Work in a creative field

>work in a creative field
>don't get paid unless you actually make something of value
>constant stress 24/7

dad was right I should've became an accountant

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I'm an accounting student.
I have to learn pointless shit unrelated to my major.... Kill me fucking already famalam

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>I have to learn pointless shit unrelated to my major
this is just something universities do to get more money out of you

Thankfully my uni is free, most of my bux goes to the transportation jew.
Fucking kikes reeeeeeee. I can't wait until I actually make some decent bucks here, I will be a shekelstein and afford lots of neetbux for you neets. Hell I see myself adopting one of you as well.

I'm in the same boat. Tired of taking useless classes, but at least I'm not paying for it.

Just draw furry porn and do commisions.

I'm thinking of majoring in accounting. Would you say its worth it?

Eh, it's about not the money but the personal fulfillment. We're all gonna die so at least you're gonna be spending life doing something fun.

Better to be a starving artist than a starving wageslave


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Basic bitch bookkeeping is going to be automated to death, and then its grave will be trampled on by blockchain and smart contracts. Financial data analysis and compliance, however, will keep growing. With all of the crazy fuck laws being made all the time, it feels like future corporations are going to be like 50% compliance officers or some shit.