What the fuck has my life become.
What the fuck has my life become
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I feel you user, wanna talk to me about it?
I think that every fucking day user, I look back on the optimism I had as a youth and can't help but smile and want to cry at the same time, I'm pretty sure in a different timeline everything worked out like I thought it would.
I'm not gonna lie. You can do better
originally this, fucking this
I feel the same, I always used to be so optimistic, positivity was one of the few things I had going for me... now it's all gone, and life seems like an endless loop of getting high and being sad
Sorry for being a faggot, love you man
I feel like every time I manage to make a big step towards bettering my life, I immediately pull out and ruin everything, have you ever felt the same?
so much this, wow, could there be more this than this
Indeed, i want to save up for a gun to shoot myself, i don't like the idea of hanging myself.
I know man it sucks, I just quit vidya after being addicted for the last 8 years, idk what to do but hopefully there's something half decent at the end of the horrible fucking tragedy that my life has been besides death
your life is what you made it, to release yourself from the blame is impossible.
I think so, i get ideas on how to better myself and get myself pumped up before letting myself down by not going through with it, jeez it'd be a lot easier if you had someone trying to better themselves so that you two could balance each other out and keep each other motivated, if it helps at all i believe in you user, ill try to tell myself the same.
Pick up reading. More knowledge, it can be very fun, it also boosts your IQ for as long as you do it. Constant word association is good for your brain also. Literally no downsides. (Even Fiction isn't bad as you still get most of these benefits, you also get to dab on some lesser mortals with your superior verbal fluency after a while. Like "Lol user you don't know what the word propensity means?")
Maybe pick up lifting/exercising also, better to have both a strong brain and a strong body rather than just one.
I think vidya addiction is a touchy subject, I no doubt was addicted myself for many years, but at the same time I've met many great friends over vidya.
I think, just like with any recreational activity/substance, moderation is key, and quitting out right usually doesn't get you what you were looking for.
I wish I could go back and scream at my middle/high school self to put down the fucking controller and try more, but I can't, and I wouldn't listen anyway.
Being a wageslave/alcoholic/living a life of regret is slowly eating at my sanity.
I'm going to kill myself soon, I fucking know it lads.
The only thing that keeps me from pulling the trigger is listening to comfy Irish music.
You were never truly an optimist if your life being shit stopped the positivity. Take a page from my book and be content with anything and love everything.
>waahh muh feels circle jerk
Grow the fuck up. Work out get a job and salvation will find you. Stop crying like a little bitch. If you do nothing then you enjoy your circumstances.
Watch more fulfilling mahou shoujo than madoka edgeica and you might be happier
I used to be big into working out and reading, but unfortunately an eye injury took both of these away from me, I can't safely work out or read since my good eye is having problems now. I've tried books on tape, but they're just not the same. The more I think about things the more I think I should just kms, I'm a shadow of what I should be.
Yeah vidya can be fun, but it's gotten to the point where I just don't want to game anymore plan and simple. On the other hand I want to make progress in my life but am held back by medical issues, it's hell. Might just kms desu, I don't think my life could ever be what I want it to be due to factors outside of my control (eye issues).
In the past few experiences I've had, I've managed to get myself to go through with it, but then realised that it didn't really help me at all. Usually ending up back where I started with a few more people I plan on never talking to again.
I wish you good luck friend
its become nothing, and anime is partly to blame.
post your name and address so i can murder you
Why would you want to do a thing like that, user-kun?
Not to be a crybaby, but some of my problems are mostly out of my control. Just feel lucky that you have the ability to be the cancerous fuck you want to be online : ^)
>Not to be a crybaby but WAHHHHHHHHHH
When I was 3 I peed in my cousins closet cuz I couldn't find the bathroom
Fuck dude you should be a comedian