Red pill me on politics
Red pill me on politics
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9/11 wasn't an inside job. However the government did allow it to happen, I assume they thought it would be a normal hijacking. They needed a reason to escalate Afghanistan and Iraq, funny thing is 9/11 had nothing to do with those countries.
Wealthy bankers groom pedophiles into positions of political influence, so that they can blackmail them into doing whatever they want without fear of them disobeying. Of course, the people pulling the strings are all mostly Jews, who they themselves are also pedophiles.
Evidence of the US's negligence
you can find more true sketchy shit if you do research. Just don't get info from conspiracy theorists.
What are you interested in knowing? Theirs a lot of shit going on in the world today.
Oh god no, plz be joking
yes user take the pedo jew pill! All the chosen people have found the glories of goyim children!
Jews are dumb outside Israel jews who have very odd skill sets and the FBI kind of hates them.
Explain that third building.
At last l truIy see.
Saddam for example never approved 9/11 or organised it. 9/11 was done by a separate organisation from any government in the middle east except possibly Saudi-Arabia. My girlfriend is from Iraq and honestly I can understand why the people in the middle-east hate America after what they did to the region.
I'm actually kinda serious about 9/11
they rejected a search warrant for his laptop which had the contact info for the other hijackers and he was clearly a fucking terrorist.
also there was an attempted fascist coup in the US in the 1930s
nice trips user. spread the truth
I just wanna grill for God's sake!
It's professional wrestling for a class of people below actual fans of professional wrestling.
politics are necessary but brainlets like to go far right or far left so this scares normal ppl from participating
Politics are not black&white.
Left and Right divide belongs to 1800s.
Saddam wanted to sell oil for gold not for US dollar and thus had to go.
Gaddafi wanted the same to get gold for his grand idea, gold backed African Dinar that could be used on whole continent. Africas euro if you will. Thus he needed to go for even trying to destabilise worlds currency market
ISIS is/was US/Israel/Saudi backed thing. Whole Middle-East is mess because more divided it is and more infighting there is, safer Israel is.
Im tired of politics desu
You go onto the Internet thinking there'd be some place to socialize where no one talked about religion or politics, then you find out there is no escaping the normalfaggot cave man instinct shit flinging to pick sides.
Bipartisanship has corrupted American democracy. For a democracy to function properly, there need to be an odd number of parties.
Politics mean almost nothing and the only true way to have political solutions is through acceptance and empathy
>Red pill me on politics
Never trust Jews
don't be a fag who gets all their opinions from rhetoricians and certain politically themed boards, think logically and reasonably and figure it out for yourself. you don't need your handheld.
>acceptance and empathy
very gay