying objects around

Why not wear a backpack are you fucking worried about how you look? Don't be a pussy

I live in a pretty normie area, theres never anything in the stores that arent in Spanish. I saw it and laughed, figured it's worth a buy
At the very least it's a conversation starter at conventions

Learn like everyone else gotta to stfu

i don't have the interest to look up every single japanese sex word you fags use

Nobody said anything about my backback...