I think that I've come to accept the fact that I'm just never going to get a girlfriend. I'm not going to be like that...

I think that I've come to accept the fact that I'm just never going to get a girlfriend. I'm not going to be like that. I just give up. I haven't ever even approached a girl before.

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You should try getting yourself first.

and? also, what the fuck is this meme about "approaching" girls? you meet them through friends and then eventually bang them, you fucking idiot. "approaching" girls is something only autists with zero life experience or social skills/cringy dating gurus do and it almost never works. lmao I understand why most people on this board are virgins, you are all retards.

Giving up already user?
I'm disappointed

Yeah idkhow to talk to them other than like a normal person and I honestly have stopped fucking trying


Not giving up I'm accepting my future

>I'm just accepting my future
The future isn't set a specific way
You're setting yourself up for failure and you've given up because you haven't even TRIED

you lose the ability to use your vocal chords and mouth just because you're talking to girls? wow, you really are a brainlet. some people just deserve loneliness, I guess.

I just want to say something but I'm afraid It will be inappropriate or creepy

The funny thing is, this is the majority of Jow Forums virgins. They don't even TRY to get a gf, then they insult women and blame women.

>I think that I've come to accept the fact that I'm just never going to get a girlfriend.\
>I haven't ever even approached a girl before.

The logic is the same as

>I've come to accept that I'll never catch a fish
>I've never even went fishing

So, WHY do so many robots think this? Because they are afraid of the emotional pain of rejection, plain and simple. They would take rejection personally, when normies don't take rejection personally. They move on, and ask another girl. These anons prefer a shut-in life. They prefer a meager happiness, the smallest happiness possible of a isolated life of video games, anime, whatever other hobbies. At least those don't bring any unexpected pain!

Stop fearing pain, stop fearing painful emotions, stop being so egotistical and afraid.

so you are so shit at social interactions you can't say something without being inappropriate or creepy? do you really expect ANY girl to want that? do you have any female friends (probably not judging by your immense amount of autism)

yeah, it is retarded. they're like "I'm a disgusting creep but fuck women for not wanting me"

same. guy friends can think you are best pal, and girls think you are mr sleazy lastboss for saying hello. i have no empathy on girls in their 30s who cant find a guy. screw their judgements. screw them all.

> the future isnt set a specific way

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>meet them through friends
>friends are already dating/fucking them, are more charismatic than you and the girl is definitely interested in somebody else
>become friends with a girl and try to date her and she says she doesn't want tor uin your friendship and then treats you like a "nice guy"
No as far as I know you are supposed to meet girls in bars and clubs. Which I can't do cause I don't drink.

why do people on this website get their info on dating from movies and tv shows? there is no way you're "supposed" to meet girls other than it happening naturally you fucking sperg. also, do you think your friends just got their charisma out of nowhere or do you think they stopped being pussies and worked on themselves? also if girls reject you for being a "nice guy" then stop being a nice guy you fucking brainlet.

I can get plenty of girls that meet the meager standard of "friend."
You are sad about sex.

You think you've given up but that loneliness will eventually come back up and you'll have this tad bit of hope that'll pop up in your head and you'll desperately cling to it until it just slips out of your hands again and you break down. Crying will be cathartic but it is only a temporary fix and you can only go cold for so long

so if it never happens naturally? Yeah my friends always had charisma. I think i had some level of charisma before I hit puberty but then it all faded away. I know one of my friends lost his virginity to an older chick and another one of my friends is already engaged and that all the girls they hang out with have never shown interest in me. I've never been rejected though cause I gave up long before OP did. I gave up around middle school.
and the nice guy dilemma is that people generally establish immediately that they have sexual interest in each other instead of getting to know each other first so when a guy asks out a girl who is his friend she thinks he always only wanted to fuck her and was never actually friends with her. Which has always been the problem with the term nice guy. I have no idea how to flirt, but I'm not stupid enough to ask out girls I know. So hopefully I'll never get accused of that.
Luckily I've still completely given up cause I don't know what the fuck a relationship is at this point or why people bother with them at all.

Women won't accept that. They'll keep bitching till it doesn't even suit their interests anymore

You're making a lot of assumptions about OP. Who says he insults and blames women?

>He ever cared about women in the first place

>also if girls reject you for being a "nice guy" then stop being a nice guy you fucking brainlet.
But then he will lost his friends and their group

I made this mistake before I knew all the facts. I still care ... Lol

to meet girls you have to play roblox you stupid fucking normie you should kill yourself for thinking otherwise faggot

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> havent even approached a girl before
> i give up

So point of your greentext is..?

maybe approaching a girl would be an appropriate first step instead of giving up without trying a single time?

Now always

I was going to make a thread for my question, but this one is close enough to where i could just ask in here.

I don't know about most of the people in here but I always fall into the trap of just never knowing. Courage is something people say "You build' but I call bullshit. People like me will always be a friend, maybe you're the same op but one thing I can tell you, TRY. I'm gonna try, and I'm going to fail, However at least you know.