What is the most robot vidya game?

What is the most robot vidya game?

Attached: 1524623302146.jpg (206x237, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> dont say darksouls

>don't post any VN's or dating sims

Pokemon go


Crusader Kings 2
>staring at a map of Europe for hours on end
>autistically learning the intricacies of the game
>working your way up from a county to a dukedom to a kingdom in some literally who nation
>buying a DLC to fuck a horse

old ones that no one plays or ones that are to unsimplified for normies to enjoy like dwarf fortress

Aurora 4x
No normie would play it

HATRED is pretty fun sometimes

Fuck I love dwarf fortress so much but I never last long

Strategy games and games pre-2007 are the most robot games

>Crusader Kings 2

You forgot:

>All marriages are arranged

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

The only choice

Halo 3 multiplayer


Super Robot Wars
cmon it's in the title

Attached: Festival of Fools.jpg (1005x1374, 281K)

ok I loved that and would give anything to go back but it was the most popular normie shit imaginable.

If you play games pre-2004 you're a robot

Dwarf Fortress

>single player only
>ASCII graphics
>walls of text
>the graphics are text
>repels normies
>runs on broke NEET craptops
>made by neckbeard social retards
>ridiculous learning curve
>autistically generates an entire world

If it has multiplayer, it's not a robot game

Attached: dwarf fortress update.png (594x334, 114K)

rpg mo

Get out of here, sustainable farming is fucking easy. God damn wanna be.

Real shit
>literally generates an entire universe, with made up people and back stories
> game never ends if you're good at it
> can force dwarves to have waifus
>has harpies, which are like succubi
>your character can get gelded like in real life so they can't contaminate the gene pool

Doom 1/2 very few normfags , loads of mods , pre 2010 , good forums and cheap runs on even the worst neet craptops

Attached: Doom_II_-_Hell_on_Earth_Coverart.png (220x221, 115K)